vimos_ima_standard - Standard field processing for imaging

esorex vimos_ima_standard [OPTIONS] FILE.sof

vimos_ima_standard -- VIMOS standard star recipe.

Take a list of standard frames and correct them to remove bias, dark and flat field signatures. Optionally defringe the reddest filter images. Astrometrically and photometrically calibrate the individual images, but do no stacking

The program accepts the following files in the SOF:

Tag Description

STD A list of raw standard images
MASTER_BIAS A master bias frame
MASTER_DARK A master dark frame
MASTER_TWILIGHT_FLAT A master flat frame
MASTER_CONF A master confidence map
MASTER_FRINGE A master fringe map (optional)
MASTER_FRINGE_VAR A master fringe variance map (optional)
MASTER_READGAIN A master readgain table
MASTER_2MASS_CATALOGUE_ASTROM A master 2MASS index for astrometry or
MASTER_PPMXL_CATALOGUE_ASTROM A master PPMXL index for astrometry or
MASTER_APASS_CATALOGUE_ASTROM A master APASS index for astrometry or
MASTER_LOCAL_CATALOGUE_ASTROM A master local catalogue index for astrometry
MASTER_APASS_CATALOGUE_PHOTOM A master APASS index for photometry or
MASTER_LOCAL_CATALOGUE_PHOTOM A master local catalogue index for photometry
PHOTCAL_TAB A photometric calibration table
SCHLEGEL_MAP_NORTH Northern Schlegel Map
SCHLEGEL_MAP_SOUTH Southern Schlegel Map All of these are required unless specified otherwise.

Preview only? (bool; default: False). The full name of this option for the EsoRex configuration file is vimos.vimos_ima_standard.preview_only [default = False].
Minimum stars for photometry solution (int; default: 1). The full name of this option for the EsoRex configuration file is vimos.vimos_ima_standard.minphotom [default = 1].
Use pretty product names? (bool; default: False). The full name of this option for the EsoRex configuration file is vimos.vimos_ima_standard.prettynames [default = False].
Save matched standard catalogues? (bool; default: False). The full name of this option for the EsoRex configuration file is vimos.vimos_ima_standard.savemstd [default = False].
CDS astrometric catalogue (str; default: ´none´). The full name of this option for the EsoRex configuration file is vimos.vimos_ima_standard.cdssearch_astrom [default = none].
CDS photometric catalogue (str; default: ´none´). The full name of this option for the EsoRex configuration file is vimos.vimos_ima_standard.cdssearch_photom [default = none].
Ignore provided fringe frame? (bool; default: False). The full name of this option for the EsoRex configuration file is vimos.vimos_ima_standard.ignore_fringe [default = False].
Minimum pixel area for each detected object (int; default: 5). The full name of this option for the EsoRex configuration file is vimos.vimos_ima_standard.src_cat_ipix [default = 5].
Detection threshold in sigma above sky (float; default: 2.5). The full name of this option for the EsoRex configuration file is vimos.vimos_ima_standard.src_cat_thresh [default = 2.5].
Use deblending? (bool; default: True). The full name of this option for the EsoRex configuration file is vimos.vimos_ima_standard.src_cat_icrowd [default = True].
Value of Rcore in pixels (float; default: 5.0). The full name of this option for the EsoRex configuration file is vimos.vimos_ima_standard.src_cat_rcore [default = 5.0].
Background smoothing box size (int; default: 128). The full name of this option for the EsoRex configuration file is vimos.vimos_ima_standard.src_cat_nbsize [default = 128].
Location for standard star cache (str; default: ´.´). The full name of this option for the EsoRex configuration file is vimos.vimos_ima_standard.cacheloc [default = .].
A cut in the magnitude error (float; default: 100.0). The full name of this option for the EsoRex configuration file is vimos.vimos_ima_standard.magerrcut [default = 100.0].
STD stars with magnitudes BRIGHTER than this are removed. (float; default: 15.0). The full name of this option for the EsoRex configuration file is vimos.vimos_ima_standard.lthr_mag [default = 15.0].
STD stars with magnitudes FAINTER than this are removed. (float; default: 32.0). The full name of this option for the EsoRex configuration file is vimos.vimos_ima_standard.hthr_mag [default = 32.0].

Note that it is possible to create a configuration file containing these options, along with suitable default values. Please refer to the details provided by the 'esorex --help' command.

The full documentation for the vimos pipeline can be downloaded as a PDF file using the following URL:

An overview over the existing ESO pipelines can be found on the web page

Basic documentation about the EsoRex program can be found at the esorex (1) man page.

It is possible to call the pipelines from python using the python-cpl package. See for further information.

The other recipes of the vimos pipeline are vimos_ima_bias(7), vimos_ima_dark(7), vimos_ima_det_noise(7), vimos_ima_fringe(7), vimos_ima_science(7), vimos_ima_twilight_flat(7), vmbias(7), vmdark(7), vmdet(7), vmifucalib(7), vmifucombine(7), vmifucombinecube(7), vmifuscience(7), vmifustandard(7), vmmoscalib(7), vmmosscience(7), vmspphot(7)

vimos_ima_standard 4.1.7

Jim Lewis <>

Please report any problems to Alternatively, you may send a report to the ESO User Support Department <>.

This file is part of the VIMOS Instrument Pipeline Copyright (C) 2019 European Southern Observatory

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

4.1.7 vimos_ima_standard