lcmaps_localaccount.mod - LCMAPS plugin to switch user identity
lcmaps_localaccount.mod [-gridmapfile grid-mapfile]
This plugin is an acquisition plugin and will provide the LCMAPS system with Local Account credential information. The plugin tries to find a local account (more specifically a UserID) based on the Distinguished Name (DN) of the user's end-entity certificate.
It will try to find a DN to local account name mapping in the grid-mapfile. The plugin will resolve the UID, GID and all the secondary GIDs of the mapped local (system) account username.
Since version 1.6.0 the localaccount plugin supports grid-mapfile entries with multiple usernames, separated by a comma without whitespace. This can be used in combination with specifying a requested username (such as by gsissh), to pick any of these accounts. When no requested username is specified, the first is used. This requires LCMAPS version 1.6.0 or newer.
Please report any errors to the Nikhef Grid Middleware Security Team <>.
lcmaps.db(5), lcmaps(3).
LCMAPS and the LCMAPS plug-ins were written by the Grid Middleware Security Team <>.
February 6, 2015 | Stichting FOM/Nikhef |