xsh_scired_ifu_stare_drl - Reduce science exposure in IFU
configuration and stare mode
esorex xsh_scired_ifu_stare_drl [OPTIONS] FILE.sof
This recipe reduces science exposure in IFU configuration and
stare mode Input Frames :
- A set of n Science frames ( n == 1 or >=3, Tag = OBJECT_IFU_STARE_arm or
- A spectral format table (Tag = SPECTRAL_FORMAT_TAB_arm)
- [UVB,VIS] A master bias frame (Tag = MASTER_BIAS_arm)
- [OPTIONAL]A master dark frame (Tag = MASTER_DARK_arm)
- A master flat frame (Tag = MASTER_FLAT_IFU_arm)
- An AFC corrected order table frame (Tag = ORDER_TAB_AFC_IFU_arm)
- [physmod] An AFC corrected model cfg frame (Tag = XSH_MOD_CFG_OPT_AFC_arm)
- [poly] An AFC corrected model wavesol frame (Tag = WAVE_TAB_AFC_arm)
- [OPTIONAL] An AFC corrected dispersion solution frame (Tag =
- [OPTIONAL] A slit map (Tag = SLIT_MAP_arm)
- [OPTIONAL] A badpixel map (Tag = BADPIXEL_MAP_arm)
- [OPTIONAL] A mask of telluric lines (Tag = TELL_MASK_arm) Products :
- 3 Spectrum order tables 2D (1 per slitlet),
- 3 Spectrum merge tables 2D (1 per slitlet),
- 1 Spectrum merge 3D, PRO.CATG=MERGE3D_IFU_arm
- --keep-temp
- If ´no´, temporary files are deleted. (str; default:
´no´). The full name of this option for the EsoRex
configuration file is xsh.xsh_scired_ifu_stare_drl.keep-temp
[default = no].
- --debug-level
- Additional xshooter debug level. One of ´none´,
´low´, ´medium´, ´high´ (str;
default: ´none´). The full name of this option for the
EsoRex configuration file is
xsh.xsh_scired_ifu_stare_drl.debug-level [default =
- --time-stamp
- Add timestamp to product file name. (bool; default: False). The full name
of this option for the EsoRex configuration file is
xsh.xsh_scired_ifu_stare_drl.time-stamp [default =
- --decode-bp
- Integer representation of the bits to be considered bad when decoding the
bad pixel mask pixel values. Most frequent codes relevant for the user: 0:
good pixel, 8: pick-up noise, 16: cosmic-ray removed, 32: cosmic-ray
unremoved, 128: calibration file defect, 256: hot pixel, 512: dark pixel,
4096: A/D converted saturation, 32768: non linear pixel, 1048576:
extrapolated flux in NIR, 4194304: Interpolated flux during extraction.
(int; default: 2144337919). The full name of this option for the EsoRex
configuration file is xsh.xsh_scired_ifu_stare_drl.decode-bp
[default = 2144337919].
- --pre-overscan-corr
- pre-overscan correction. 0: no correction 1: mean overscan correction 2:
mean prescan correction 3: (mean pre+mean overscan)/2 correction (int;
default: 1). The full name of this option for the EsoRex configuration
file is xsh.xsh_scired_ifu_stare_drl.pre-overscan-corr [default =
- --stack-method
- Method used to build master frame. (str; default: ´median´).
The full name of this option for the EsoRex configuration file is
xsh.xsh_scired_ifu_stare_drl.stack-method [default =
- --klow
- Kappa used to clip low level values, when method is set to
´mean´ (float; default: 5.0). The full name of this option
for the EsoRex configuration file is
xsh.xsh_scired_ifu_stare_drl.klow [default = 5.0].
- --khigh
- Kappa used to clip high level values, when method is set to
´mean´ (float; default: 5.0). The full name of this option
for the EsoRex configuration file is
xsh.xsh_scired_ifu_stare_drl.khigh [default = 5.0].
- --crh-clip-kappa
- Kappa value in sigma clipping during CRH rejection using multiple frames
(float; default: 5.0). The full name of this option for the EsoRex
configuration file is xsh.xsh_scired_ifu_stare_drl.crh-clip-kappa
[default = 5.0].
- --crh-clip-niter
- Number of iterations in sigma clipping during CRH rejection using multiple
frames (int; default: 5). The full name of this option for the EsoRex
configuration file is xsh.xsh_scired_ifu_stare_drl.crh-clip-niter
[default = 5].
- --crh-clip-frac
- Minimal ratio of points accepted / total in sigma clipping during CRH
rejection using multiple frames (float; default: 0.7). The full name of
this option for the EsoRex configuration file is
xsh.xsh_scired_ifu_stare_drl.crh-clip-frac [default =
- --background-edges-margin
- X margin to order edge to define background sampling points (int; default:
1). The full name of this option for the EsoRex configuration file is
xsh.xsh_scired_ifu_stare_drl.background-edges-margin [default =
- --background-poly-deg-y
- Poly mode fit deg along Y. (int; default: 9). The full name of this option
for the EsoRex configuration file is
xsh.xsh_scired_ifu_stare_drl.background-poly-deg-y [default =
- --background-poly-deg-x
- Poly mode fit deg along X. (int; default: 9). The full name of this option
for the EsoRex configuration file is
xsh.xsh_scired_ifu_stare_drl.background-poly-deg-x [default =
- --background-poly-kappa
- Poly mode kappa value of kappa-sigma-clip outliers removal. (float;
default: 10.0). The full name of this option for the EsoRex configuration
file is xsh.xsh_scired_ifu_stare_drl.background-poly-kappa [default
= 10.0].
- --removecrhsingle-sigmalim
- Poisson fluctuation threshold to flag CRHs (see van Dokkum,
PASP,113,2001,p1420-27) (float; default: 5.0). The full name of this
option for the EsoRex configuration file is
xsh.xsh_scired_ifu_stare_drl.removecrhsingle-sigmalim [default =
- --removecrhsingle-flim
- Minimum contrast between the Laplacian image and the fine structure image
that a point must have to be flagged as CRH. (see van Dokkum,
PASP,113,2001,p1420-27) (float; default: 2.0). The full name of this
option for the EsoRex configuration file is
xsh.xsh_scired_ifu_stare_drl.removecrhsingle-flim [default =
- --removecrhsingle-niter
- Max number of iterations (int; default: 4). The full name of this option
for the EsoRex configuration file is
xsh.xsh_scired_ifu_stare_drl.removecrhsingle-niter [default =
- --rectify-kernel
- Name of the Interpolation Kernel Used. Possible values are: tanh, sinc,
sinc2, lanczos, hamming, hann. (str; default: ´tanh´). The
full name of this option for the EsoRex configuration file is
xsh.xsh_scired_ifu_stare_drl.rectify-kernel [default =
- --rectify-radius
- Rectify Interpolation radius [bin units]. (float; default: 2.0). The full
name of this option for the EsoRex configuration file is
xsh.xsh_scired_ifu_stare_drl.rectify-radius [default =
- --rectify-bin-lambda
- Wavelength step in the output spectrum [nm] (float; default: 0.06). The
full name of this option for the EsoRex configuration file is
xsh.xsh_scired_ifu_stare_drl.rectify-bin-lambda [default =
- --rectify-bin-slit
- Spatial step along the slit in the output spectrum [arcsec] (float;
default: 0.21). The full name of this option for the EsoRex configuration
file is xsh.xsh_scired_ifu_stare_drl.rectify-bin-slit [default =
- --localize-method
- Localization method (MANUAL, MAXIMUM, GAUSSIAN) used to detect the object
centroid and height on the slit (str; default: ´MANUAL´).
The full name of this option for the EsoRex configuration file is
xsh.xsh_scired_ifu_stare_drl.localize-method [default =
- --localize-chunk-nb
- Number of chunks in the full spectrum to localize the object (int;
default: 10). The full name of this option for the EsoRex configuration
file is xsh.xsh_scired_ifu_stare_drl.localize-chunk-nb [default =
- --localize-thresh
- Threshold relative to the peak intensity below which the edges of the
object are detected for MAXIMUM localization (float; default: 0.1). The
full name of this option for the EsoRex configuration file is
xsh.xsh_scired_ifu_stare_drl.localize-thresh [default =
- --localize-deg-lambda
- Degree in lambda in the localization polynomial expression slit=f(lambda),
used only for MAXIMUM and GAUSSIAN (int; default: 0). The full name of
this option for the EsoRex configuration file is
xsh.xsh_scired_ifu_stare_drl.localize-deg-lambda [default =
- --localize-slit-position
- Object position on the slit for MANUAL localization [arcsec] (float;
default: 0.0). The full name of this option for the EsoRex configuration
file is xsh.xsh_scired_ifu_stare_drl.localize-slit-position
[default = 0.0].
- --localize-slit-hheight
- Object half height on the slit for MANUAL localization [arcsec] (float;
default: 2.0). The full name of this option for the EsoRex configuration
file is xsh.xsh_scired_ifu_stare_drl.localize-slit-hheight [default
= 2.0].
- --localize-kappa
- Kappa value for sigma clipping in the localization polynomial fit (float;
default: 3.0). The full name of this option for the EsoRex configuration
file is xsh.xsh_scired_ifu_stare_drl.localize-kappa [default =
- --localize-niter
- Number of iterations for sigma clipping in the localization polynomial fit
(int; default: 3). The full name of this option for the EsoRex
configuration file is xsh.xsh_scired_ifu_stare_drl.localize-niter
[default = 3].
- --localize-use-skymask
- TRUE if we want to mask sky lines using SKY_LINE_LIST file. (bool;
default: False). The full name of this option for the EsoRex configuration
file is xsh.xsh_scired_ifu_stare_drl.localize-use-skymask [default
= False].
- Method used for extraction (LOCALIZATION, NOD) (str; default:
´LOCALIZATION´). The full name of this option for the EsoRex
configuration file is xsh.xsh_scired_ifu_stare_drl.extract-method
[default = LOCALIZATION].
- Half size of mask used to define object cross order profile (int; default:
30). The full name of this option for the EsoRex configuration file is
xsh.xsh_scired_ifu_stare_drl.stdextract-interp-hsize [default =
- --shift-offsettab-low
- Global shift of the lower slitlet slit positions, relative to the central
one[arcsec]. (float; default: 0.0). The full name of this option for the
EsoRex configuration file is
xsh.xsh_scired_ifu_stare_drl.shift-offsettab-low [default =
- --shift-offsettab-up
- Global shift of the upper slitlet slit positions, relative to the central
one[arcsec]. (float; default: 0.0). The full name of this option for the
EsoRex configuration file is
xsh.xsh_scired_ifu_stare_drl.shift-offsettab-up [default =
- --compute-map
- if TRUE recompute (wave and slit) maps from the dispersion solution. If
sky-subtract is set to TRUE this must be set to TRUE. (bool; default:
True). The full name of this option for the EsoRex configuration file is
xsh.xsh_scired_ifu_stare_drl.compute-map [default =
- --check-afc
- Input AFC corrected model/wave solution and science frame check.If TRUE
the recipe verify that the input mode/wave solution is AFC corrected, its
INS.OPTIi.NAME is ´Pin_0.5 ´, and its OBS.ID and
OBS.TARG.NAME values matches with the corresponding values of the science
frame. (bool; default: True). The full name of this option for the EsoRex
configuration file is xsh.xsh_scired_ifu_stare_drl.check-afc
[default = True].
- --flat-method
- method adopted for flat: (str; default: ´master´). The full
name of this option for the EsoRex configuration file is
xsh.xsh_scired_ifu_stare_drl.flat-method [default = master].
Note that it is possible to create a configuration file containing
these options, along with suitable default values. Please refer to the
details provided by the 'esorex --help' command.
The full documentation for the xshoo pipeline can be downloaded as
a PDF file using the following URL:
- ftp://ftp.eso.org/pub/dfs/pipelines/xshoo/xshoo-pipeline-manual-12.1.pdf
An overview over the existing ESO pipelines can be found on the
web page https://www.eso.org/sci/software/pipelines/.
Basic documentation about the EsoRex program can be found at the
esorex (1) man page.
It is possible to call the pipelines from python using the
python-cpl package. See
https://packages.python.org/python-cpl/index.html for further
The other recipes of the xshoo pipeline are xsh_2dmap(7),
xsh_cfg_recover(7), xsh_flexcomp(7), xsh_geom_ifu(7),
xsh_lingain(7), xsh_mbias(7), xsh_mdark(7),
xsh_mflat(7), xsh_orderpos(7), xsh_predict(7),
xsh_respon_slit_nod(7), xsh_respon_slit_offset(7),
xsh_respon_slit_stare(7), xsh_scired_ifu_offset(7),
xsh_scired_ifu_offset_drl(7), xsh_scired_ifu_stare(7),
xsh_scired_slit_nod(7), xsh_scired_slit_offset(7),
xsh_scired_slit_stare(7), xsh_util_physmod(7),
xsh_scired_ifu_stare_drl 3.5.3
P.Goldoni, L.Guglielmi, R. Haigron, F. Royer
Please report any problems to amodigli@eso.org. Alternatively, you
may send a report to the ESO User Support Department
This file is part of the X-shooter Instrument Pipeline Copyright
(C) 2006 European Southern Observatory
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA