x2gocmdexitmessage(8) X2Go Server Tool x2gocmdexitmessage(8)

x2gocmdexitmessage - Exit Message of X2Go Command

x2gocmdexitmessage <session_id>

x2gocmdexitmessage prints out the exit message of the last command run with x2goruncommand for session <session_id>.

x2gocmdexitmessage is run with X2Go user privileges.

x2gocmdexitmessage prints out the last command's exit message.

As exitcode x2gocmdexitmessage always returns 0.

This manual has been written by Mike Gabriel <mike.gabriel@das-netzwerkteam.de> for the X2Go project (https://www.x2go.org).

Aug 2023 Version