exitsnoop(8) System Manager's Manual exitsnoop(8)

exitsnoop - Trace all process termination (exit, fatal signal). Uses Linux eBPF/bcc.

exitsnoop [-h] [-t] [--utc] [-x] [-p PID] [--label LABEL] [--per-thread]

exitsnoop traces process termination, showing the command name and reason for termination, either an exit or a fatal signal.

It catches processes of all users, processes in containers, as well as processes that become zombie.

This works by tracing the kernel sched_process_exit() function using dynamic tracing, and will need updating to match any changes to this function.

Since this uses BPF, only the root user can use this tool.

CONFIG_BPF and bcc.

Print usage message.
Include a timestamp column.
Include a timestamp column, use UTC timezone.
Exclude successful exits, exit( 0 )
Trace this process ID only (filtered in-kernel).
Label each line with LABEL (default 'exit') in first column (2nd if timestamp is present).
Trace per thread termination

# exitsnoop
# exitsnoop -t
# exitsnoop -x
# exitsnoop -p 181
# exitsnoop --label EXIT
# exitsnoop --per-thread

Time of process termination HH:MM:SS.sss with milliseconds, where TZ is the local time zone, 'UTC' with --utc option.
The optional label if --label option is used. This is useful with the -t option for timestamps when the output of several tracing tools is sorted into one combined output.
Process/command name.
Process ID
The process ID of the process that will be notified of PID termination.
Thread ID.
The exit code for exit() or the signal number for a fatal signal.

This traces the kernel sched_process_exit() function and prints output for each event. As the rate of this is generally expected to be low (< 1000/s), the overhead is also expected to be negligible. If you have an application that has a high rate of process termination, then test and understand overhead before use.

This is from bcc.


Also look in the bcc distribution for a companion _examples.txt file containing example usage, output, and commentary for this tool.


Unstable - in development.

Arturo Martin-de-Nicolas


2019-05-28 USER COMMANDS