sbuild-adduser - add an sbuild user

sbuild-adduser [-h|--help | -V|--version] USER1 [USER2 [USERn...]]

sbuild-adduser adds the specified users to the sbuild group, granting them the privilege to build packages with sbuild(1). The schroot(1) configuration must permit the user to obtain root permissions in the chroot via the root-users and root-groups options in schroot.conf, because this is required to install and remove build-dependencies inside the chroot. This is normally done using the sbuild group, but additional users or groups may be added in order to grant finer-grained permissions, for example to restrict individual users to particular chroots.

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The user to be granted sbuild access.

To allow user rleigh sbuild access:

% sudo sbuild-adduser rleigh

Roger Leigh.

Copyright © 2006–2008 Roger Leigh <>.

sbuild(1), sbuild-setup(7), schroot.conf(5).

12 April 2024 Version 0.85.7