smbmount - 裝載一個 smbfs 檔案系統
smbmount {service} {mount-point} [-o options]
smbmount 可以裝載一個Linux SMB檔案系統。它通常在帶 "-t smbfs" 選項執行 mount(8) 命令時被作為mount.smbfs執行。當然核心必須支援smbfs檔案系統。
smbmount使用的選項是用逗號分隔的一串key=value字串對的列表。It is possible to send options other than those listed here, assuming that smbfs supports them. If you get mount failures, check your kernel log for errors on unknown options.
smbmount is a daemon. After mounting it keeps running until the mounted smbfs is umounted. It will log things that happen when in daemon mode using the "machine name" smbmount, so typically this output will end up in log.smbmount. The smbmount process may also be called mount.smbfs.
smbmount 呼叫 smbmnt(8)來完成實際的裝載任務。你必須確保 smbmnt 位於可以找到的路徑中。
Note that passwords which contain the argument delimiter character (i.e. a comma ',') will failed to be parsed correctly on the command line. However, the same password defined in the PASSWD environment variable or a credentials file (see below) will be read correctly.
username = <value> password = <value>
This is preferred over having passwords in plaintext in a shared file, such as /etc/fstab. Be sure to protect any credentials file properly.
The variable USER may contain the username of the person using the client. This information is used only if the protocol level is high enough to support session-level passwords. The variable can be used to set both username and password by using the format username%password.
The variable PASSWD may contain the password of the person using the client. This information is used only if the protocol level is high enough to support session-level passwords.
The variable PASSWD_FILE may contain the pathname of a file to read the password from. A single line of input is read and used as the password.
Passwords and other options containing , can not be handled. For passwords an alternative way of passing them is in a credentials file or in the PASSWD environment.
The credentials file does not handle usernames or passwords with leading space.
One smbfs bug is important enough to mention here, even if it is a bit misplaced:
Note that the typical response to a bug report is suggestion to try the latest version first. So please try doing that first, and always include which versions you use of relevant software when reporting bugs (minimum: samba, kernel, distribution)
Documentation/filesystems/smbfs.txt in the linux kernel source tree may contain additional options and information.
FreeBSD also has a smbfs, but it is not related to smbmount
For Solaris, HP-UX and others you may want to look at smbsh(1) or at other solutions, such as Sharity or perhaps replacing the SMB server with a NFS server.
samba軟體和相關工具最初由Andrew Tridgell建立。samba現在由Samba Team 作為開源軟體來發展,類似linux核心的開發方式。
最初的samba手冊頁是 Karl Auer寫的。 手冊頁原始碼已經轉換為YODL格式(另一種很好的開源軟體,可以在找到),由Jeremy Sllison 更新到Samba2.0 版本。 Gerald Carter 在Samba2.2中將它轉化為DocBook 格式。 Alexander Bokovoy 在Samba 3.0中實現了DocBook XML4.2 格式的轉換。
meaculpa <>
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