upscode2 - Driver for UPScode II compatible UPS equipment
This man page only documents the hardware-specific features of the
upscode2 driver. For information about the core driver, see
This driver supports UPS equipment which can be controlled via the
UPScode II protocol. This is mainly Fiskars, Powerware equipment, but also
some (probably OEM’ed) products from Compaq.
This driver supports the following optional settings in the
Autodetection of this parameter is not possible yet (and
it probably never will be). Therefore, this user-defined string accepts any
name. The default is unknown.
The timeout waiting for a response from the UPS. Some UPS
models have shown to be rather slow, resulting in frequent messages about
empty responses from the UPS. If you see this, try increasing this
Delay between characters sent to the UPS. This was added
for completeness with the above parameter. It has not shown to be needed
The default baudrate is 1200, which is the standard for
the UPScode II protocol.
Number of seconds between collection of normative
Flag to set if commands towards to UPS need to be
terminated with CR-LF, and not just CR.
Flag to set if commands towards to UPS need to be
introduced with an LF. A Compaq T1500h is known to need this.
The driver supports the following commands for those UPSes that
support them. The available commands are autodetected during initialization,
so you should check availability with upscmd -l.
•test.panel.start - Start UPS self test
•test.battery.start - Start battery self
•beeper.enable - Enable UPS beeper
•beeper.disable - Disable UPS beeper
•shutdown.return - Shut down in 1 second and wait
for power to return
•shutdown.stayoff - Shut down in 1 seconds
•shutdown.reboot - Shut down in 1 seconds and
reboot after 1 minute
•shutdown.reboot.graceful - Shut down in 20
seconds and reboot after 1 minute
The Powerware UPS models that this driver has been tested against
until now have not returned a value for battery.charge. Therefore,
the driver will guesstimate a value based on the nominal battery min/max and
the current battery voltage.
•Håvard Lygre
•Niels Baggesen <>
The NUT (Network UPS Tools) home page: