backup_volrestore - Restores one or more volumes
backup volrestore
-server <destination machine>
-partition <destination partition>
-volume <volume(s) to restore>+
[-extension <new volume name extension>]
[-date <date from which to restore>+]
[-portoffset <TC port offsets>+]
[-dryrun | -n]
[-usedump <specify the dumpID to restore from>]
[-localauth] [-cell <cell name>]
backup volr
-s <destination machine>
-pa <destination partition>
-v <volume(s) to restore>+
[-e <new volume name extension>]
[-d <date from which to restore>+]
[-po <TC port offsets>+]
[-u <specify the dumpID to restore from>]
[-dryrun | -n] [-l]
[-c <cell name>] [-h]
The backup volrestore command restores the contents of one or more volumes to the site indicated by the -server and -partition arguments. Use the command either to overwrite the contents of existing volumes with the restored data or to create new volumes while retaining the existing ones. The specified site does not have to be the current site for the volumes.
(If the "FILE YES" instruction appears in the /var/lib/openafs/backup/CFG_device_name file associated with the specified port offset, then the backup volrestore command restores data from the backup data file listed for that port offset in the Tape Coordinator's /var/lib/openafs/backup/tapeconfig file, rather than from tape. For the sake of clarity, the following text refers to tapes only, but the Backup System handles backup data files in much the same way.)
The command's arguments can be combined as indicated:
In each case, the command sets each volume's creation date to the date and time at which it restores it. The creation date appears in the "Creation" field in the output from the vos examine and vos listvol commands.
If restoring all of the volumes that resided on a single partition, it is usually more efficient to use the backup diskrestore command. If restoring multiple volumes to many different sites, it can be more efficient to use the backup volsetrestore command.
By default, the backup volrestore command restores the most recent full dump and all subsequent incremental dumps for each volume, bringing the restored volumes to the most current possible state. To restore the volumes to their state at some time in the past, use the -date argument. The Backup System restores the most recent full dump and each subsequent incremental dump for which the clone date of the volume included in the dump is before the indicated date and time (the clone date timestamp appears in the "clone date" field of the output from the backup volinfo command). For backup and read-only volumes, the clone date represents the time at which the volume was copied from its read/write source; for read/write volumes, it represents the time at which the volume was locked for inclusion in the dump. The resemblance of a restored volume to its actual state at the indicated time depends on the amount of time that elapsed between the volume's clone date in the last eligible dump and the specified time.
If the -volume argument specifies the base (read/write) form of the volume name, the Backup System searches the Backup Database for the newest dump set that includes a dump of either the read/write or the backup version of the volume. It restores the dumps of that version of the volume, starting with the most recent full dump. If, in contrast, the volume name explicitly includes the ".backup" or ".readonly" extension, the Backup System restores dumps of the corresponding volume version only.
To generate a list of the tapes the Backup System needs to perform the restore operation, without actually performing it, combine the -dryrun flag with the options to be used on the actual command.
If all of the full and incremental dumps of all relevant volumes were not written to a type of tape that a single Tape Coordinator can read, use the -portoffset argument to list multiple port offset numbers in the order in which the tapes are needed (first list the port offset for the full dump, second the port offset for the level 1 incremental dump, and so on). If restoring multiple volumes, the same ordered list of port offsets must apply to all of them. If not, either issue this command separately for each volume, or use the vos volsetrestore command after defining groups of volumes that were dumped to compatible tape types. For further discussion, see the OpenAFS Administration Guide.
The Tape Coordinator's default response to this command is to access the first tape it needs by invoking the MOUNT instruction in the local /var/lib/openafs/backup/CFG_device_name file, or by prompting the backup operator to insert the tape if there is no "MOUNT" instruction. However, if the "AUTOQUERY NO" instruction appears in the CFG_device_name file, or if the issuer of the butc command included the -noautoquery flag, the Tape Coordinator instead expects the tape to be in the device already. If it is not, or is the wrong tape, the Tape Coordinator invokes the "MOUNT" instruction or prompts the operator. It also invokes the "MOUNT" instruction or prompts for any additional tapes needed to complete the restore operation; the backup operator must arrange to provide them.
Valid values for the year range from 1970 to 2037; higher values are not valid because the latest possible date in the standard UNIX representation is in February 2038. The command interpreter automatically reduces any later date to the maximum value.
If this argument is omitted, the Backup System restores all possible dumps including the most recently created.
Provide this argument unless the default value of 0 (zero) is appropriate for all dumps. If 0 is just one of the values in the list, provide it explicitly in the appropriate order.
If the issuer includes the -dryrun flag with the command, the following string appears at the head of the list of the tapes necessary to complete the restore operation.
Tapes needed:
The following command restores the volume user.pat to partition /vicepa on machine "":
% backup volrestore -server -partition a -volume user.pat
The following command restores the volumes "user.smith" and "user.terry" to partition /vicepb on machine "", adding a ".rst" extension to each volume name and preserving the existing "user.smith" and "user.terry" volumes. Only dumps created before 5:00 p.m. on 31 January 1998 are restored. (The command is shown here on multiple lines only for legibility reasons.)
% backup volrestore -server -partition b \ -volume user.smith user.terry \ -extension .rst -date 1/31/1998 17:00
The following command restores the volume user.pat to partition /vicepb on machine "". The Tape Coordinator with port offset 1 handles the tape containing the full dump; the Tape Coordinator with port offset 0 handles all tapes containing incremental dumps. (The command is shown here on two lines only for legibility reasons.)
% backup volrestore -server -partition a \ -volume user.pat -portoffset 1 0
The issuer must be listed in the /etc/openafs/server/UserList file on every machine where the Backup Server or Volume Location (VL) Server is running, and on every file server machine that houses an affected volume. If the -localauth flag is included, the issuer must instead be logged on to a server machine as the local superuser "root".
butc(5), backup(8), backup_dump(8), backup_diskrestore(8), backup_volsetrestore(8), butc(8), vos_backup(1), vos_remove(1)
IBM Corporation 2000. <> All Rights Reserved.
This documentation is covered by the IBM Public License Version 1.0. It was converted from HTML to POD by software written by Chas Williams and Russ Allbery, based on work by Alf Wachsmann and Elizabeth Cassell.
2024-12-16 | OpenAFS |