bcmxcp - Driver for UPSes supporting the serial BCM/XCP protocol

This man page only documents the hardware-specific features of the bcmxcp driver. For information about the core driver, see nutupsdrv(8).

This driver should recognize all serial BCM/XCP-compatible UPSes. It has been developed and tested on Powerware PW5115 and PW9120 hardware. If your UPS has a USB connection, you may also consult the bcmxcp_usb(8) driver documentation.

This driver supports the following optional settings in the ups.conf(5).


The number of seconds that the UPS should wait between receiving the shutdown command (upsdrvctl shutdown) and actually shutting off.


Communication speed for the UPS. If this is set to 9600, it tries to connect to the UPS at 9600bps. If it fails to communicate, it will go into baud-hunting. It starts at 1200 and goes up to 19200. If it succeeds, it tell you the speed it connected with. If not included in the config, it defaults to baud-hunting.

shutdown_delay = 120

baud_rate = none

This driver supports the following Instant Commands:


Turn off the load and return when power is back.


Turn off the load and remain off.


Start a battery test.


Turn off the load on outlet n and return when power is back. (n is the outlet number reported by the upsc command)

Report UPS statistics information

BCM/XCP supports reporting of UPS statistics data.

Change settings

Access the config register to change settings.

None known.

Tore Ørpetveit <tore@orpetveit.net>



The NUT (Network UPS Tools) home page: https://www.networkupstools.org/

03/31/2024 Network UPS Tools 2.8.1