MINIUPNPD(8) System Manager's Manual MINIUPNPD(8)

miniupnpd - UPnP Internet Gateway Device Daemon

miniupnpd [--version] [-f config_file] [-i ext_ifname] [-I ext_ifname6] [-o ext_ip] [-a listening_ip] [-p port] [-d] [-U] [-S] [-N] [-u uuid] [-s serial] [-m model_number] [-t notify_interval] [-P pid_filename] [-B down up] [-w url] [-r clean_ruleset_interval] [-A permission rule] [-b BOOTID] [-1]

miniupnpd act as a UPnP Internet Gateway Device. It is designed to run on the gateway between the internet and a NAT'ed LAN. It provides an interface, as defined in the UPnP standard, for enabling clients on the LAN to ask for port redirections.

load the config from file. default is /etc/miniupnpd.conf.
interface used to connect to the internet.
address used to connect to the internet. default address of the interface will be used if not specified.
address on the LAN. -a option can by used multiple time if LAN is subdivised in several subnetworks.
port used for HTTP.
debug mode : do not go to background, output messages on console and do not filter out low priority messages.
report system uptime instead of daemon uptime to clients.
sets "secure" mode : clients can only add mappings to their own ip
enables NAT-PMP functionality.
set the uuid of the UPnP Internet Gateway Device.
serial number for the UPnP Internet Gateway Device.
model number for the UPnP Internet Gateway Device.
SSDP notify interval in seconds : SSDP announce messages will be broadcasted at this interval.
pid file. default is /var/run/
download and upload bitrates reported to clients.
presentation url. default is first address on LAN, port 80.
(minimum) interval between unused rules cleaning checks.
use following syntax for permission rules :
(allow|deny) (external port range) ip/mask (internal port range)
examples :
"allow 1024-65535 1024-65535"
"deny 0-65535 0-65535"
sets the value of BOOTID.UPNP.ORG SSDP header
force reporting IGDv1 in rootDesc when compiled as IGDv2 *use with care*

minissdpd(1) miniupnpc(3)