x2gobroker-pubkeyauthorizer(8) X2Go Session Broker x2gobroker-pubkeyauthorizer(8)

x2gobroker-pubkeyauthorizer - Retrieve public SSH keys from an X2Go Session Broker

[ options ]

x2gobroker-pubkeyauthorizer retrieves the X2Go Session Broker's public SSH key(s) and adds it to ~x2gobroker/.ssh/authorized_keys.

This command has to be executed once on each X2Go Server that is to become a member of a muli-node X2Go server farm. The execution of this command requires root-privileges.

x2gobroker-pubkeyauthorizer accepts the following common options:

Display a help with all available command line options and exit.
The URL of the X2Go Session Broker that we want to retrieve public keys from. The common pattern for this URL is http(s)://<broker_hostname>:<port>/pubkeys/, but may differ depending on your X2Go Session Broker setup.


This manual has been written for the X2Go project by Mike Gabriel <mike.gabriel@das-netzwerkteam.de>.

Apr 2020 Version 0.0.4.x