fwsnort translates SNORT rules into iptables rules on Linux
systems and generates a corresponding iptables policy in iptables-save
format. This ruleset allows network traffic that matches Snort signatures
(i.e. attacks and other suspicious network behavior) to be logged and/or
dropped by iptables directly without putting an interface into promiscuous
mode or queuing packets from kernel to user space. Note that fwsnort can
also build an iptables policy that combines the string match extension with
the NFQUEUE or QUEUE targets to allow the kernel to perform preliminary
string matches that are defined within Snort rules before queuing matching
packets to a userspace snort_inline instance. Because the bulk of network
communications are not generally malicious, this should provide a speedup
for snort_inline since the majority of packets do not then have to be copied
from kernel memory into user memory and subsequently inspected by
snort_inline. There is a tradeoff here in terms of signature detection
however because snort_inline when deployed in this way does not have the
opportunity to see all packets associated with a session, so stream
reassembly and signature comparisons against a reassembled buffer do not
take place (the stream preprocessor should be disabled in the userspace
snort_inline instance).
As of fwsnort-1.5 all iptables rules built by fwsnort are
written out to the /var/lib/fwsnort/fwsnort.save file in
iptables-save format. This allows a long fwsnort policy (which may contain
thousands of iptables rules translated from a large Snort signature set) to
be quickly instantiated via the "iptables-restore" command. A
wrapper script /var/lib/fwsnort/fwsnort.sh is also written out to
make this easy. Hence, the typical work flow for fwsnort is to: 1) run
fwsnort, 2) note the Snort rules that fwsnort was able to successfully
translate (the number of such rules is printed to stdout), and then 3)
execute the /var/lib/fwsnort/fwsnort.sh wrapper script to instantiate
the policy in the running kernel.
fwsnort (optionally) uses the IPTables::Parse CPAN module
to parse the iptables ruleset on the machine to determine which Snort rules
are applicable to the specific iptables policy. After all, if iptables is
blocking all inbound http traffic from external addresses for example, it is
probably not of much use to try detecting inbound attacks against against
tcp/80. By default fwsnort generates iptables rules that log Snort sid's
within a --log-prefix to syslog where the messages can be analyzed with a
log analyzer such as psad (see http://www.cipherdyne.org/psad/).
fwsnort relies on the iptables string match module to match Snort
content fields in the application portion of ip traffic. Since Snort rules
can contain hex data in content fields (specified between pipe "|"
characters), fwsnort implements a patch against iptables (which has been
accepted by the Netfilter project as of iptables-1.2.7a) which adds a
"--hex-string" option. This allow iptables to accept content
fields from Snort rules such as "|0d0a5b52504c5d3030320d0a|"
without any modification. fwsnort is able to translate approximately
60% of all rules from the Snort-2.3.3 IDS into equivalent iptables rules.
For more information about the translation strategy as well as
advantages/disadvantages of the method used by fwsnort to obtain intrusion
detection data, see the README included with the fwsnort sources or browse
to: http://www.cipherdyne.org/fwsnort/
fwsnort is able to apply Snort rules to IPv6 traffic by
building an ip6tables policy (see the "--ip6tables" command line
- -c,
--config <configuration file>
- By default fwsnort makes use of the configuration file
/etc/fwsnort/fwsnort.conf for almost all configuration parameters.
fwsnort can be made to override this path by specifying a different file
on the command line with the --config option. When fwsnort is not executed
as root, then a path to a readable fwsnort.conf file is required.
- --update-rules
- Download the latest Emerging Threats rules from
http://www.emergingthreats.net This will overwrite the emerging-all.rules
file in the /etc/fwsnort/snort_rules/ directory. Note that the automatic
downloading of Snort rules from http://www.snort.org/ as of March, 2005 is
only offered as a pay service.
- --rules-url <url>
- Specify the URL to use when updating the Emerging Threats rule set (or any
other rule set). The default URL is:
- -6, --ip6tables
- Enable ip6tables mode so that the fwsnort rule set is built into an
ip6tables policy instead of the iptables policy. This allows fwsnort
controls to apply to IPv6 traffic.
- --include-type <rules type>
- Restrict to processing snort rules of <rules type>. Example rule
types would include "ddos", "backdoor", and
"web-attacks". This option also supports a comma-separated list
of types, e.g. "ddos,backdoor".
- --exclude-type <rules type>
- Exclude all Snort rules from of type <rules type> from the
translation process. For example, if you don't want any rules from the
file emerging-all.rules to be translated, then use
"emerging-all" as the argument to this option. A comma-separated
list of types to exclude can be specified.
- --include-regex <regex>
- Only translate Snort rules that match the specified regular expression.
This is useful to build fwsnort policies for Snort rules that have
a common characteristic (such as a string match on the word
"Storm" for the Storm worm for example).
- --exclude-regex <regex>
- Translate all Snort rules except those that match the specified regular
expression. This is useful to omit Snort rules from fwsnort
policies that have a common characteristic (such as a string match on
"HTTP_PORTS" for example).
- --include-re-caseless
- Make the rule matching regular expression specified with
--include-regex match case insensitively.
- --exclude-re-caseless
- Make the rule matching regular expression specified with
--exclude-regex match case insensitively.
- --snort-rdir <snort-rules-directory>
- Manually specify the directory where the snort rules files are located.
The default is /etc/fwsnort/snort_rules. Multiple directories are
supported as a comma-separated list.
- --snort-rfile <snort-rules-file>
- Manually specify a Snort rules file to translated into iptables rules.
Multiple files are also supported as a comma-separated list.
- --snort-sid <sid>
- Generate an iptables ruleset for a single snort rule specified by
<sid>. A comma-separated list of sids can be specified, e.g.
- --exclude-sid <sid>
- Provide a list of Snort ID's to be excluded from the translation
- --include-perl-triggers
- Include 'perl -e print ... ' commands as comments in the
fwsnort.sh script. These commands allow payloads that are designed
to trigger snort rules to easily be built, and when combined with netcat
(or other software that can send bytes over the wire) it becomes possible
to test whether an fwsnort policy appropriately triggers on matching
- --ipt-script <script file>
- Specify the path to the iptables script generated by fwsnort. The default
location is /var/lib/fwsnort/fwsnort.sh.
- --ipt-check-capabilities
- Check iptables capabilities and exit.
- --Last-cmd
- Run fwsnort with the same command line arguments as the previous
execution. This is a convenient way of rebuilding the
/var/lib/fwsnort/fwsnort.sh script without having to remember what
the last command line args were.
- Build an fwsnort policy that sends packets that match Snort
content or uricontent fields to userspace via the iptables
NFQUEUE target for further analysis. This is a mechanism for reducing the
signature inspection load placed on snort_inline. A parallel set of Snort
rules that are successfully translated are placed in the
/etc/fwsnort/snort_rules_queue directory. This requires
CONFIG_NETFILTER_XT_TARGET_NFQUEUE support in the Linux kernel.
- Same as the --NFQUEUE command line argument except that the older
QUEUE target is used instead of the NFQUEUE target. This requires
CONFIG_IP_NF_QUEUE support in the Linux kernel.
- --queue-num <num>
- Specify a queue number in --NFQUEUE mode.
- --queue-pre-match-max <num>
- In --QUEUE or --NFQUEUE mode, limit the number of content matches that are
performed within the kernel before sending a matching packet to a
userspace Snort instance. This allows a level of tuning with respect to
how much work the kernel does to qualify a packet based on a signature
match before having Snort do the same thing. The default is to perform all
specified content matches in the signature before queuing the packet to
userspace because the multiple in-kernel content matches is probably less
expensive than sending a packet to userspace by default.
- --string-match-alg <alg>
- Specify the string matching algorithm to use with the kernel. By default,
this is 'bm' for the 'Boyer-Moore' string matching algorithm, but 'kmp'
may also be specified (short for the 'Knuth–Morris–Pratt'
- --ipt-apply
- Execute the iptables script generated by fwsnort.
- --ipt-exec
- Synonym for --ipt-apply.
- --ipt-revert
- Revert to a version of the iptables policy without any fwsnort
rules. Note that this reverts to the iptables policy as it was when
fwsnort was originally executed. So, it is not recommended to use
this option if there is a large amount of time between when fwsnort is run
to translate Snort rules vs. running it with this option. For most
purposes it is better to use the --ipt-flush option below.
- --ipt-flush
- Flush all fwsnort currently active iptables rules (flushes the
fwsnort chains).
- --ipt-list
- List all fwsnort currently active iptables rules (lists the fwsnort
- --ipt-drop
- For each logging rule generated by fwsnort add a corresponding DROP
rule. Note that for TCP sessions using this option will cause
retransmissions as packets that are part of established sessions
selectively dropped. Remember that false positives are common occurrences
for intrusion detection systems, and so using this or the --ipt-reject
option may break things on your network! You have been warned.
- --ipt-reject
- For each logging rule generated by fwsnort add a corresponding
REJECT rule. Reset packets will be generated for TCP sessions through the
use of the "--reject-with tcp-reset" option, and ICMP port
unreachable messages will be generated for UDP packets through the use of
the "--reject-with icmp-port-unreachable" option.
- -C,
--Conntrack-state <state>
- Specify a conntrack state in place of the "established" state
that commonly accompanies the Snort "flow" keyword. By default,
fwsnort uses the conntrack state of "ESTABLISHED" for this. In
certain corner cases, it might be useful to use
"ESTABLISHED,RELATED" instead to apply application layer
inspection to things like ICMP port unreachable messages that are
responses to real attempted communications.
- --no-ipt-log
- By default fwsnort generates an iptables script that implements a logging
rule for each successfully translated snort rule. This can be disabled
with the --no-ipt-log option, but --ipt-drop must also be specified.
- --no-ipt-sync
- This is a deprecated option since the default behavior is to translate as
many Snort rules into iptables rules as possible. With fwsnort able
to produce iptables rules in iptables-save format, it is extremely fast to
instantiate a large set of translated Snort rules into an iptables policy.
A new --ipt-sync option has been added to reverse this behavior (not
- --ipt-sync
- Consult the iptables policy currently running on the machine for
applicable snort rules.
- --no-ipt-test
- Do not test the iptables build for existence of support for the LOG and
REJECT targets, and ascii and hex string matching.
- --no-ipt-jumps
- Do not jump packets from the built-in iptables INPUT, OUTPUT, and FORWARD
chains to the custom fwsnort chains. This options is mostly useful
to make it easy to manually alter the placement of the jump rules in the
iptables ruleset.
- --no-ipt-rule-nums
- By default fwsnort includes the rule number within the logging
prefix for each of the rules it adds to the fwsnort chains. E.g. the
logging prefix for rule 34 would look something like "[34] SID1242
ESTAB". Use this option to not include the rule number.
- If the iptables "comment" match exists, then fwsnort puts
the Snort "msg", "classtype", "reference",
"priority", and "rev" fields within a comment for each
iptables rule. Use this option to disable this.
- --no-ipt-INPUT
- Do not jump packets from the iptables INPUT chain to the fwsnort
- --no-ipt-OUTPUT
- Do not jump packets from the iptables OUTPUT chain to the fwsnort
- --no-ipt-FORWARD
- Do not jump packets from the iptables FORWARD chain to the fwsnort
- --no-fast-pattern-ordering
- Cause fwsnort to not try to reorder pattern matches to process the
longest pattern first. The Snort fast_pattern keyword is also
ignored if this option is specified.
- -H,
--Home-net <network/mask>
- Specify the internal network instead of having fwsnort derive it
from the HOME_NET keyword in the fwsnort.conf configuration file.
- -E,
--External-net <network/mask>
- Specify the external network instead of having fwsnort derive it
from the EXTERNAL_NET keyword in the fwsnort.conf configuration file.
- --no-addresses
- Disable all checks against the output of ifconfig for proper IP addresses.
This is useful if fwsnort is running on a bridging firewall.
- --Dump-conf
- Print the fwsnort configuration on STDOUT and exit.
- --debug
- Run in debug mode. This will cause all parse errors which are normally
written to the fwsnort logfile /var/log/fwsnort.log to be written
to STDOUT instead.
- --strict
- Run fwsnort in "strict" mode. This will prevent fwsnort from
translating snort rules that contain the keywords "offset",
"uricontent", and "depth".
- -U, --Ulog
- Force the usage of the ULOG target for all log messages instead of the
default LOG target.
- --ulog-nlgroup
- Specify the netlink group for ULOG rules. Such rules are only added for
Snort rules that have an action of "log", or when fwsnort
is run in --Ulog mode.
- -l,
--logfile <logfile>
- By default fwsnort logs all parse errors to the logfile
/var/log/fwsnort.log. This path can be manually changed with the
--logfile option.
- -v, --verbose
- Run fwsnort in verbose mode. This will cause fwsnort to add the original
snort rule as a comment to the fwsnort.sh script for each successfully
translated rule.
- -V, --Version
- Print the fwsnort version and exit.
- -h, --help
- Print usage information on STDOUT and exit.
The fwsnort configuration file. The path to this file can
be changed on the command line with --config.
The iptables script generated by fwsnort. The path can be
manually specified on the command line with the --ipt-script option.
This section describes what each of the more important fwsnort
configuration variables do and how they can be tuned to meet your needs.
These variables are located in the fwsnort configuration file
- fwsnort uses the same HOME_NET and EXTERNAL_NET variables as
defined in Snort rules, and the same semantics are supported. I.e.,
individual IP addresses or networks in standard dotted-quad or CIDR
notation can be specified, and comma separated lists are also
- Defines the external network. See the HOME_NET variable for more
The following examples illustrate the command line arguments that
could be supplied to fwsnort in a few situations:
Script generation in logging mode, parse errors written to the
fwsnort logfile, and iptables policy checking are enabled by default without
having to specify any command line arguments:
# fwsnort
Generate ip6tables rules for attacks delivered over IPv6:
# fwsnort -6
Generate iptables rules for ddos and backdoor Snort rules
# fwsnort --include-type ddos,backdoor
Generate iptables rules for Snort ID's 2008475 and 2003268 (from
fwsnort --snort-sid 2008475,2003268
Generate iptables rules for Snort ID's 1834 and 2001842 but queue
them to userspace via the NFQUEUE target and restrict exclude the INPUT and
OUTPUT chains:
fwsnort --snort-sid 1834,2001842 --NFQUEUE --no-ipt-INPUT
Instruct fwsnort to only inspect traffic that traverses the
eth0 and eth1 interfaces:
# fwsnort --restrict-intf eth0,eth1
Generate iptables rules for Snort rules that appear to be allowed
by the local iptables policy, and write original snort rules to the iptables
script as a comment:
# fwsnort --ipt-sync --verbose
fwsnort requires that the iptables string match module be
compiled into the kernel (or as a loadable kernel module) in order to be
able to match snort signatures that make use of the "content"
keyword. Note that the --no-opt-test option can be specified to have fwsnort
generate an iptables script even if the string match module is not compiled
fwsnort also requires the IPTables::Parse CPAN module in
order to parse iptables policies. This module is bundled with the fwsnort
sources in the deps/ directory for convenience.
The --debug option can be used to display on STDOUT any errors
that are generated as fwsnort parses each snort rule. Normally these errors
are written to the fwsnort logfile /var/log/fwsnort.log
psad(8), iptables(8), snort(8),
Michael Rash <mbr@cipherdyne.org>
Many people who are active in the open source community have
contributed to fwsnort; see the CREDITS file in the fwsnort sources,
or visit http://www.cipherdyne.org/fwsnort/docs/contributors.html to
view the online list of contributors.
fwsnort is based on the original snort2iptables
script written by William Stearns.
Send bug reports to mbr@cipherdyne.org. Suggestions and/or
comments are always welcome as well.
fwsnort is distributed under the GNU General Public License
(GPLv2), and the latest version may be downloaded from
http://www.cipherdyne.org/ Snort is a registered trademark of
Sourcefire, Inc.