IBSYSSTAT(8) Open IB Diagnostics IBSYSSTAT(8)

ibsysstat - system status on an InfiniBand address

ibsysstat [options] <dest lid | guid> [<op>]

ibsysstat uses vendor mads to validate connectivity between IB nodes and obtain other information about the IB node. ibsysstat is run as client/server. Default is to run as client.

Current supported operations:

ping \- verify connectivity to server (default)
host \- obtain host information from server
cpu  \- obtain cpu information from server

use specified OUI number to multiplex vendor mads
start in server mode (do not return)

-G, --Guid The address specified is a Port GUID

-L, --Lid The address specified is a LID

-s, --sm_port <smlid> use 'smlid' as the target lid for SA queries.

-C, --Ca <ca_name> use the specified ca_name.

-P, --Port <ca_port> use the specified ca_port.

Multiple port/Multiple CA support: when no IB device or port is specified (see the "local umad parameters" below), the libibumad library selects the port to use by the following criteria:

the first port that is ACTIVE.
if not found, the first port that is UP (physical link up).

If a port and/or CA name is specified, the libibumad library attempts to fulfill the user request, and will fail if it is not possible.

For example:

ibaddr                 # use the first port (criteria #1 above)
ibaddr -C mthca1       # pick the best port from "mthca1" only.
ibaddr -P 2            # use the second (active/up) port from the first available IB device.
ibaddr -C mthca0 -P 2  # use the specified port only.

raise the IB debugging level. May be used several times (-ddd or -d -d -d).

show send and receive errors (timeouts and others)

-h, --help show the usage message

increase the application verbosity level. May be used several times (-vv or -v -v -v)

-V, --version show the version info.

-t, --timeout <timeout_ms> override the default timeout for the solicited mads.

--config, -z <config_file> Specify alternate config file.

Default: /etc/infiniband-diags/ibdiag.conf


A global config file is provided to set some of the common options for all tools. See supplied config file for details.

< halr@voltaire.com >
