fetch-ebook-metadata - fetch-ebook-metadata

fetch-ebook-metadata [options]

Fetch book metadata from online sources. You must specify at least one of title, authors or ISBN.

Whenever you pass arguments to fetch-ebook-metadata that have spaces in them, enclose the arguments in quotation marks. For example: "/some path/with spaces"

Specify the name of a metadata download plugin to use. By default, all metadata plugins will be used. Can be specified multiple times for multiple plugins. All plugin names: Google, Google Images, Amazon.com, Edelweiss, Open Library, Big Book Search

Autor(i) knihy

Specify a filename. The cover, if available, will be saved to it. Without this option, no cover will be downloaded.

zobraziť túto nápovedu a skončiť

Identifiers such as ASIN/Goodreads id etc. Can be specified multiple times for multiple identifiers. For example: --identifier asin:B0082BAJA0

Kniha ISBN

Output the metadata in OPF format instead of human readable text.

Timeout in seconds. Default is 30

Názov knihy

Print the log to the console (stderr)

zobraziť verziu programu a skončiť

Kovid Goyal

Kovid Goyal

marca 01, 2024 7.6.0