schleuder-cli - manage schleuder(8)-lists, subscriptions, and keys.

schleuder-cli cmd <args...>

schleuder-cli help

schleuder-cli is a command line tool to create, configure, and delete schleuder-lists, subscriptions, and OpenPGP-keys.

It uses the schleuder(8) API, provided by schleuder-api-daemon(8).

Authentication and TLS-verification are mandatory. You need an API-key and the fingerprint of the TLS-certificate of schleuer-api-daemon(8), respectively. Both should be provided by the operators of schleuer-api-daemon(8).

schleuder-cli does not authorize access. Only people who are supposed to have full access to all lists should be allowed to use it on/with your server.

SchleuderCli reads its settings from a file that it by default expects at $HOME/.schleuder-cli/schleuder-cli.yml. To make it read a different file set the environment variable SCHLEUDER_CLI_CONFIG to the path to your file. E.g.:

SCHLEUDER_CLI_CONFIG=/usr/local/etc/schleuder-cli.yml schleuder-cli ...

The configuration file specifies how to connect to the Schleuder API. If it doesn´t exist, it will be filled with the default settings.

The default settings will work out of the box with the default settings of Schleuder if both are running on the same host.

These are the configuration file options and their default values:

The hostname (or IP-address) to connect to. Default: localhost.
The port to connect to. Default: 4443.
TLS-fingerprint of the Schleuder API. To be fetched from the API operators. Default: empty.
Key to authenticate with against the Schleuder API. To be fetched from the API operators. Default: empty.

default path of schleuder-cli configuration file.

The configuration file is formatted as YAML. See for more details.

Known bugs are listed on the schleuder-cli bugtracker at

schleuder(8), schleuder-api-daemon(8).

January 2017