nvme-stas - NVMe over Fabrics STorage Appliance Services
This page describes the services provided by the nvme-stas package.
nvme-stas is composed of two services, stafd(8) and stacd(8), running on a host computer (the NVMe Host).
The tasks performed by stafd include:
The tasks performed by stacd include:
A host must be provided with a Host NQN and a Host ID. nvme-stas will not run without these two mandatory configuration parameters. To follow in the footsteps of nvme-cli and libnvme, nvme-stas will use the same Host NQN and ID that nvme-cli and libnvme use by default. In other words, nvme-stas will read the Host NQN and ID from these two files by default:
Using the same configuration files will ensure consistency between nvme-stas, nvme-cli, and libnvme. On the other hand, nvme-stas can operate with a different Host NQN and/or ID. In that case, one can specify them in /etc/stas/sys.conf.
A new optional configuration parameters introduced in TP8010, the
Host Symbolic Name, can also be specified in /etc/stas/sys.conf.
The documentation for /etc/stas/sys.conf
can be found /etc/stas/sys.conf.doc.
stacctl(1), stacd.conf(5), stacd.service(8), stacd(8), stafctl(1), stafd.conf(5), stafd.service(8), stafd(8),
nvme-stas 2.3.1 |