bluetooth-meshd - Bluetooth Mesh daemon

bluetooth-meshd [options ...]

Daemon for managing Bluetooth Mesh connections on Linux.

Print bluetooth-meshd options and exit.
Enable logging in foreground. Directs log output to the controlling terminal in addition to syslog.
Specifies I/O interface type:

auto - Use first available controller: via MGMT interface if kernel supports it, otherwise, via raw HCI socket.

generic:[hci]<index> - Use generic HCI io on interface hci<index>.

unit:<fd_path>- Specifies open file descriptor for daemon testing.

By default, if no type is specified, uses auto I/O on the first available controller.

Specifies an explicit config file path instead of relying on the default path(/etc/bluetooth/mesh-main.conf) for the config file.
Specifies an explicit storage directory path instead of the default path(/var/lib/bluetooth/mesh) for storing mesh node(s) configuration.
Enable debug output.
Enable D-Bus debug output.

Location of the global configuration file containing mesh daemon settings.

Free use of this software is granted under ther terms of the GNU Lesser General Public Licenses (LGPL).

March 2021 BlueZ