| System Manager's Manual | | - CPU scheduler run queue latency as a histogram. Uses bpftrace/eBPF.
This traces time spent waiting in the CPU scheduler for a turn on-CPU. This metric is often called run queue latency, or scheduler latency. This tool shows this latency as a power-of-2 histogram in nanoseconds, allowing multimodal distributions to be studied, as well as latency outliers.
This tool uses the sched tracepoints.
Since this uses BPF, only the root user can use this tool.
CONFIG_BPF and bpftrace.
This traces scheduler functions, which can become very frequent. While eBPF has very low overhead, and this tool uses in-kernel maps for efficiency, the frequency of scheduler events for some workloads may be high enough that the overhead of this tool becomes significant. Measure in a lab environment to quantify the overhead before use.
This is from bpftrace.
Also look in the bpftrace distribution for a companion _examples.txt file containing example usage, output, and commentary for this tool.
This is a bpftrace version of the bcc tool of the same name. The bcc tool may provide more options and customizations.
Unstable - in development.
Brendan Gregg, mpstat(1), pidstat(1), uptime(1)
2018-09-17 | USER COMMANDS |