BACKUP_JOBS(8) | AFS Command Reference | BACKUP_JOBS(8) |
backup_jobs - Lists pending and running operations in interactive mode
jobs [-help]
j [-h]
The backup jobs command lists the job ID number and status of each backup operation running or pending in the current interactive session.
This command can be issued in interactive mode only. If the issuer of the backup interactive command included the -localauth flag, the -cell argument, or both, those settings apply to this command also.
To terminate operations that appear in the output, issue the backup kill command and identify the operation to cancel with the job ID number from this command's output.
To check the status of a Tape Coordinator, rather than of a certain operation, use the backup status command.
The output always includes the expiration date and time of the tokens that the backup command interpreter is using during the current interactive session, in the following format:
<date> <time>: TOKEN EXPIRATION
If the execution date and time specified for a scheduled dump operation is later than <date time>, then its individual line (as described in the following paragraphs) appears below this line to indicate that the current tokens will not be available to it.
If the issuer of the backup command included the -localauth flag when entering interactive mode, the line instead reads as follows:
The entry for a scheduled dump operation has the following format:
Job <job_ID>: <timestamp>: dump <volume_set> <dump_level>
The line for a pending or running operation of any other type has the following format:
Job <job_ID>: <operation> <status>
The following example shows that two restore operations and one dump operation are running (presumably on different Tape Coordinators) and that the backup command interpreter's tokens expire on 22 April 1999 at 10:45 am:
backup> jobs Job 1: Restore, 1306 Kbytes, restore.volume Job 2: Dump (user.sunday1), 34 Kbytes, volume user.pat.backup Job 3: Restore, 2498 Kbytes, restore.volume 04/22/1999 10:45: TOKEN EXPIRATION
None. However, queuing any operation requires privilege, and it is possible to issue this command only within the interactive session in which the jobs are queued.
backup(8), backup_interactive(8), backup_kill(8), backup_quit(8)
IBM Corporation 2000. <> All Rights Reserved.
This documentation is covered by the IBM Public License Version 1.0. It was converted from HTML to POD by software written by Chas Williams and Russ Allbery, based on work by Alf Wachsmann and Elizabeth Cassell.
2024-12-16 | OpenAFS |