prometheus-exporter-exporter - simple reverse proxy to other Prometheus exporters

prometheus-exporter-exporter [OPTIONS]

Allow connection from this network specified in CIDR notation. Can be specified multiple times.

The path to directories of configuration files, can be specified multiple times.

The path to the configuration file. (default "/etc/prometheus/exporter-exporter.yml")

Skip non existent -config.dirs entries instead of terminating.

Serialize log messages in JSON

Log level (default warning)

Print the version and exit

Bearer authentication token.

File containing the Bearer authentication token.

The address to listen on for HTTP requests. (default ":9999")

The address to listen on for HTTP requests. (default "/proxy")

The address to listen on for HTTP requests. (default "/metrics")

Path to CA to auth clients against (default "ca.pem")

Path to cert (default "cert.pem")

If set, this is used as a regexp that is matched against any certificate subject, dnsname or email address, only certs with a match are verified. web.tls.verify must also be set

Path to key (default "key.pem")

The address to listen on for HTTPS requests.

Enable client verification


July 2020