MKJIGSNAP(8) | System Manager's Manual | MKJIGSNAP(8) |
mkjigsnap - Create a snapshot tree on a jigdo server
mkjigsnap [OPTIONS] <-d snapshot_dir> <-j
jigdo_file> <-k keyword> <-m mirror> <-n CD_name>
<-o output_directory> <-t template_file>
mkjigsnap [OPTIONS] <-b backref_file> <-d snapshot_dir>
<-m mirror> <-J jigdo_list> <-j jigdo_file> <-k
mkjigsnap creates snapshot directories for use by other jigdo tools. It can be run in two distinct modes:
To build a jigit .conf file for a single jigdo file: add the "-n" option with a CD name on the command line and only specify a single jigdo to work with using "-j".
Required arguments for this mode:
To build a snapshot tree for (potentially multiple) jigdo files: do not specify the "-n" option, and list as many jigdo files as desired, either on the command line using multiple "-j <jigdo>" options or (better) via a file listing them with the "-J" option.
Required arguments for this mode:
Optional arguments for both modes:
This command is an example of single-jigdo mode, used for Ubuntu jigit generation. It creates a single jigit conf file using the supplied jigdo/template file pair, looking for jigdo references to files in the "Debian" and "Non-US" areas. Output the files into /tmp/mjs-test and call them "mjs-test.<ext>", creating a snapshot of the needed files in /tmp/mjs-test/20041017 by linking files from /tmp/mirror as needed.
This command is an example of multi-jigdo mode, as run to keep up to date. This reads in all the jigdo files listed in ~/jigdo.list, building a list of all the files referenced in the "Debian" area. It will then attempt to build a snapshot tree of all those files under /org/jigdo-area/snapshot/Debian by linking from /org/ftp/debian. Any files that are missing will be listed into the output "missing" file ~/mkjigsnap-failed.log for later checking, UNLESS they are already listed in the "ignore" file ~/mkjigsnap-ignore.list.
jigdo-file(1), jigit(1), jigdump(1) and mkimage(1).
Copyright 2004 - 2014 Steve McIntyre (
mkjigsnap may be copied under the terms and conditions of version 2 of the GNU General Public License, as published by the Free Software Foundation (Cambridge, MA, USA).
Written by Steve McIntyre (
September 2004 | Jigit jigdo tools |