MPTCPD(8) System Management Commands MPTCPD(8)

mptcpd - multipath TCP daemon

mptcpd [-d?V] [-l DEST] [--debug] [--addr-flags=FLAGS] [--notify-flags=FLAGS] [--plugin-dir=DIR] [--path-manager=PLUGIN] [--load-plugins=PLUGINS] [--help] [--usage] [--log=DEST] [--version]

mptcpd is a daemon for Linux based operating systems that performs multipath TCP (see IETF RFC 8684) path management related operations in the user space. It interacts with the Linux kernel through a generic netlink connection to track per-connection information, available network interfaces, request new MPTCP subflows, handle requests for subflows, etc.

mptcpd accepts the following command line options:

enable debug log messages

display mptcpd help information

display brief mptcpd usage information

log output to DEST, where DEST can be stderr, syslog or journal

set flags for announced address, where FLAGS is a comma separated list containing one or more of the flags subflow, signal, backup, and fullmesh that plugins that deal with the in-kernel path manager may use when advertising addresses, e.g. --addr-flags=subflow

address notification flags, where FLAGS is a comma separated list containing one or more of the following flags:
notify plugins of the addresses that exist at mptcpd start
ignore (do not notify) [ipv6] link local address updates
ignore (do not notify) host (loopback) address updates
notify address only if a default route is available from such address and the related device. If the route check fails, it will re-done after a little timeout, to allow .e.g. DHCP to configure the host properly. Complex Policy routing configuration may confuse or circumvent this check.

These flags determine whether mptpcd plugins will be notified when related addresses are updated, e.g. --notify-flags=existing,skip_link_local,check_route

set plugin directory to DIR

set default path manager plugin to PLUGIN, overriding plugin priorities

set plugins to load on startup, where PLUGINS is a comma separated list containing one or more plugin names

display mptcpd version information

Location of the mptcpd system configuration file.

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2022-08-19 Multipath TCP Daemon