mfsmetadump(8) This is part of MooseFS mfsmetadump(8)

mfsmetadump - dump MooseFS metadata info in human readable format

mfsmetadump [-d] [-s section_name] metadata_file

mfsmetadump dumps MooseFS metadata info in human readable format. Output consists of several sections with different types of information. Every section consist of header data - rows starting with hash (#) sign - and content data (may be empty).

-d - replace all non-printable characters (codes < 32 and > 126) with '.' (it was default behaviour in version < 3.0.110).

-s - dump only specified section of the file. Possible sections:

	HEAD - header info
	SESS - client sessions
	LABS - labels (not used)
	SCLA - storage classes
	NODE - tree nodes (i-nodes)
	EDGE - tree edges (file names)
	FREE - free nodes (deleted i-nodes)
	QUOT - quota definitions
	XATR - xattr data
	PACL - posix acl data
	OPEN - open files
	FLCK - flock data
	PLCK - posix locks (lockf,ioctl) data
	CSDB - active chunkservers
	CHNK - chunks

section header (section type + version)
length of section
name of section
hexadecimal representation of section version

MooseFS version
metadata file version
metadata file id

first free session id
number of stats remembered in each session
line describing a single session
s	session id
e	exports checksum
p	IP address
r	root inode number
f	session flags
u	umask
g	min and max goal (redundancy level)
t	min and max trash retention
m	maproot uid,gid and mapall uid,gid
x	disabled operations
d	disconnection time (optional)
c	current hour stats data
l	last hour stats data
i	session name (usually local mount point)

line with label description (existed only in LABS)
l	label letter
n	label description
(formerly LABELSET) line with storage class used in system
#	storage class id
x	admin only
m	mode
d	arch delay
c	create labels
k	keep labels
a	archive labels
n	name

maximum inode number used by system
number of inodes in hash tabble
line with node (inode) description
k	node type (-,D,S,F,B,C,L,T,R)
	-	file
	D	directory
	S	socket
	F	fifo
	B	block device
	C	character device
	L	symbolic link
	T	trash file
	R	sustained file (removed open file)
i	inode number
#	storage class id
e	flags (extra mfs attributes)
w	windows attributes
m	mode
u	uid
g	gid
a,m,c	atime, mtime, ctime
t	trash retention
d	rdevhi,rdevlo (only block and character devices)
p	path (only symbolic links)
l	file length (only files)
c	chunk list (only files)
r	sessions that have this file open (only files)

next available edge id (descending)
line with edge description
p	parent inode number
c	child inode number
i	edge id
n	edge name

number of free (reusable) nodes
line with free inode description
i	inode number
f	deletion timestamp

number of nodes with quota
line with quota description
i	inode number
g	grace period
e	exceeded
f	flags
s	soft quota exceeded timestamp
si	soft inode quota
hi	hard inode quota
sl	soft length quota
hl	hard length quota
ss	soft size quota
hs	hard size quota
sr	soft real size quota
hr	hard real size quota

line with xattr description
i	inode number
n	xattr name
v	xattr value

line with acl description
i	inode number
t	acl type
u	user (file owner) permissions
g	group permissions
o	other permissions
m	permission mask
n	named permissions - list of objects:
u(U):P	permissions P for user with uid U
g(G):P	permissions P for group with gid G

line with open file description
s	session id
i	inode number

line with flock-lock description
i	inode number
s	session id
o	lock owner (FUSE lock owner)
t	lock type ('R' - shared lock, 'W' - exclusive lock)

line with posix-lock description
i	inode number
s	session id
o	lock owner (FUSE lock owner)
p	local process id (owner pid)
r	lock range in format <START,END)
t	lock type ('R' - shared lock, 'W' - exclusive lock)

number of chunkservers
line with chunk server description
i	server ip
p	server port
#	server id
m	maintenance mode
t	maintenance timeout timestamp

first available chunk number
line with chunk description
i	chunk number
v	chunk version
t	"locked to" timestamp
a	archive flag

Report bugs to <>.

Copyright (C) 2023 Jakub Kruszona-Zawadzki, Saglabs SA

This file is part of MooseFS.

MooseFS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 (only).

MooseFS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with MooseFS; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111-1301, USA or visit


February 2023 MooseFS 3.0.117-1