ZG-POLICY-RC.D(8) policyrcd-script-zg2 ZG-POLICY-RC.D(8)

zg-policy-rc.d - allows flexible handling of policy-rc.d

zg-policy-rc.d is a script which provides flexible handling of the policy-rc.d script. As invoke-rc.d only looks for policy-rc.d in /usr/sbin, putting local binaries there would be a policy violation.

Hence, this script.

If the environment variable POLICYRCD is set, the script the variable pointed to is used. If POLICYRCD is not set, /etc/zg-policy-rc.d.conf is sourced. /etc/zg-policy-rc.d.conf can set the POLICYRCD variable.

If invocation of /etc/zg-policy-rc.d.conf does not give a POLICYRCD value set, the script checks for executeable files in /usr/local/sbin/policy-rc.d and /etc/policy-rc.d and uses the first one it finds.

Many. Be prepared to debug.


Marc Haber <mh+debian-packages@zugschlus.de>

2022-06-14 policyrcd-script-zg2 0.1