vdpa-dev - vdpa device configuration
vdpa dev [ OPTIONS ] { COMMAND| help }
OPTIONS := { -V[ersion] }
vdpa dev show [ DEV ]
vdpa dev help
vdpa dev add name NAME mgmtdev MGMTDEV [ mac MACADDR ] [ mtu MTU ] [ max_vqp MAX_VQ_PAIRS ]
vdpa dev del DEV
vdpa dev config show [ DEV ]
vdpa dev vstats show DEV qidx QUEUE_INDEX
DEV - specifies the vdpa device to show. If this argument is omitted all devices are listed.
Format is:
mac MACADDR - specifies the mac address for the new vdpa device. This is applicable only for the network type of vdpa device. This is optional.
mtu MTU - specifies the mtu for the new vdpa device. This is applicable only for the network type of vdpa device. This is optional.
DEV - specifies the vdpa device to delete.
DEV - specifies the vdpa device to show its configuration. If this argument is omitted all devices configuration is listed.
Format is:
vdpa dev show
vdpa dev show foo
vdpa dev add name foo mgmtdev vdpa_sim_net
vdpa dev add name foo mgmtdev vdpa_sim_net mac 00:11:22:33:44:55
vdpa dev add name foo mgmtdev vdpa_sim_net mac 00:11:22:33:44:55 mtu 9000
vdpa dev add name foo mgmtdev auxiliary/mlx5_core.sf.1 mac 00:11:22:33:44:55 max_vqp 8
vdpa dev del foo
vdpa dev config show foo
vdpa dev vstats show vdpa0 qidx 1
vdpa(8), vdpa-mgmtdev(8),
Parav Pandit <>
5 Jan 2021 | iproute2 |