pijuice - driver for UPS in PiJuice HAT

This man page only documents the hardware-specific features of the pijuice driver. For information about the core driver, see nutupsdrv(8).


This manual page was hastily adapted from related asem driver manpage based on information from the original pull request, and so may not fully apply to PiJuice HAT, patches from experts are welcome.

The pijuice driver supports the portable PiJuice HAT UPS for Raspberry Pi embedded PCs.

The required parameter for this driver is the I2C bus name:


On the PiJuice HAT, this should be /dev/i2c-1.


This section was copied from asem driver manpage and may not fully apply to PiJuice HAT, patches are welcome.

This driver is specific to the Linux I2C API, and requires the lm_sensors libi2c-dev or its equivalent to compile.

Beware that the SystemIO memory used by the I2C controller is reserved by ACPI. If only a native I2C driver (e.g. i2c_i801, as of 3.5.X Linux kernels) is available, then you’ll need to relax the ACPI resources check. For example, you can boot with the acpi_enforce_resources=lax option.


This section was copied from asem driver manpage and may not fully apply to PiJuice HAT, patches are welcome.

The driver shutdown function is not implemented, so other arrangements must be made to turn off the UPS.

Andrew Anderson <aander07@gmail.com>


•Initial pull requests adding this driver:



•Product home page: https://uk.pi-supply.com/products/pijuice-standard

•The NUT (Network UPS Tools) home page: https://www.networkupstools.org/
03/31/2024 Network UPS Tools 2.8.1