biometric-auth-client - The command line client of the biometric identification framework service

biometric-auth-client [OPTION] BuiltinCommands...

biometric-auth-client The command line client of the biometric identification framework service.

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get-driver-list Get Driver List
get-device-list Get Device List
get-feature-list Get Feature List
enroll Enroll Feature
verify Verify Feature
capture Capture Feature
search Search Feature
clean Clean Feature
rename Rename Feature

Usage: biometric-auth-client get-driver-list [-afbsevi]

Show all fields (Highest priority)
Show 'Driver Full Name' fields
Show 'Biometric Type' fields
Show 'Storge Type' fields
Show 'Feature Type' fields
Show 'Verify Type' fields
Show 'Identify Type' fields
Display "biometric-auth-client get-driver-list" help message and exit

Usage: biometric-auth-client get-device-list [-afbsevi]

Show all fields (Highest priority)
Show 'Driver Full Name' fields
Show 'Biometric Type' fields
Show 'Storge Type' fields
Show 'Feature Type' fields
Show 'Verify Type' fields
Show 'Identify Type' fields
Display "biometric-auth-client get-device-list" help message and exit

Usage: biometric-auth-client get-feature-list [-u USER_NAME] -d DRIVER_ID

User Name (Default is current user)
Driver(or Device) ID
Display "biometric-auth-client get-feature-list" help message and exit

Usage: biometric-auth-client enroll [-u USER_NAME] -d DRIVER_ID -n FEATURE_NAME

User Name (Default is current user)
Driver(or Device) ID
Feature Name
Display "biometric-auth-client enroll" help message and exit

Usage: biometric-auth-client verify [-u USER_NAME] -d DRIVER_ID -i INDEX

User Name (Default is current user)
Driver(or Device) ID
Feature Index
Display "biometric-auth-client verify" help message and exit

Usage: biometric-auth-client capture -d DRIVER_ID

Driver(or Device) ID
Display "biometric-auth-client capture" help message and exit

Usage: biometric-auth-client search [-u USER_NAME] -d DRIVER_ID [-s INDEX_START] [-e INDEX_END]

User Name (Not set to search for all users)
Driver(or Device) ID
Start of Feature Index (default 0)
End of Feature Index (default -1, means search all)
Display "biometric-auth-client search" help message and exit

Usage: biometric-auth-client clean [-u USER_NAME] -d DRIVER_ID -i INDEX

User Name (Default is current user)
Driver(or Device) ID
The Feature Index You Want To Delete (-1 means delete all)
Display "biometric-auth-client clean" help message and exit

Usage: biometric-auth-client rename [-u USER_NAME] -d DRIVER_ID -i INDEX -n NEW_NAME

User Name (Default is current user)
Driver(or Device) ID
The Feature Index that needs to be renamed
New Feature Name
Display "biometric-auth-client rename" help message and exit