ycm-variables - YCM Variables Reference
Use modules downloaded from 3rd party projects.
Enable or disable all YCM_USE_CMAKE_ variables (default ON).
Use CMake modules imported from a specific CMake version.
Some modules you would like to use might not available on previous CMake releases, or might have received some bugfix or new feature in a specific CMake version. If this variable is enabled, YCM will allow you to use the new version of these modules with older versions.
For example by enabling YCM_USE_CMAKE_3_7, some modules from CMake 3.7 will be available for older CMake releases.
This option not considered if CMAKE_VERSION is less than <VERSION>.
Use CMake modules imported from CMake git repository.
Use YCM patched version of modules from CMake.
YCM provides a few modules that are available with CMake, but with a few patches applied. These are not automatically used, in order to let the user choose whether to use the original or the patched version. Enable this variable to use the YCM version of these modules.
Enable YCM deprecated modules.
Some YCM modules have been deprecated, and should not be used in new code. Nonetheless they are available for backwards compatibility and can be still used in old code by setting this variable to true.
Copyright 2012-2021 Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT)
November 5, 2023 | 0.13. |