AMCHECKDB(8) System Administration Commands AMCHECKDB(8)

amcheckdb - check Amanda database for tape consistency

amcheckdb config

Amcheckdb verifies that every tape mentioned in the Amanda database is still valid in the tapelist(5).

See the amanda(8) man page for more details about Amanda.

This shows a normal response:

# amcheckdb daily

This shows tape DMP014 is still listed in the database but is no longer listed in the tapelist(5):

# amcheckdb daily
Tape DMP014 missing in /usr/local/etc/amanda//daily/tapelist

amanda(8), amadmin(8), amrmtape(8)

The Amanda Wiki: :

Adrian T. Filipi-Martin <>

Stefan G. Weichinger <>

12/01/2017 Amanda 3.5.1