MINI-BUILDD-SSH-SETUP(8) System Administration Utilities MINI-BUILDD-SSH-SETUP(8)

mini-buildd-ssh-setup - Idempotent setup script for SSH access

mini-buildd-ssh-setup [[<ENDPOINT>]|[--purge]] (as user root)

Idempotent setup script for SSH access

Create and setup three UNIX users that are corresponding to mini-buildd users of the same name:

* mini-buildd-uploader:
Allow uploads via SSH
* mini-buildd-staff:
Allow API calls with 'staff' authorization via SSH
* mini-buildd-admin:
Allow API calls with 'admin' authorization via SSH

Needed extra work on mini-buildd:

* BEFORE running this:
Please create all the three mini-buildd users
* AFTER running this:
Please check/configure/activate the Upload Profile for user mini-buildd-uploader

When this is up:

* Grant someone access:
See the example line in created 'authorized_keys' files of the resp. users.
* Run API calls:
'ssh mini-buildd-staff|admin@<yourhost> mini-buildd-api <mini_buildd_api_args>'
Note that you will need the _complete_ arguments, including the correct user endpoint (like 'http://mini-buildd-staff@<yourhost>:8066')
* Upload:
An extra '' will be generated in '/var/lib/mini-buildd/etc/' (for dput_conf API call)
Authorized users can now also upload with this new target.


Someone with access to 'mini-buildd-uploader' could potentially copy from or write to arbitrary locations (within the mini-buildd-uploader user's permissions).

February 2024 mini-buildd-ssh-setup 2.0.12