ocf_heartbeat_exportfs - Manages NFS exports
exportfs [start | stop | monitor | meta-data |
Exportfs uses the exportfs command to add/remove nfs exports. It
does NOT manage the nfs server daemon. It depends on Linux specific NFS
implementation details, so is considered not portable to other platforms
The client specification allowing remote machines to
mount the directory (or directories) over NFS.
Note: it follows the format defined in "man exportfs".
For example, in the use case to export the directory(-ies) for multiple
subnets, please do config a dedicated primitive for each subnet CIDR ip
address, and do not attempt to use multiple CIDR ip addresses in a space
separated list, like in /etc/exports.
(required, string, no default)
The options to pass to exportfs for the exported
directory or directories.
(optional, string, no default)
The directory or directories to be exported using NFS.
Multiple directories are separated by white space.
(required, string, no default)
The fsid option to pass to exportfs. This can be a unique
positive integer, a UUID (assuredly sans comma characters), or the special
string "root" which is functionally identical to numeric fsid of 0.
If multiple directories are being exported, then they are assigned ids
sequentially starting with this fsid (fsid, fsid+1, fsid+2, ...). Obviously,
in that case the fsid must be an integer. 0 (root) identifies the export as
the root of an NFSv4 pseudofilesystem -- avoid this setting unless you
understand its special status. This value will override any fsid provided via
the options parameter.
(optional, string, no default)
Relinquish NFS locks associated with this filesystem when
the resource stops. Enabling this parameter is highly recommended unless the
path exported by this exportfs resource is also exported by a different
Note: Unlocking is only possible on Linux systems where
/proc/fs/nfsd/unlock_filesystem exists and is writable. If your system does
not fulfill this requirement (on account of having an nonrecent kernel, for
example), you may set this parameter to 0 to silence the associated
(optional, boolean, default 1)
When stopping (unexporting), wait out the NFSv4 lease
time. Only after all leases have expired does the NFS kernel server relinquish
all server-side handles on the exported filesystem. If this exportfs resource
manages an export that resides on a mount point designed to fail over along
with the NFS export itself, then enabling this parameter will ensure such
failover is working properly. Note that when this parameter is set, your stop
timeout MUST accommodate for the wait period. This parameter is safe to
disable if none of your NFS clients are using NFS version 4 or later.
(optional, boolean, default 0)
Back up those entries from the NFS rmtab that apply to
the exported directory, to the specified backup file. The filename is
interpreted as relative to the exported directory. This backup is required if
clients are connecting to the export via NFSv3 over TCP. Note that a
configured monitor operation is required for this functionality.
To disable rmtab backups, set this parameter to the special string
(optional, string, default ".rmtab")
This resource agent supports the following actions
Starts the resource. Suggested minimum timeout:
Stops the resource. Suggested minimum timeout:
Performs a detailed status check. Suggested minimum
timeout: 20s. Suggested interval: 10s.
Retrieves resource agent metadata (internal use only).
Suggested minimum timeout: 5s.
Performs a validation of the resource configuration.
Suggested minimum timeout: 30s.
The following is an example configuration for a exportfs resource
using the crm(8) shell:
primitive p_exportfs ocf:heartbeat:exportfs \
params \
clientspec=string \
directory=string \
op monitor depth="0" timeout="20s" interval="10s"
The following is an example configuration for a exportfs resource
using pcs(8)
pcs resource create p_exportfs ocf:heartbeat:exportfs \
clientspec=string \
directory=string \
op monitor OCF_CHECK_LEVEL="0" timeout="20s" interval="10s"
ClusterLabs contributors (see the resource agent source for
information about individual authors)