MKJIGSNAP(8) System Manager's Manual MKJIGSNAP(8)

mkjigsnap - Create a snapshot tree on a jigdo server

mkjigsnap [OPTIONS] <-d snapshot_dir> <-j jigdo_file> <-k keyword> <-m mirror> <-n CD_name> <-o output_directory> <-t template_file>
mkjigsnap [OPTIONS] <-b backref_file> <-d snapshot_dir> <-m mirror> <-J jigdo_list> <-j jigdo_file> <-k keyword>

mkjigsnap creates snapshot directories for use by other jigdo tools. It can be run in two distinct modes:

To build a jigit .conf file for a single jigdo file: add the "-n" option with a CD name on the command line and only specify a single jigdo to work with using "-j".

Required arguments for this mode:

Specify the output directory name to be used for the snapshot tree (e.g. 20041011, rc1). In single-jigdo mode this will be relative to the output directory.
Specify the location of the jigdo file to be used.
Specify the location of the mirror containing all the files needed. This must be on the same filesystem as the output directory, as hard links will be used to create the snapshot efficiently.
Specify the output name of the CD for jigit (e.g. warty, sarge-i386-1).
Specify the output location for the jigdo, template, conf and snapshot. This must be on the same filesystem as the mirror, as hard links will be used to create the snapshot efficiently.
Specify the location of the template file to be used.

To build a snapshot tree for (potentially multiple) jigdo files: do not specify the "-n" option, and list as many jigdo files as desired, either on the command line using multiple "-j <jigdo>" options or (better) via a file listing them with the "-J" option.

Required arguments for this mode:

Specify the output directory name to be used for the snapshot tree (e.g. 20041011, rc1).
Specify the location of a file listing the jigdo files to be used. May be repeated multiple times for multiple list files if desired.
Specify the location of the jigdo file to be used. May be repeated multiple times for multiple jigdo files, but it's better to use the "-J" option to point at a file containing a list of jigdo files instead.
Specify the "keywords" which are used in the jigdo files (e.g. Debian, Non-US, Ubuntu).
Specify the location of the mirror containing all the files needed. This must be on the same filesystem as the snapshot directory, as hard links will be used to create the snapshot efficiently.

Optional arguments for both modes:

If using a fail_log, also keep track of which jigdo files correspond to each missing file, and output the details in the backref_file.
If any files are required by the specific jigdo files but are not available in the mirror, list them in the output file fail_log for reference.
If any files are required by the specific jigdo files but are not available in the mirror, list them in the ignore_list file to supress errors about them.

~/jigdo/update/debian-update-3.0r2.01-i386.jigdo -t ~/jigdo/update/debian-update-3.0r2.01-i386.template -k Debian -k Non-US -d 20041017

This command is an example of single-jigdo mode, used for Ubuntu jigit generation. It creates a single jigit conf file using the supplied jigdo/template file pair, looking for jigdo references to files in the "Debian" and "Non-US" areas. Output the files into /tmp/mjs-test and call them "mjs-test.<ext>", creating a snapshot of the needed files in /tmp/mjs-test/20041017 by linking files from /tmp/mirror as needed.

-d /org/jigdo-area/snapshot/Debian -f ~/mkjigsnap-failed.log -i ~/mkjigsnap-ignore.list

This command is an example of multi-jigdo mode, as run to keep up to date. This reads in all the jigdo files listed in ~/jigdo.list, building a list of all the files referenced in the "Debian" area. It will then attempt to build a snapshot tree of all those files under /org/jigdo-area/snapshot/Debian by linking from /org/ftp/debian. Any files that are missing will be listed into the output "missing" file ~/mkjigsnap-failed.log for later checking, UNLESS they are already listed in the "ignore" file ~/mkjigsnap-ignore.list.

jigdo-file(1), jigit(1), jigdump(1) and mkimage(1).

Copyright 2004 - 2014 Steve McIntyre (

mkjigsnap may be copied under the terms and conditions of version 2 of the GNU General Public License, as published by the Free Software Foundation (Cambridge, MA, USA).

Written by Steve McIntyre (

September 2004 Jigit jigdo tools