pipewire-devices(7) | Miscellaneous Information Manual | pipewire-devices(7) |
pipewire-devices - PipeWire device and node property reference.
Audio sinks and sources, cameras, Bluetooth endpoints, and other objects have properties that can be set in configuration files or at runtime.
Some of the properties are 'common object properties' (e.g. such as node.description) and can be set on all types of devices and nodes. Other properties control settings of a specific type of a device (ALSA, Bluetooth, ...).
All the properties are usually configured in the session manager configuration. For how to configure them, see the session manager documentation.
In minimal PipeWire setups without a session manager, they can be configured via context.objects in pipewire.conf(5).
The settings of most ALSA and virtual device parameters can be configured also at runtime.
The settings are available in device Props in the params field. They can be seen e.g. using pw-dump <id> for an ALSA device:
{ ... "Props": [ { ... "params": [ "audio.channels", 2, "audio.rate", 0, "audio.format", "UNKNOWN", "audio.position", "[ FL, FR ]", "audio.allowed-rates", "[ ]", "api.alsa.period-size", 0, "api.alsa.period-num", 0, "api.alsa.headroom", 0, "api.alsa.start-delay", 0, "api.alsa.disable-mmap", false, "api.alsa.disable-batch", false, "api.alsa.use-chmap", false, "api.alsa.multi-rate", true, "latency.internal.rate", 0, "latency.internal.ns", 0, "clock.name", "api.alsa.c-1" ] } ...
One or more params can be changed using pw-cli(1):
pw-cli s <id> Props '{ params = [ "api.alsa.headroom" 1024 ] }'
These settings are not saved and need to be reapplied for each session
manager restart.
The properties listed in Stream properties apply also to sink or source nodes corresponding to real or virtual devices.
In addition:
priority.driver # integer
Normally, the session manager assigns higher priority to sources so that they become the driver in the graph. The reason for this is that adaptive resampling should be done on the sinks rather than the source to avoid signal distortion when capturing audio.
priority.session # integer
clock.name # string
In Pro Audio mode, nodes from the same device are assumed to have the same clock and no resampling will happen when linked togther. So, linking a capture port to a playback port will not use any adaptive resampling in Pro Audio mode.
In Non Pro Audio profile, no such assumption is made and adaptive resampling is done in all cases by default. This can also be disabled by setting the same clock.name on the nodes.
These are common properties for devices.
device.name # string
Other device.* properties: UNDOCUMENTED
Most audio nodes (ALSA, Bluetooth, ...) have common properties for the audio converter. See pipewire-client.conf(5) stream.properties for explanations.
alsa.use-acp # boolean
alsa.udev.expose-busy # boolean
api.alsa.path # string
api.acp.auto-port # boolean
api.acp.auto-profile # boolean
audio.channels # integer
audio.rate # integer
audio.format # string
audio.position # JSON array of strings
audio.allowed-rates # JSON array of integers
Only rates from the array will be used to open the device. When the graph is running with a rate not listed in the allowed-rates, the resampler will be used to resample to the nearest allowed rate.
api.alsa.period-size # integer
api.alsa.period-num # integer
api.alsa.headroom # integer
api.alsa.start-delay # integer
api.alsa.disable-mmap # boolean
api.alsa.disable-batch # boolean
api.alsa.use-chmap # boolean
api.alsa.multi-rate # boolean
api.alsa.htimestamp = false # boolean
api.alsa.htimestamp.max-errors # integer
api.alsa.disable-tsched = false # boolean
api.alsa.auto-link = false # boolean
latency.internal.rate # integer
latency.internal.ns # integer
api.alsa.path # string
api.alsa.open.ucm # boolean
api.alsa.bind-ctls # boolean
iec958.codecs # JSON array of string
The following are settings for the Bluetooth device monitor, not device or node properties:
bluez5.roles # JSON array of string
Currently some headsets (Sony WH-1000XM3) are not working with both hsp_ag and hfp_ag enabled, so by default we enable only HFP.
Supported roles:
bluez5.codecs # JSON array of string
bluez5.default.rate # integer
bluez5.default.channels # integer
bluez5.hfphsp-backend # integer
bluez5.hfphsp-backend-native-modem # string
bluez5.dummy-avrcp player # boolean
bluez5.enable-sbc-xq # boolean
bluez5.enable-msbc # boolean
bluez5.enable-hw-volume # boolean
bluez5.hw-offload-sco # boolean
This feature requires a custom configuration that routes SCO audio to ALSA nodes, in a platform-specific way. See tests/examples/bt-pinephone.lua in WirePlumber for an example. Do not enable this setting if you don't know what all this means, as it won't work.
bluez5.a2dp.opus.pro.channels = 3 # integer
bluez5.a2dp.opus.pro.coupled-streams = 1 # integer
bluez5.a2dp.opus.pro.locations = 'FL,FR,LFE' # string
bluez5.a2dp.opus.pro.max-bitrate = 600000 # integer
bluez5.a2dp.opus.pro.frame-dms = 50 # integer
bluez5.a2dp.opus.pro.bidi.channels = 1 # integer
bluez5.a2dp.opus.pro.bidi.coupled-streams = 0 # integer
bluez5.a2dp.opus.pro.bidi.locations = 'FC' # string
bluez5.a2dp.opus.pro.bidi.max-bitrate = 160000 # integer
bluez5.a2dp.opus.pro.bidi.frame-dms = 400 # integer
bluez5.auto-connect # boolean
bluez5.hw-volume = [ PROFILE1 PROFILE2... ] # JSON array of string
bluez5.profile # string
bluez5.a2dp.ldac.quality # string
bluez5.a2dp.aac.bitratemode # integer
bluez5.a2dp.opus.pro.application = 'audio' # string
bluez5.a2dp.opus.pro.bidi.application = 'audio' # string
bluez5.media-source-role # string
The sound card profiles ('Analog stereo', 'Analog stereo duplex', ...) except 'Pro Audio' come from two sources:
See the above links on how to configure these systems.
For ACP, PipeWire looks for the profile configuration files under
The path and profile-set files are in subdirectories paths and profile-sets of these directories. It is possible to override individual files locally by putting a modified copy into the ACP directories under ~/.config or /etc.
The PipeWire Developers <https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/pipewire/pipewire/issues>; PipeWire is available from <https://pipewire.org>
1.0.5 | PipeWire |