HPROPD(8) System Manager's Manual HPROPD(8)

hpropdreceive a propagated database

hpropd [-d file | --database=file] [-n | --stdin] [--print] [-i | --no-inetd] [-k keytab | --keytab=keytab] [-4 | --v4dump]

hpropd receives a database sent by hprop. and writes it as a local database.

By default, hpropd expects to be started from inetd if stdin is a socket and expects to receive the dumped database over stdin otherwise. If the database is sent over the network, it is authenticated and encrypted. Only connections authenticated with the principal kadmin/hprop are accepted.

Options supported:

file, --database=file
, --stdin
read from stdin
print dump to stdout
, --no-inetd
not started from inetd
keytab, --keytab=keytab
keytab to use for authentication
, --v4dump
create v4 type DB


August 27, 1997 HEIMDAL