aa-update-browser - update browser profiles with browser abstractions

aa-update-browser [option] <profile>

aa-update-browser will list current browser abstractions in /etc/apparmor.d/abstractions/ubuntu-browsers.d as well as update browser profiles to use those abstractions.

aa-update-browser accepts the following arguments:

dry-run. Only show what would be done.
update the specified profile with the comma-separated list of ABSTRACTIONS. Specifying '' will remove all ABSTRACTIONS.
show supported browser abstractions
show help

aa-update-browser will always add the plugins-common abstraction if the list of abstractions ABSTRACTIONS is not empty.

If you find any additional bugs, please report them to Launchpad at <https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/apparmor/+filebug>.


2010-08-11 Canonical Ltd