GOPHERNICUS(1) General Commands Manual GOPHERNICUS(1)

gophernicusA modern, full-featured and secure gopher server

gophernicus [-h hostname] [-p port] [-r port] [-t type] [-g mapfile] [-a tagfile] [-c dir] [-u dir] [-l file] [-w width] [-o charset] [-s seconds] [-i hits] [-k KiB] [-e ext=type [-e ext=type] ...] [-R old=new [-R old=new] ...] [-D text] [-L text] [-U paths] [-nv] [-nl] [-nh] [-nf] [-nd] [-nc] [-no] [-nq] [-ns] [-na] [-nt] [-nm] [-nr] [-np] [-nx] [-nu] [-nH] [-d] [-b] [-?]

gophernicus is a gopher server. It serves almost compliant RFC 1436, with small changes to make it more modern. gophernicus supports userdirs, executable gophermaps, CGI, and virtual hosting (in the limits of the RFC).

gophernicus can log to syslog(3) or per-server files in Apache format.

The options are as follows:

Changes the server hostname shown on the output menu. The default is the fully qualified domain name of the machine.
Changes the server port shown on the output menu. The default is 70.
Changes the SSL/TLS port. The default is 0 (disabled).
Set the document root of the server. The default is /var/gopher.
Set the default gopher filetype. The default is 0.
Set the gophermap file name. The default is gophermap.
Set the gophertag file name. The default is gophertag.
Set the CGI script directory, under the document root. The default is /cgi-bin/.
Set the name of the personal gopherspace directory. Each user can deploy a personal gopherspace by creating a directory directory in their home directory. The default is public_gopher.
Log to file in Apache-compatible combined format. Disabled by default.
Set default page width. The default is 67.
Select the output charset. It can be UTF-8, US-ASCII, or ISO-9959-1. The default is UTF-8.
Session timeout in seconds. The default is 1800.
Maximum hits until throttling. The default is 4069.
Maximum transfer size in KiB until throttling. The default is 4194304 (4 GiB).
Set directory where output filters are found. Disabled by default.
Map file extension ext to gopher filetype type.
Rewrite the start of a selector.
Set server description to appear in /caps.txt. If description looks like a filename (starts with a /), use the contents of the file.
Set server location to appear in /caps.txt. If location looks like a filename (starts with a /), use the contents of the file.
Set the email of the administrator to appear in /caps.txt.
Set a colon-separated list of extra unveil(2) paths (only for OpenBSD).
Disable virtual hosting.
Disable parent directory links.
Disable menu header.
Disable menu footer.
Don't show date and size of files in menu.
Disable file content detection (similar to magic(5)).
Disable output charset conversion.
Disable HTTP-style query strings ‘?foo=bar&baz=quux’.
Disable logging to syslog(3).
Disable autogenerated /caps.txt.
Disable /server-status.
Disable shared memory use (for debugging purposes).
Disable root user check (for debugging purposes). By default, gophernicus will refuse to run as root.
Disable HAProxy proxy protocol.
Disable execution of gophermaps and scripts.
Disable HTTP response to HTTP GET and POST requests.
Print debug output in syslog(3) and /server-status. When -ns (disable syslog(3)) is used this option has no effect.
Display version information and build date.
Display licensing information.
Display help.

Default values may have been changed at compile time by gophernicus.env.

gophernicus mostly conforms to RFC 1436

Kim Holviala. wrote the original implementation (2009–2018).

fosslinux and hb9kns are the current maintainers (2019–).

Code contributed by others.

Developers can be reached at

Known bugs are listed as issues on gophernicus's GitHub page:

Please report any bug you might experience there as well.

Copyright © Kim Holviala 2009–2018.

Copyright © gophernicus developers 2019.

Licensed to you under the terms of the BSD 2-clause license. Please see LICENSE for the full terms of the license.

April 13, 2020 Debian