ntopng - display top network users
ntopng [filename]
ntopng [-i <interface|pcap>] [-d
<data_directory>] [-t <install_directory>]
[-n <mode>] [-e] [-1 <path>]
[-2 <path>] [-3 <path>] [-w
<[:]http_port>] [-W <[:]https_port>]
[-m <local_subnets>] [-u|--no-promisc]
[-p <protocols>] [-P] [-q] [-r
<redis_host[:port][@db-id]>] [-g
<cpu_core_ids>] [-s] [-U <sys_user>]
[-l<mode>] [-X <maxnumflows>]
[-B <filter>] [-k <key>] [-A
<mode>] [-x <max_num_hosts>] [-F
<mode><dump-flows>] [-D
<dump-hosts>] [-I <export-flows>]
[-O <communities-list>] [-E
<sticky-hosts>] [-t <dir>] [-T
<enable-taps>] [-H] [--hw-timestamp-mode
<mode>] [-N <name>] [-Z
<prefix>] [--shutdown-when-done]
[--zmq-encrypt-pwd <apssword>]
[--capture-direction] [--online-license-check]
[--print-ndpi-protocols] [-v <level>] [-V]
ntopng shows the current network usage. It displays a list
of hosts that are currently using the network and reports information
concerning the (IP and non-IP) traffic generated and received by each host.
ntopng may operate as a front-end collector or as a stand-alone
collector/display program. A web browser is needed to access the information
captured by the ntopng program.
ntopng is a hybrid layer 2 / layer 3 network monitor, by
default it uses the layer 2 Media Access Control (MAC) addresses AND the
layer 3 tcp/ip addresses. ntopng is capable of associating the two,
so that ip and non-ip traffic (e.g. arp, rarp) are combined for a complete
picture of network activity.
- filename
- The text of filename is copied — ignoring line breaks and
comment lines (anything following a #) — into the command line.
ntopng behaves as if all of the text had simply been typed directly
on the command line. For example, if the command line is "ntopng
s.conf" and file s.conf contains just the line '-s', then the
effective command line is "ntopng -s". In case you use a
configuration file, the following options on the command line will be
ignored. Example "ntopng /etc/ntopng/ntopng.conf -v" the -v
option is ignored.
The configuration file is similar to the command line, with
the exception that an equal sign '=' must be used between key and value.
Example: -i=p1p2 or --interface=p1p2 For options with no value (e.g. -v)
the equal is also necessary. Example: "-v=" must be used.
Remember, most ntopng options are "sticky",
that is they just set an internal flag. Invoking them multiple times
doesn't change the ntopng's behavior. However, options that set a
value, such as --trace-level, will use the LAST value given: -w 8000 -w
8080 will run as -w 8080.
- -n|--dns-mode <mode>
- Sets the DNS address resolution mode:
0 — Decode DNS responses and resolve only local (-m) numeric IPs
1 — Decode DNS responses and resolve all numeric IPs
2 — Decode DNS responses and don't resolve numeric IPs
3 — Don't decode DNS responses and don't resolve numeric IPs
- -i|--interface <interface|pcap>
- Specifies the network interface or collector endpoint to be used by
ntopng for network monitoring. On Unix you can specify both the
interface name (e.g. lo) or the numeric interface id as shown by ntopng
-h. On Windows you must use the interface number instead. Note that you
can specify -i multiple times in order to instruct ntopng to create
multiple interfaces. If you want to pipe data from stdin use - (dash) as
device name. Example "cat ~/traffic.pcap | ./ntopng -i -".
The -i option can also be used to specify a unified view of
more interfaces, given they are provided in a comma-separated list and
with the "view:" prefix (e.g. -i view:eth0,eth1). This is just
a logical view of multiple physical interfaces.
If a collector endpoint is specified, ntopng open a
ZeroMQ connection to the specified endpoint as a subscriber whose format
is <ZMQ endpoint>. In this case ntopng acts as a client that
subscribes to the remote endpoint and fetches flows. If you want the
remote probe to send flows to ntopng (as in NetFlow), (you need to add a
'c' at the collector endpoint in ntopng. Example: tcp://
(ntopng expects to receive flows on and
tcp:// (ntopng connects to to receive
flows). Note that you can specify multiple endpoint, commas separated
list, in order to instruct ntopng to aggregate it in a single
interface. (e.g -i tcp://,ipc://flows.ipc)
If you want you can pass a path of a pcap file (e.g. -i
dummy.pcap) or a path of a list file contains a path of a pcap file for
each line (e.g. -i pcap.list) and ntopng will read packets from the
specified pcap file/s.
nProbe can be instructed to act as a publisher
delivering flows to a ZeroMQ endpoint using the --ZMQ <endpoint>
Finally using -i dummy it is possible to create a dummy
interface that generates a large number of flows/hosts in order to
saturate ntopng resources. This way ntopng can be tested for performance
issues as well proper handling of low-memory situations.
- -d|--data-dir <path>
- Specifies the data directory (it must be writable). Default directory is
- -t|--install-dir <path>
- Specifies the installation directory. Default directory is retrieved from
common install paths.
- -G|--pid-path <path>
- Specifies the path where the PID (process ID) is saved. Default is
- -k|--traffic-filtering <key>
- Set the key used to access httpbl services (default: disabled). Please
read README.httpbl and README.flashstart for more info.
- -e|--daemon
- This parameter causes ntop to become a daemon, i.e. a task which runs in
the background without connection to a specific terminal. To use ntop
other than as a casual monitoring tool, you probably will want to use this
- -1|--httpdocs-dir <path>
- Directory where HTTP documents are placed. Default: httpdocs.
- -2|--scripts-dir <path>
- Directory where lua scripts reside. Default: scripts.
- -3|--callbacks-dir <path>
- Directory where callback scripts reside. Default: scripts/callbacks.
- -w|--http-port <[:]http_port[,<alt_http_port>]>
- Sets the HTTP port of the embedded web server. If set to 0, the http
server will be disabled. If you prepend a : before the port (i.e. -w :80)
ntopng will listen to the loopback address. You can specify a second HTTP
port so that ntopng can isten on both ports. Example -w 80,3000 will start
ntopng on both port 80 adn 3000. Note that for enabling the captive portal
(not available on the community edition) you need to start ntopng on port
80. NOTE: omitting the -w option won't disable http: ntopng will fallback
to the default http port.
- -W|--https-port <[:]https_port>
- Sets the HTTPS port of the embedded web server. If not set, it will be set
to the value of -w plus one. If you prepend a : before the port (i.e. -w
:80) ntopng will listen to the loopback address.
- -m|--local-networks <local_nets>
- ntopng determines the ip addresses and netmasks for each active
interface. Any traffic on those networks is considered local. This
parameter allows the user to define additional networks and subnetworks
whose traffic is also considered local in ntopng reports. All other
hosts are considered remote. If not specified the default is set to
Commas separate multiple network values. Both netmask and CIDR
notation may be used, even mixed together, for instance
- -u|--no-promisc
- Disable promiscuous mode when capturing from network interfaces (by
default promiscuous mode is used).
- -p|--ndpi-protocols <file>.protos
- This parameter is used to specify a nDPI protocol file. The format is
where <port> is a port number and <proto> is a name of a
protocol supported by nDPI protocol, or
host:"<string>"@<proto> where string is part of an
host name. As example see
- -P|--disable-host-persistency
- Disable host persistency in the Redis cache.
- -q|--disable-autologout
- Disable web interface logout for inactivity.
- -l|--disable-login
- Disable user login. Mode can be set to 0 (disable login only for
localhost) or 1 (disable login only for all hosts). This is useful for
debug purposes, local host access unrestricted, or if you want to let
everyone access the web gui. NOTE: this option lets anyone accessing the
web interface (from localhost or from all hosts depending on the
parameter) be administrator of the web interface.
- -r|--redis <redis_host[:port][@db
- Specifies the redis database host, port, and a database id. On unix
<redis_host> can be the redis socket file to connect to. If a socket
connection is made, <port> is ignored. In case you plan to run
multiple redis-based applications on the same redis server, you need to
use a different database id per application. For more information about
redis, please refer to http://redis.io/.
- -g|--core-affinity <cpu_core_id1[,cpu_core_id2,...]>
- Bind the capture/processing threads to specific CPU cores, indicated in a
comma-separated list. Cores are assigned to interface processing loops in
the order interfaces are mapped to IDs. NOTE: ntopng automatically sets
affinity of capture/processing threads to different CPU cores.
- -U|--user <user>
- Run ntopng with the specified system user instead of 'nobody'.
- -s|--dont-change-user
- Do not change user (debug only).
- -B|--packet-filter <filter>
- Specifies the packet filter for the specified interface. For pcap/PF_RING
interfaces the filter has to be specified in BPF format (Berkeley Packet
- -X|--max-num-flows <num>
- Specify the maximum number of active flows that ntopng will handle. If
more flows are detected they will be discarded.
- -x|--max-num-hosts <num>
- Specify the maximum number of active hosts that ntopng will handle. If
more hosts are detected they will be discarded.
- -F|--dump-flows <mode>
- If ntopng is compiled with sqlite support, flows can dumped persistently
on disk using this option. The mode can be set to es - Dump on ntopng.es
queue in Elasticsearch format that be insert on a ES database. In this
case the format is "es;<idx type>;<idx name>;<es
URL>;<http auth>". Example: -F
The <idx name> accepts the strftime() format. mysql - Dump flows in
MySQL tables. In this case the format is "<host[@port]|unix
Example -F "mysql;localhost;ntopng;flows-%Y.%m.%d;root;".
- -D|--dump-hosts <mode>
- If ntopng is compiled with sqlite support, hosts contacts can dumped
persistently on disk using this option. Databases are created daily under
<data directory>/<interface>/contacts. This options supports
three dump modes: local (dumps only local hosts), remote (dumps only
remote hosts), all (dumps all hosts). If not specified, no hosts are
dumped to disk.
- -I|--export-flows <endpoint>
- Export the expired flows on the specified endpoint. For instance supposing
to start ntopng on host as ntopng -I "tcp://*:3456", it
exports flows on this endpoint so that you can create a hierarchy of
ntopng's. You can achieve that by starting a collector ntopng as ntopng -i
- -O|--communities-list <filename>
- Parse the specified file and retrieve a list of communities, that are a
logical representation of clusters of hosts that fall under the same
administrative domain. The file must be in the following format:
- -E|--dump-aggregations <mode>
- If ntopng is compiled with sqlite support, hosts contacts can dumped
persistently on disk using this option. Databases are created daily under
<data directory>/<interface>/contacts. This options supports
three dump modes: local (dumps only aggregations contacted by local
hosts), remote (dumps only aggregations contacted by remote hosts), all
(dumps all aggregations). If not specified, no hosts are dumped to disk.
- -S|--sticky-hosts <mode>
- ntopng periodically purges idle hosts. With this option you can modify
this behaviour by telling ntopng not to purge the hosts specified by -S.
This parameter requires an argument that can be "all" (Keep all
hosts in memory), "local" (Keep only local hosts),
"remote" (Keep only remote hosts), "none" (Flush hosts
when idle).
- --hw-timestamp-mode <mode>
- Enable hw timestamping/stripping. Supported TS modes are:
ixia — Timestamped packets by ixiacom.com hardware devices.
- -t|--install-dir <dir>
- Force ntopng to use the HTML/lua files installed on the specified
directory. This option should not be used unless under testing or
development, as packaging systems should place the files at the right
- -T|--enable-taps <mode>
- Enable tap interfaces to dump packets on. If not specified, traffic can be
dumped only on disk but not sent live to apps.
- -N|--instance-name <name>
- Assign <name> to this ntopng instance. Such information is used to
uniquely identify the data source and thus its responsibility of the
ntopng user to make sure that the name is unique across all the ntopng
instances. If this option is not set, we assume as instance name the
hostname where this ntopng instance is running.
- -Z|--http-prefix <prefix>
- HTTP prefix to be prepended to URLs. This is useful when using ntopng
behind a proxy. E.g. if you want to make the ntopng web interface
accessible through a proxy at a certain IP address with the /ntopng/ base
URL and you have the following lines in your proxy's configuration:
ProxyPass /ntopng/
ProxyPassReverse /ntopng/
You must use ntopng with -Z "/ntopng"
Do not use trailing shashes in the HTTP prefix.
- --shutdown-when-done
- Terminate ntopng when the input pcap file is over (debug only).
- --zmq-encrypt-pwd
- This is the password used by the symmetric encryption on the probe side.
Note that in case you have multiple ZMQ endpoints, the same password is
used for all of them.
- --capture-direction
- Specify the packet capture direction for packet capture interfaces (no
ZMQ). Supported values are: 0=RX+TX (default), 1=RX only, 2=TX only
- --online-license-check
- In case the license does not match (e.g. you are running ntopng on a
VM/container) you can use this option to check your license instead of
using the local license file. Using this option we make sure that changes
in your system do not interfere with license check (thing that we cannot
guarantee with file-based licenses).
- --print-ndpi-protocols
- Print the list of nDPI protocols supported by the ntopng instance
- -v|--verbose
- Verbose tracing: level 2 is normal, level 6 is debugging.
- -V|--version
- Print ntopng version and quit.
- -h|--help
- Help
While ntopng is running, multiple users can access the
traffic information using their web browsers. ntopng makes use of
JavaScript and LESS CSS.
We do not expect problems with any current web browser, but our
ability to test with less common ones is very limited. Testing has included
Safari, Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer, with very limited testing on
other current common browsers such as Opera.
ntopng requires a number of external tools and libraries to
operate. Certain other tools are optional, but add to the program's
Required libraries include:
libpcap from http://www.tcpdump.org/, version 1.0 or
The Windows version makes use of WinPcap (libpcap for
Windows) which may be downloaded from
ntopng requires a POSIX threads library.
The rrdtool library creates 'Round-Robin databases' which
are used to store historical data in a format that permits long duration
retention without growing larger over time. The rrdtool home page is
The LuaJIT library is a Just-In-Time Compiler for Lua used
to execute GUI and periodic scripts.
The mongoose library is used to implement the HTTP server
part of ntopng.
zeromq is a socket library supporting the publish/subscribe
pattern used to collect flows from nProbe
ntopng includes LuaJIT, mongoose, rrdtool and zeromq in the
third-party/ directory. Users of ntopng should not need to
specifically install such libraries.
top(1), tcpdump(8), pcap(3).
Please send bug reports to https://github.com/ntop/ntopng/issues.
The ntopng <ntop@ntop.org> mailing list is used for discussing ntopng
usage issues. In order to post messages on the lists a (free) subscription
is required to limit/avoid spam. Please do NOT contact the authors directly
unless this is a personal question.
Commercial support is available upon request. Please see the ntop
site for further info.
Please send code patches via the github pull requests
ntopng is distributed under the GNU GPLv3 licence