nutdrv_siemens_sitop - driver for the Siemens SITOP UPS500 series UPS
This man page only documents the hardware-specific features of the nutdrv_siemens_sitop driver. For information about the core driver, see nutupsdrv(8).
nutdrv_siemens_sitop supports Siemens UPS models from the SITOP UPS500 series. Some models have a serial port, others have a USB port. The models with USB port actually contain a serial-over-USB chip, so as far as this driver is concerned, all models are serial models. This driver should work with all models in the SITOP UPS500 series, as long as your kernel has support for the serial port device (see section USB driver below).
This driver has only been tested with the SITOP UPS500S-2.5 with USB port (Siemens product number 6EP1933-2EC41).
The UPS is configured via DIP-switches. For correct functioning in combination with NUT, set the DIP-switches to the following:
switch 1-4
switch 5 (⇒ / t)
switch 6-10 (delay)
switch 11 (INTERR.)
switch 12 (ON/OFF)
The USB-versions of the UPS contain an FTDI USB-to-serial converter chip. It is programmed with a non-standard product ID (for example 0403:e0e3), but can still be used with the normal ftdi_sio driver.
The following hints may be specific to GNU/Linux.
Use lsusb to figure out which product ID is used in your model, and replace all occurrences of e0e3 in the following examples with the actual Product ID.
modprobe ftdi_sio echo 0403 e0e3 > /sys/bus/usb-serial/drivers/ftdi_sio/new_id
If your system uses udev, this can be automated via a udev rule:
ACTION=="add", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0403", ATTRS{idProduct}=="e0e3", \ RUN+="/sbin/modprobe ftdi_sio", \ RUN+="/bin/sh -c 'echo 0403 e0e3 > /sys/bus/usb-serial/drivers/ftdi_sio/new_id'"
You can use the following udev rule to obtain a predictable device name, for example /dev/ttyUPS:
SUBSYSTEM=="tty" ATTRS{idVendor}=="0403", ATTRS{idProduct}=="e0e3" SYMLINK+="ttyUPS"
The UPS does not have a special get status command. Instead, it continuously sends out status update messages (tens of messages per second). Every pollinterval, these messages are read from the serial port buffer.
In order to react quickly on status changes from the UPS, and to prevent the serial buffer from overflowing, pollinterval should be set to a relatively low value. The recommended value is 1 (second).
This driver supports the following optional settings:
Make sure that your operating system has created a serial device for the UPS. See the section USB driver for more information.
Next, make sure that NUT has access rights to this device file. For example, by creating a udev rule that grants permission to the NUT user, or by adding the NUT user to a user group that can access serial devices (e.g. the dialout group on Debian-based systems).
You can verify the correct functioning of the hardware, by monitoring the serial port with a terminal program, for example picocom:
picocom -b 9600 -d 8 -p n /dev/ttyUPS
NUT must not be running when you do this. You should now see a continuous stream of 5-character texts coming in, for example:
To exit picocom, use Ctrl-A Ctrl-X.
Untested models
Data stale messages
Matthijs H. ten Berge
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03/31/2024 | Network UPS Tools 2.8.1 |