gsmctl, gsmsiectl - GSM mobile phone control program
gsmctl [-b baudrate] [--baudrate
baudrate] [-d device] [--device device]
[-h] [--help] [-I init string] [--init
init string] [-v] [--version] [-X]
[--xonxoff] -o operation
| --operation operation | parameters
gsmsiectl [-b baudrate] [--baudrate
baudrate] [-d device] [--device device]
[-h] [--help] [-I init string] [--init
init string] [-v] [--version] [-X]
[--xonxoff] -o operation
| --operation operation | parameters
gsmctl can request information from or perform operations
on an GSM mobile phone.
gsmctl attaches itself to the device given on the
command line (usually an GSM modem) using the specified baudrate. If
no device is given, the device /dev/mobilephone is used. If no
baudrate is given, a default baud rate of 38400 is used.
gsmctl can be used in to modes: If no --operation
option is given the parameters specify the status information to be
retrieved from the mobile phone. See the section STATUS INFORMATION
for more details. If an --operation option is given the requested
operation is performed on the mobile using the parameters. See
the section OPERATIONS for more details.
gsmsiectl is the same program with some extension for
Siemens mobile phones. Some extra OPERATIONS are available in this
Error messages are printed to the standard error output. If the
program terminates on error the error code 1 is returned.
If called without the --operation option gsmctl
prints out default mobile phone status information as specified by the
parameters described below:
- Prints all available information.
- Prints out information about the current battery status. Two lines of the
form "<BATT0> text" and "<BATT1> charge"
are printed. Text may be of "0 ME is powered by the battery",
"1 ME has a battery connected, but is not powered by it",
"2 ME does not have a battery connected", or "3 Recognized
power fault, calls inhibited". Charge is a number in the range 0..100
where 0 means that the battery is empty or not connected and 100 means
full charge.
- Prints information about the current bit error rate. The output is of form
"<BITERR0> value" where value can be of 0..7, 99 (99 means
not available or not detectable).
- This option prints a line of the form "<CLIP0> on" if
caller line identification is turned on in the network,
"<CLIP0> off" otherwise.
- Display info about charsets. The output is in the form "<CSET0>
available" and "<CSET1> current", which describes the
charsets available and which is current.
- Prints information about the current operator. The output line has the
form "<CURROP0> Long name: ´xxxx´ Short name:
´yyyy´ Numeric Name: zzzz".
- Prints out the two-letter names of available facility locks. The meaning
of standardized facility lock names is as follows:
- CS
- Lock control surface (eg. phone keyboard)
- PS
- Lock phone to SIM card (mobile phone asks password when other than current
SIM card inserted)
- SC
- Lock SIM card (SIM asks password in mobile phone power-up and when this
lock command issued)
- AO
- Barr all outgoing calls
- OI
- Barr outgoing international calls
- OX
- Barr outgoing international calls except to home country
- AI
- Barr all incoming calls
- IR
- Barr incoming calls when roaming outside the home country
- NT
- Barr incoming calls from numbers not stored to TA memory
- NM
- Barr incoming calls from numbers not stored to mobile phone memory
- NS
- Barr incoming calls from numbers not stored to SIM memory
- NA
- Barr incoming calls from numbers not stored in Any memory
- AB
- All Barring services (FIXME)
- AG
- All outGoing barring services (FIXME)
- AC
- All inComing barring services (FIXME)
- FD
- SIM fixed dialling memory feature (if PIN2 authentication has not been
done during the current session, PIN2 is required as <passwd>)
Note that mobile phones may implement facility locks not
documented here.
- Prints information about the status of facility locking in the mobile
phone. For each facility a line of the form "<FLSTATn>
´facilityname´ classes" is printed. The classes may be
"Voice", "Data", and/or "Fax" depending on
the class for which the facility is enabled. If "unknown" is
printed out this means that the TA is not able to report the status. If
the facility is not enabled for any class, no class identifier is printed.
See FLCAP for information about the available two-letter names of
facility locks.
- Prints information about call forwarding enabled in the mobile phone. For
each combination of reason (UnconditionalReason, MobileBusyReason,
NoReplyReason, and NotReachableReason) and class (Voice, Data, and Fax) a
line of the form "<FORWn.m> reason class number: xxx subaddr:
yyy time: zzz" is printed. The time is the number of seconds to wait
before forwarding in case of NoReplyReason.
- ME
- Prints manufacturer, model, revision, and serial number of the mobile
phone (ME = mobile equipment). Output lines are numbered from
"<ME0>" to "<ME3>".
- OP
- Prints information about the currently available mobile network operators.
For each operator an output line of the form "<OPn> status Long
name: ´xxxx´ Short name: ´yyyy´ Numeric name:
zzz" is returned where status may be of:
- unknown
- The status of the operator is unknown.
- current
- This is the currently selected operator.
- available
- This operator is available for selection.
- forbidden
- This operator is not available for selection, ie. not accessible with this
SIM card.
- Prints information about the current PIN status. The output is of form
"<PIN0> status". Where status can be one of the following
- ME is not pending for any password.
- ME is waiting SIM PIN to be given.
- ME is waiting SIM PUK to be given.
- ME is waiting phone/-to/-SIM card password to be given.
- ME is waiting phone/-to/-very first SIM card password to be given.
- ME is waiting phone/-to/-very first SIM card unblocking password to be
- ME is waiting SIM PIN2 to be given.
- ME is waiting SIM PUK2 to be given.
- ME is waiting network personalisation password to be given.
- ME is waiting network personalisation unblocking password to be
- ME is waiting network subset personalisation password to be given.
- PW
- Facilities in the mobile phone may be protected by passwords (ie. PINs or
PUKs). This option prints out lines of the form "<PWn>
´facilityname´ len" for each facility for which a
facility lock password exists. See FLCAP for information about the
available two-letter names of facility locks.
- Reports the default SMS service centre address currently set in the mobile
- Prints information about the current network signal strength. The output
is of the form "<SIG0> value". Following values are
- 0
- -113 dBm or less
- 1
- -111 dBm
- 2...30
- -109... -53 dBm (in steps of 2 dBm)
- 31
- -51 dBm or greater
- 99
- not known or not detectable
- dial number
- Dials number. After dialling gsmctl waits for a <CR>
keypress to terminate.
mode reason number [facilityclass] [forwardtime]
Changes the call forwarding behaviour in the network.
mode can be any of:
disable Call forwarding is disabled.
enable Call forwarding is enabled. The call forwarding
reason, number, and (optionally) forwardtime must be registered
register This registers the call forwarding reason, number,
and forwardtime in the network.
erase This is the counterpart to register. It erase the
call forwarding info in the network.
reason can be any of:
unconditional This applies to every call.
mobilebusy The mobile phone is busy.
noreply The call is not answered in forwardtime
notreachable Mobile phone cannot be reached (ie. switched
all This refers to all forwarding reasons.
allconditional This refers to all conditional forward
(mobilebusy, noreply, notreachable).
number is the number the incoming call is forwarded to. See
the explanation for lock operation for the meaning of
facilityclass. The default for forwardtime is 20 seconds if
omitted. forwardtime can be in the range 1..30.
- off
- Sets functionality level of the phone to 0 (low functionality). The
effects of this command depend on the phone (eg. sets low power
- on
- Sets functionality level of the phone to 1 (high functionality). The
effects of this command depend on the phone.
- pin pin
- Sets PIN code. Use gsmctl pin to get the current pin
facility [facilityclass] [passwd]
Locks the named facility. Use
gsmctl flcap to get a list of supported facilities. The
facilityclass can be any of:
all Voice, data, and fax.
v vf vd f fd d Any
combination of voice, data and fax.
The default is all if facilityclass is omitted. The
passwd is password for the facility. If no password is given this
parameter can be omitted.
setop opmode numericname
Sets the current operator to
numericname. Use
gsmctl op to get a list of operators with their numeric
opmode can be any of:
deregister Deregister from network.
manualautomatic If manual selection fails, automatic mode
is entered.
facility [oldpasswd] [newpasswd]
Sets the password for the facility. If one of the
passwords is omitted this means that the facility has no password protection.
Passwords are PIN1, PIN2, PUK etc.
- setsca service centre address
- Sets the default SMS service centre address.
facility [facilityclass] [passwd]
This is the reverse operation to lock. See above
for a description of the parameters.
Extra operators for gsmsiectl:
Charset info.
Phone book info.
Signal tone info.
Ringing tone info.
Binary info.
The following invocation of gsmctl prints out all available
status information for the mobile phone connected to
gsmctl all
The output could look like (lines edited to fit):
<ME0> Manufacturer: SIEMENS
<ME1> Model: S10
<ME2> Revision: 06
<ME3> Serial Number: 448058511817585
<OP0> Status: available Long name: 'D1/-TELEKOM' Short
name: '' Numeric name: 26201
<OP1> Status: forbidden Long name: 'D2 PRIVAT' Short
name: '' Numeric name: 26202
<CURROP0> Long name: 'D1/-TELEKOM' Short name: '' Numeric
name: 26201 Mode: automatic
<FLSTAT2> 'SC' Voice Data Fax
<FLCAP0> 'CS' 'PS' 'SC' 'AO' 'OI' 'OX' 'AI' 'IR' 'AB'
'AG' 'AC'
<PW0> 'PS' 8
<PW1> 'SC' 8
<PW2> 'AO' 4
<PW3> 'OI' 4
<PW4> 'OX' 4
<PW5> 'AI' 4
<PW6> 'IR' 4
<PW7> 'AB' 4
<PW8> 'AG' 4
<PW9> 'AC' 4
<CLIP0> on
<FORW0.0> UnconditionalReason Voice inactive number:
subaddr: time: -1
<FORW0.1> UnconditionalReason Data inactive number:
subaddr: time: -1
<FORW0.2> UnconditionalReason Fax inactive number:
subaddr: time: -1
<FORW1.0> MobileBusyReason Voice active number:
+494012345678 subaddr: time: -1
<FORW1.1> MobileBusyReason Data inactive number: subaddr:
time: -1
<FORW1.2> MobileBusyReason Fax inactive number: subaddr:
time: -1
<FORW2.0> NoReplyReason Voice active number:
+494012345678 subaddr: time: 20
<FORW2.1> NoReplyReason Data inactive number: subaddr:
time: -1
<FORW2.2> NoReplyReason Fax inactive number: subaddr:
time: -1
<FORW3.0> NotReachableReason Voice active number:
+494012345678 subaddr: time: -1
<FORW3.1> NotReachableReason Data inactive number:
subaddr: time: -1
<FORW3.2> NotReachableReason Fax inactive number:
subaddr: time: -1
<BATT0> 0 ME is powered by the battery
<BATT1> 100
<SIG0> 19
The following locks the keys on the mobile phone:
gsmctl -o lock cs
This changes the SIM card PIN from 1234 to 2345:
gsmctl -o setpw sc 1234 2345
Switch off all call forwarding (actually erase the numbers):
gsmctl -o forw erase all
Switch on call forwarding to German D1 voice box:
gsmctl -o forw register notreachable 3313
gsmctl -o forw enable notreachable
- /dev/mobilephone
- Default mobile phone device.
Peter Hofmann <>
Report bugs to Include a complete,
self-ncontained example that will allow the bug to be reproduced, and say
which version of gsmctl you are using.
Copyright © 1999 Peter Hofmann
gsmctl is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your
option) any later version.
gsmctl is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
License along with gsmctl; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
gsminfo(7), gsmpb(1), gsmsendsms(1),
gsmsmsd(8), gsmsmsstore(1).