LARK(7) | Lark | LARK(7) |
lark - Lark Documentation
Parsers are innately complicated and confusing. They're difficult to understand, difficult to write, and difficult to use. Even experts on the subject can become baffled by the nuances of these complicated state-machines.
Lark's mission is to make the process of writing them as simple and abstract as possible, by following these design principles:
In accordance with these principles, I arrived at the following design choices:
Grammars are the de-facto reference for your language, and for the structure of your parse-tree. For any non-trivial language, the conflation of code and grammar always turns out convoluted and difficult to read.
The grammars in Lark are EBNF-inspired, so they are especially easy to read & work with.
Trees are always simpler to work with than state-machines.
And anyway, every parse-tree can be replayed as a state-machine, so there is no loss of information.
See this answer in more detail here.
To improve performance, you can skip building the tree for LALR(1), by providing Lark with a transformer (see the JSON example).
The Earley algorithm can accept any context-free grammar you throw at it (i.e. any grammar you can write in EBNF, it can parse). That makes it extremely friendly to beginners, who are not aware of the strange and arbitrary restrictions that LALR(1) places on its grammars.
As the users grow to understand the structure of their grammar, the scope of their target language, and their performance requirements, they may choose to switch over to LALR(1) to gain a huge performance boost, possibly at the cost of some language features.
Both Earley and LALR(1) can use the same grammar, as long as all constraints are satisfied.
In short, "Premature optimization is the root of all evil."
Read more about the parsers
Lark implements the following parsing algorithms: Earley, LALR(1), and CYK
An Earley Parser is a chart parser capable of parsing any context-free grammar at O(n^3), and O(n^2) when the grammar is unambiguous. It can parse most LR grammars at O(n). Most programming languages are LR, and can be parsed at a linear time.
Lark's Earley implementation runs on top of a skipping chart parser, which allows it to use regular expressions, instead of matching characters one-by-one. This is a huge improvement to Earley that is unique to Lark. This feature is used by default, but can also be requested explicitly using lexer='dynamic'.
It's possible to bypass the dynamic lexing, and use the regular Earley parser with a basic lexer, that tokenizes as an independent first step. Doing so will provide a speed benefit, but will tokenize without using Earley's ambiguity-resolution ability. So choose this only if you know why! Activate with lexer='basic'
SPPF & Ambiguity resolution
Lark implements the Shared Packed Parse Forest data-structure for the Earley parser, in order to reduce the space and computation required to handle ambiguous grammars.
You can read more about SPPF here
As a result, Lark can efficiently parse and store every ambiguity in the grammar, when using Earley.
Lark provides the following options to combat ambiguity:
Earley's "dynamic" lexer uses regular expressions in order to tokenize the text. It tries every possible combination of terminals, but it matches each terminal exactly once, returning the longest possible match.
That means, for example, that when lexer="dynamic" (which is the default), the terminal /a+/, when given the text "aa", will return one result, aa, even though a would also be correct.
This behavior was chosen because it is much faster, and it is usually what you would expect.
Setting lexer="dynamic_complete" instructs the lexer to consider every possible regexp match. This ensures that the parser will consider and resolve every ambiguity, even inside the terminals themselves. This lexer provides the same capabilities as scannerless Earley, but with different performance tradeoffs.
Warning: This lexer can be much slower, especially for open-ended terminals such as /.*/
LALR(1) is a very efficient, true-and-tested parsing algorithm. It's incredibly fast and requires very little memory. It can parse most programming languages (For example: Python and Java).
LALR(1) stands for:
Lark comes with an efficient implementation that outperforms every other parsing library for Python (including PLY)
Lark extends the traditional YACC-based architecture with a contextual lexer, which processes feedback from the parser, making the LALR(1) algorithm stronger than ever.
The contextual lexer communicates with the parser, and uses the parser's lookahead prediction to narrow its choice of terminals. So at each point, the lexer only matches the subgroup of terminals that are legal at that parser state, instead of all of the terminals. It’s surprisingly effective at resolving common terminal collisions, and allows one to parse languages that LALR(1) was previously incapable of parsing.
(If you're familiar with YACC, you can think of it as automatic lexer-states)
This is an improvement to LALR(1) that is unique to Lark.
Due to having only a lookahead of one token, LALR is limited in its ability to choose between rules, when they both match the input.
Tips for writing a conforming grammar:
For a better understanding of these constraints, it's recommended to learn how a SLR parser works. SLR is very similar to LALR but much simpler.
A CYK parser can parse any context-free grammar at O(n^3*|G|).
Its too slow to be practical for simple grammars, but it offers good performance for highly ambiguous grammars.
Lark is a parser - a program that accepts a grammar and text, and produces a structured tree that represents that text. In this tutorial we will write a JSON parser in Lark, and explore Lark's various features in the process.
It has 5 parts.
Knowledge assumed:
Lark accepts its grammars in a format called EBNF. It basically looks like this:
rule_name : list of rules and TERMINALS to match | another possible list of items | etc. TERMINAL: "some text to match"
(a terminal is a string or a regular expression)
The parser will try to match each rule (left-part) by matching its items (right-part) sequentially, trying each alternative (In practice, the parser is predictive so we don't have to try every alternative).
How to structure those rules is beyond the scope of this tutorial, but often it's enough to follow one's intuition.
In the case of JSON, the structure is simple: A json document is either a list, or a dictionary, or a string/number/etc.
The dictionaries and lists are recursive, and contain other json documents (or "values").
Let's write this structure in EBNF form:
value: dict | list | STRING | NUMBER | "true" | "false" | "null" list : "[" [value ("," value)*] "]" dict : "{" [pair ("," pair)*] "}" pair : STRING ":" value
A quick explanation of the syntax:
Lark also supports the rule+ operator, meaning one or more instances. It also supports the rule? operator which is another way to say optional.
Of course, we still haven't defined "STRING" and "NUMBER". Luckily, both these literals are already defined in Lark's common library:
%import common.ESCAPED_STRING -> STRING %import common.SIGNED_NUMBER -> NUMBER
The arrow (->) renames the terminals. But that only adds obscurity in this case, so going forward we'll just use their original names.
We'll also take care of the white-space, which is part of the text, by simply matching and then throwing it away.
%import common.WS %ignore WS
We tell our parser to ignore whitespace. Otherwise, we'd have to fill our grammar with WS terminals.
By the way, if you're curious what these terminals signify, they are roughly equivalent to this:
NUMBER : /-?\d+(\.\d+)?([eE][+-]?\d+)?/ STRING : /".*?(?<!\\)"/ %ignore /[ \t\n\f\r]+/
Lark will accept this way of writing too, if you really want to complicate your life :)
You can find the original definitions in common.lark. They don't strictly adhere to - but our purpose here is to accept json, not validate it.
Notice that terminals are written in UPPER-CASE, while rules are written in lower-case. I'll touch more on the differences between rules and terminals later.
Once we have our grammar, creating the parser is very simple.
We simply instantiate Lark, and tell it to accept a "value":
from lark import Lark json_parser = Lark(r""" value: dict | list | ESCAPED_STRING | SIGNED_NUMBER | "true" | "false" | "null" list : "[" [value ("," value)*] "]" dict : "{" [pair ("," pair)*] "}" pair : ESCAPED_STRING ":" value %import common.ESCAPED_STRING %import common.SIGNED_NUMBER %import common.WS %ignore WS """, start='value')
It's that simple! Let's test it out:
>>> text = '{"key": ["item0", "item1", 3.14]}' >>> json_parser.parse(text) Tree(value, [Tree(dict, [Tree(pair, [Token(STRING, "key"), Tree(value, [Tree(list, [Tree(value, [Token(STRING, "item0")]), Tree(value, [Token(STRING, "item1")]), Tree(value, [Token(NUMBER, 3.14)])])])])])]) >>> print( _.pretty() ) value dict pair "key" value list value "item0" value "item1" value 3.14
As promised, Lark automagically creates a tree that represents the parsed text.
But something is suspiciously missing from the tree. Where are the curly braces, the commas and all the other punctuation literals?
Lark automatically filters out literals from the tree, based on the following criteria:
Unfortunately, this means that it will also filter out literals like "true" and "false", and we will lose that information. The next section, "Shaping the tree" deals with this issue, and others.
We now have a parser that can create a parse tree (or: AST), but the tree has some issues:
I'll present the solution, and then explain it:
?value: dict | list | string | SIGNED_NUMBER -> number | "true" -> true | "false" -> false | "null" -> null ... string : ESCAPED_STRING
Here is the new grammar:
from lark import Lark json_parser = Lark(r""" ?value: dict | list | string | SIGNED_NUMBER -> number | "true" -> true | "false" -> false | "null" -> null list : "[" [value ("," value)*] "]" dict : "{" [pair ("," pair)*] "}" pair : string ":" value string : ESCAPED_STRING %import common.ESCAPED_STRING %import common.SIGNED_NUMBER %import common.WS %ignore WS """, start='value')
And let's test it out:
>>> text = '{"key": ["item0", "item1", 3.14, true]}' >>> print( json_parser.parse(text).pretty() ) dict pair string "key" list string "item0" string "item1" number 3.14 true
Ah! That is much much nicer.
It's nice to have a tree, but what we really want is a JSON object.
The way to do it is to evaluate the tree, using a Transformer.
A transformer is a class with methods corresponding to branch names. For each branch, the appropriate method will be called with the children of the branch as its argument, and its return value will replace the branch in the tree.
So let's write a partial transformer, that handles lists and dictionaries:
from lark import Transformer class MyTransformer(Transformer): def list(self, items): return list(items) def pair(self, key_value): k, v = key_value return k, v def dict(self, items): return dict(items)
And when we run it, we get this:
>>> tree = json_parser.parse(text) >>> MyTransformer().transform(tree) {Tree(string, [Token(ANONRE_1, "key")]): [Tree(string, [Token(ANONRE_1, "item0")]), Tree(string, [Token(ANONRE_1, "item1")]), Tree(number, [Token(ANONRE_0, 3.14)]), Tree(true, [])]}
This is pretty close. Let's write a full transformer that can handle the terminals too.
Also, our definitions of list and dict are a bit verbose. We can do better:
from lark import Transformer class TreeToJson(Transformer): def string(self, s): (s,) = s return s[1:-1] def number(self, n): (n,) = n return float(n) list = list pair = tuple dict = dict null = lambda self, _: None true = lambda self, _: True false = lambda self, _: False
And when we run it:
>>> tree = json_parser.parse(text) >>> TreeToJson().transform(tree) {u'key': [u'item0', u'item1', 3.14, True]}
By now, we have a fully working JSON parser, that can accept a string of JSON, and return its Pythonic representation.
But how fast is it?
Now, of course there are JSON libraries for Python written in C, and we can never compete with them. But since this is applicable to any parser you would write in Lark, let's see how far we can take this.
The first step for optimizing is to have a benchmark. For this benchmark I'm going to take data from I took their default suggestion and changed it to 5000 objects. The result is a 6.6MB sparse JSON file.
Our first program is going to be just a concatenation of everything we've done so far:
import sys from lark import Lark, Transformer json_grammar = r""" ?value: dict | list | string | SIGNED_NUMBER -> number | "true" -> true | "false" -> false | "null" -> null list : "[" [value ("," value)*] "]" dict : "{" [pair ("," pair)*] "}" pair : string ":" value string : ESCAPED_STRING %import common.ESCAPED_STRING %import common.SIGNED_NUMBER %import common.WS %ignore WS """ class TreeToJson(Transformer): def string(self, s): (s,) = s return s[1:-1] def number(self, n): (n,) = n return float(n) list = list pair = tuple dict = dict null = lambda self, _: None true = lambda self, _: True false = lambda self, _: False json_parser = Lark(json_grammar, start='value', lexer='basic') if __name__ == '__main__': with open(sys.argv[1]) as f: tree = json_parser.parse( print(TreeToJson().transform(tree))
We run it and get this:
$ time python json_data > /dev/null real 0m36.257s user 0m34.735s sys 0m1.361s
That's unsatisfactory time for a 6MB file. Maybe if we were parsing configuration or a small DSL, but we're trying to handle large amount of data here.
Well, turns out there's quite a bit we can do about it!
So far we've been using the Earley algorithm, which is the default in Lark. Earley is powerful but slow. But it just so happens that our grammar is LR-compatible, and specifically LALR(1) compatible.
So let's switch to LALR(1) and see what happens:
json_parser = Lark(json_grammar, start='value', parser='lalr')
$ time python json_data > /dev/null real 0m7.554s user 0m7.352s sys 0m0.148s
Ah, that's much better. The resulting JSON is of course exactly the same. You can run it for yourself and see.
It's important to note that not all grammars are LR-compatible, and so you can't always switch to LALR(1). But there's no harm in trying! If Lark lets you build the grammar, it means you're good to go.
So far, we've built a full parse tree for our JSON, and then transformed it. It's a convenient method, but it's not the most efficient in terms of speed and memory. Luckily, Lark lets us avoid building the tree when parsing with LALR(1).
Here's the way to do it:
json_parser = Lark(json_grammar, start='value', parser='lalr', transformer=TreeToJson()) if __name__ == '__main__': with open(sys.argv[1]) as f: print( json_parser.parse( )
We've used the transformer we've already written, but this time we plug it straight into the parser. Now it can avoid building the parse tree, and just send the data straight into our transformer. The parse() method now returns the transformed JSON, instead of a tree.
Let's benchmark it:
real 0m4.866s user 0m4.722s sys 0m0.121s
That's a measurable improvement! Also, this way is more memory efficient. Check out the benchmark table at the end to see just how much.
As a general practice, it's recommended to work with parse trees, and only skip the tree-builder when your transformer is already working.
PyPy is a JIT engine for running Python, and it's designed to be a drop-in replacement.
Lark is written purely in Python, which makes it very suitable for PyPy.
Let's get some free performance:
$ time pypy json_data > /dev/null real 0m1.397s user 0m1.296s sys 0m0.083s
PyPy is awesome!
We've brought the run-time down from 36 seconds to 1.1 seconds, in a series of small and simple steps.
Now let's compare the benchmarks in a nicely organized table.
I measured memory consumption using a little script called memusg
I added a few other parsers for comparison. PyParsing and funcparselib fair pretty well in their memory usage (they don't build a tree), but they can't compete with the run-time speed of LALR(1).
These benchmarks are for Lark's alpha version. I already have several optimizations planned that will significantly improve run-time speed.
Once again, shout-out to PyPy for being so effective.
This is the end of the tutorial. I hoped you liked it and learned a little about Lark.
To see what else you can do with Lark, check out the examples.
Read the documentation here:
This is the recommended process for working with Lark:
You can perform steps 1-4 repeatedly, gradually growing your grammar to include more sentences.
Of course, some specific use-cases may deviate from this process. Feel free to suggest these cases, and I'll add them to this page.
Browse the Examples to find a template that suits your purposes.
Read the tutorials to get a better understanding of how everything works. (links in the main page)
Use the Cheatsheet (PDF) for quick reference.
Use the reference pages for more in-depth explanations. (links in the main page)
Grammars may contain non-obvious bugs, usually caused by rules or terminals interfering with each other in subtle ways.
When trying to debug a misbehaving grammar, the following methodology is recommended:
Usually, by the time you get to a minimal grammar, the problem becomes clear.
But if it doesn't, feel free to ask us on gitter, or even open an issue. Post a reproducing code, with the minimal grammar and input, and we'll do our best to help.
A likely source of bugs occurs when two regexes in a grammar can match the same input. If both terminals have the same priority, most lexers would arbitrarily choose the first one that matches, which isn't always the desired one. (a notable exception is the dynamic_complete lexer, which always tries all variations. But its users pay for that with performance.)
These collisions can be hard to notice, and their effects can be difficult to debug, as they are subtle and sometimes hard to reproduce.
To help with these situations, Lark can utilize a new external library called interegular. If it is installed, Lark uses it to check for collisions, and warn about any conflicts that it can find:
import logging from lark import Lark, logger logger.setLevel(logging.WARN) collision_grammar = ''' start: A | B A: /a+/ B: /[ab]+/ ''' p = Lark(collision_grammar, parser='lalr') # Output: # Collision between Terminals B and A. The lexer will choose between them arbitrarily # Example Collision: a
You can install interegular for Lark using pip install 'lark[interegular]'.
Note 1: Interegular currently only runs when the lexer is basic or contextual.
Note 2: Some advanced regex features, such as lookahead and lookbehind, may prevent interegular from detecting existing collisions.
By default Lark automatically resolves Shift/Reduce conflicts as Shift. It produces notifications as debug messages.
when users pass debug=True, those notifications are written as warnings.
Either way, to get the messages printed you have to configure the logger beforehand. For example:
import logging from lark import Lark, logger logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) collision_grammar = ''' start: as as as: a* a: "a" ''' p = Lark(collision_grammar, parser='lalr', debug=True) # Shift/Reduce conflict for terminal A: (resolving as shift) # * <as : > # Shift/Reduce conflict for terminal A: (resolving as shift) # * <as : __as_star_0>
Lark, by default, accepts grammars with unresolved Shift/Reduce collisions (which it always resolves to shift), and regex collisions.
Strict-mode allows users to validate that their grammars don't contain these collisions.
When Lark is initialized with strict=True, it raises an exception on any Shift/Reduce or regex collision.
If interegular isn't installed, an exception is thrown.
When using strict-mode, users will be expected to resolve their collisions manually:
Strict-mode only applies to LALR for now.
from lark import Lark collision_grammar = ''' start: as as as: a* a: "a" ''' p = Lark(collision_grammar, parser='lalr', strict=True) # Traceback (most recent call last): # ... # lark.exceptions.GrammarError: Shift/Reduce conflict for terminal A. [strict-mode]
Lark can generate a stand-alone LALR(1) parser from a grammar.
The resulting module provides the same interface as Lark, but with a fixed grammar, and reduced functionality.
Run using:
python -m
For a play-by-play, read the tutorial
It is possible to import Nearley grammars into Lark. The Javascript code is translated using Js2Py.
See the tools page for more information.
There are many ways you can help the project:
If you're interested in taking one of these on, contact us on Gitter or Github Discussion, and we will provide more details and assist you in the process.
Lark does not follow a predefined code style. We accept any code style that makes sense, as long as it's Pythonic and easy to read.
Lark comes with an extensive set of tests. Many of the tests will run several times, once for each parser configuration.
To run the tests, just go to the lark project root, and run the command:
python -m tests
pypy -m tests
For a list of supported interpreters, you can consult the tox.ini file.
You can also run a single unittest using its class and method name, for example:
## test_package test_class_name.test_function_name python -m tests TestLalrBasic.test_keep_all_tokens
To run all Unit Tests with tox, install tox and Python 2.7 up to the latest python interpreter supported (consult the file tox.ini). Then, run the command tox on the root of this project (where the main file is on).
And, for example, if you would like to only run the Unit Tests for Python version 2.7, you can run the command tox -e py27
You can also run the tests using pytest:
pytest tests
Another way to run the tests is using
python test
A collection of recipes to use Lark and its various features
Transformers are the common interface for processing matched rules and tokens.
They can be used during parsing for better performance.
from lark import Lark, Transformer class T(Transformer): def INT(self, tok): "Convert the value of `tok` from string to int, while maintaining line number & column." return tok.update(value=int(tok)) parser = Lark(""" start: INT* %import common.INT %ignore " " """, parser="lalr", transformer=T()) print(parser.parse('3 14 159'))
Prints out:
Tree(start, [Token(INT, 3), Token(INT, 14), Token(INT, 159)])
lexer_callbacks can be used to interface with the lexer as it generates tokens.
It accepts a dictionary of the form
{TOKEN_TYPE: callback}
Where callback is of type f(Token) -> Token
It only works with the basic and contextual lexers.
This has the same effect of using a transformer, but can also process ignored tokens.
from lark import Lark comments = [] parser = Lark(""" start: INT* COMMENT: /#.*/ %import common (INT, WS) %ignore COMMENT %ignore WS """, parser="lalr", lexer_callbacks={'COMMENT': comments.append}) parser.parse(""" 1 2 3 # hello # world 4 5 6 """) print(comments)
Prints out:
[Token(COMMENT, '# hello'), Token(COMMENT, '# world')]
Note: We don't have to return a token, because comments are ignored
Parsing ambiguous texts with earley and ambiguity='explicit' produces a single tree with _ambig nodes to mark where the ambiguity occurred.
However, it's sometimes more convenient instead to work with a list of all possible unambiguous trees.
Lark provides a utility transformer for that purpose:
from lark import Lark, Tree, Transformer from lark.visitors import CollapseAmbiguities grammar = """ !start: x y !x: "a" "b" | "ab" | "abc" !y: "c" "d" | "cd" | "d" """ parser = Lark(grammar, ambiguity='explicit') t = parser.parse('abcd') for x in CollapseAmbiguities().transform(t): print(x.pretty())
This prints out:
start x a b y c d start x ab y cd start x abc y d
While convenient, this should be used carefully, as highly ambiguous trees will soon create an exponential explosion of such unambiguous derivations.
The following visitor assigns a parent attribute for every node in the tree.
If your tree nodes aren't unique (if there is a shared Tree instance), the assert will fail.
class Parent(Visitor): def __default__(self, tree): for subtree in tree.children: if isinstance(subtree, Tree): assert not hasattr(subtree, 'parent') subtree.parent = proxy(tree)
Errors that happen inside visitors and transformers get wrapped inside a VisitError exception.
This can often be inconvenient, if you wish the actual error to propagate upwards, or if you want to catch it.
But, it's easy to unwrap it at the point of calling the transformer, by catching it and raising the VisitError.orig_exc attribute.
For example:
from lark import Lark, Transformer from lark.visitors import VisitError tree = Lark('start: "a"').parse('a') class T(Transformer): def start(self, x): raise KeyError("Original Exception") t = T() try: print( t.transform(tree)) except VisitError as e: raise e.orig_exc
Parsing large files can take a long time, even with the parser='lalr' option. To make this process more user-friendly, it's useful to add a progress bar. One way to achieve this is to use the InteractiveParser to display each token as it is processed. In this example, we use tqdm, but a similar approach should work with GUIs.
from tqdm import tqdm def parse_with_progress(parser: Lark, text: str, start=None): last = 0 progress = tqdm(total=len(text)) pi = parser.parse_interactive(text, start=start) for token in pi.iter_parse(): if token.end_pos is not None: progress.update(token.end_pos - last) last = token.end_pos return pi.result
Note that we don't simply wrap the iterable because tqdm would not be able to determine the total. Additionally, keep in mind that this implementation relies on the InteractiveParser and, therefore, only works with the LALR(1) parser, not earley.
How to run the examples:
After cloning the repo, open the terminal into the root directory of the project, and run the following:
[lark]$ python -m examples.<name_of_example>
For example, the following will parse all the Python files in the standard library of your local installation:
[lark]$ python -m examples.advanced.python_parser
A demonstration of parsing indentation (“whitespace significant” language) and the usage of the Indenter class.
Since indentation is context-sensitive, a postlex stage is introduced to manufacture INDENT/DEDENT tokens.
It is crucial for the indenter that the NL_type matches the spaces (and tabs) after the newline.
from lark import Lark from lark.indenter import Indenter tree_grammar = r""" ?start: _NL* tree tree: NAME _NL [_INDENT tree+ _DEDENT] %import common.CNAME -> NAME %import common.WS_INLINE %declare _INDENT _DEDENT %ignore WS_INLINE _NL: /(\r?\n[\t ]*)+/ """ class TreeIndenter(Indenter): NL_type = '_NL' OPEN_PAREN_types = [] CLOSE_PAREN_types = [] INDENT_type = '_INDENT' DEDENT_type = '_DEDENT' tab_len = 8 parser = Lark(tree_grammar, parser='lalr', postlex=TreeIndenter()) test_tree = """ a b c d e f g """ def test(): print(parser.parse(test_tree).pretty()) if __name__ == '__main__': test()
Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds)
A reference implementation of the Lark grammar (using LALR(1))
import lark from pathlib import Path examples_path = Path(__file__).parent lark_path = Path(lark.__file__).parent parser = / 'grammars/lark.lark', rel_to=__file__, parser="lalr") grammar_files = [ examples_path / 'advanced/python2.lark', examples_path / 'relative-imports/multiples.lark', examples_path / 'relative-imports/multiple2.lark', examples_path / 'relative-imports/multiple3.lark', examples_path / 'tests/no_newline_at_end.lark', examples_path / 'tests/negative_priority.lark', examples_path / 'standalone/json.lark', lark_path / 'grammars/common.lark', lark_path / 'grammars/lark.lark', lark_path / 'grammars/unicode.lark', lark_path / 'grammars/python.lark', ] def test(): for grammar_file in grammar_files: tree = parser.parse(open(grammar_file).read()) print("All grammars parsed successfully") if __name__ == '__main__': test()
Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds)
A demonstration of ambiguity
This example shows how to use get explicit ambiguity from Lark's Earley parser.
import sys from lark import Lark, tree grammar = """ sentence: noun verb noun -> simple | noun verb "like" noun -> comparative noun: adj? NOUN verb: VERB adj: ADJ NOUN: "flies" | "bananas" | "fruit" VERB: "like" | "flies" ADJ: "fruit" %import common.WS %ignore WS """ parser = Lark(grammar, start='sentence', ambiguity='explicit') sentence = 'fruit flies like bananas' def make_png(filename): tree.pydot__tree_to_png( parser.parse(sentence), filename) def make_dot(filename): tree.pydot__tree_to_dot( parser.parse(sentence), filename) if __name__ == '__main__': print(parser.parse(sentence).pretty()) # make_png(sys.argv[1]) # make_dot(sys.argv[1]) # Output: # # _ambig # comparative # noun fruit # verb flies # noun bananas # simple # noun # fruit # flies # verb like # noun bananas # # (or view a nicer version at "./fruitflies.png")
Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds)
A simple example of a REPL calculator
This example shows how to write a basic calculator with variables.
from lark import Lark, Transformer, v_args try: input = raw_input # For Python2 compatibility except NameError: pass calc_grammar = """ ?start: sum | NAME "=" sum -> assign_var ?sum: product | sum "+" product -> add | sum "-" product -> sub ?product: atom | product "*" atom -> mul | product "/" atom -> div ?atom: NUMBER -> number | "-" atom -> neg | NAME -> var | "(" sum ")" %import common.CNAME -> NAME %import common.NUMBER %import common.WS_INLINE %ignore WS_INLINE """ @v_args(inline=True) # Affects the signatures of the methods class CalculateTree(Transformer): from operator import add, sub, mul, truediv as div, neg number = float def __init__(self): self.vars = {} def assign_var(self, name, value): self.vars[name] = value return value def var(self, name): try: return self.vars[name] except KeyError: raise Exception("Variable not found: %s" % name) calc_parser = Lark(calc_grammar, parser='lalr', transformer=CalculateTree()) calc = calc_parser.parse def main(): while True: try: s = input('> ') except EOFError: break print(calc(s)) def test(): print(calc("a = 1+2")) print(calc("1+a*-3")) if __name__ == '__main__': # test() main()
Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds)
Implements a LOGO-like toy language for Python’s turtle, with interpreter.
try: input = raw_input # For Python2 compatibility except NameError: pass import turtle from lark import Lark turtle_grammar = """ start: instruction+ instruction: MOVEMENT NUMBER -> movement | "c" COLOR [COLOR] -> change_color | "fill" code_block -> fill | "repeat" NUMBER code_block -> repeat code_block: "{" instruction+ "}" MOVEMENT: "f"|"b"|"l"|"r" COLOR: LETTER+ %import common.LETTER %import common.INT -> NUMBER %import common.WS %ignore WS """ parser = Lark(turtle_grammar) def run_instruction(t): if == 'change_color': turtle.color(*t.children) # We just pass the color names as-is elif == 'movement': name, number = t.children { 'f': turtle.fd, 'b': turtle.bk, 'l':, 'r': turtle.rt, }[name](int(number)) elif == 'repeat': count, block = t.children for i in range(int(count)): run_instruction(block) elif == 'fill': turtle.begin_fill() run_instruction(t.children[0]) turtle.end_fill() elif == 'code_block': for cmd in t.children: run_instruction(cmd) else: raise SyntaxError('Unknown instruction: %s' % def run_turtle(program): parse_tree = parser.parse(program) for inst in parse_tree.children: run_instruction(inst) def main(): while True: code = input('> ') try: run_turtle(code) except Exception as e: print(e) def test(): text = """ c red yellow fill { repeat 36 { f200 l170 }} """ run_turtle(text) if __name__ == '__main__': # test() main()
Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds)
The code is short and clear, and outperforms every other parser (that's written in Python). For an explanation, check out the JSON parser tutorial at /docs/
import sys from lark import Lark, Transformer, v_args json_grammar = r""" ?start: value ?value: object | array | string | SIGNED_NUMBER -> number | "true" -> true | "false" -> false | "null" -> null array : "[" [value ("," value)*] "]" object : "{" [pair ("," pair)*] "}" pair : string ":" value string : ESCAPED_STRING %import common.ESCAPED_STRING %import common.SIGNED_NUMBER %import common.WS %ignore WS """ class TreeToJson(Transformer): @v_args(inline=True) def string(self, s): return s[1:-1].replace('\\"', '"') array = list pair = tuple object = dict number = v_args(inline=True)(float) null = lambda self, _: None true = lambda self, _: True false = lambda self, _: False ### Create the JSON parser with Lark, using the Earley algorithm # json_parser = Lark(json_grammar, parser='earley', lexer='basic') # def parse(x): # return TreeToJson().transform(json_parser.parse(x)) ### Create the JSON parser with Lark, using the LALR algorithm json_parser = Lark(json_grammar, parser='lalr', # Using the basic lexer isn't required, and isn't usually recommended. # But, it's good enough for JSON, and it's slightly faster. lexer='basic', # Disabling propagate_positions and placeholders slightly improves speed propagate_positions=False, maybe_placeholders=False, # Using an internal transformer is faster and more memory efficient transformer=TreeToJson()) parse = json_parser.parse def test(): test_json = ''' { "empty_object" : {}, "empty_array" : [], "booleans" : { "YES" : true, "NO" : false }, "numbers" : [ 0, 1, -2, 3.3, 4.4e5, 6.6e-7 ], "strings" : [ "This", [ "And" , "That", "And a \\"b" ] ], "nothing" : null } ''' j = parse(test_json) print(j) import json assert j == json.loads(test_json) if __name__ == '__main__': # test() with open(sys.argv[1]) as f: print(parse(
Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds)
This example demonstrates the power of LALR's contextual lexer, by parsing a toy configuration language.
The terminals NAME and VALUE overlap. They can match the same input. A basic lexer would arbitrarily choose one over the other, based on priority, which would lead to a (confusing) parse error. However, due to the unambiguous structure of the grammar, Lark's LALR(1) algorithm knows which one of them to expect at each point during the parse. The lexer then only matches the tokens that the parser expects. The result is a correct parse, something that is impossible with a regular lexer.
Another approach is to use the Earley algorithm. It will handle more cases than the contextual lexer, but at the cost of performance. See examples/ for an example of that approach.
from lark import Lark parser = Lark(r""" start: _NL? section+ section: "[" NAME "]" _NL item+ item: NAME "=" VALUE? _NL NAME: /\w/+ VALUE: /./+ %import common.NEWLINE -> _NL %import common.WS_INLINE %ignore WS_INLINE """, parser="lalr") sample_conf = """ [bla] a=Hello this="that",4 empty= """ print(parser.parse(sample_conf).pretty())
Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds)
This example shows how to use Lark's templates to achieve cleaner grammars
from lark import Lark grammar = r""" start: list | dict list: "[" _seperated{atom, ","} "]" dict: "{" _seperated{key_value, ","} "}" key_value: atom ":" atom _seperated{x, sep}: x (sep x)* // Define a sequence of 'x sep x sep x ...' atom: NUMBER | ESCAPED_STRING %import common (NUMBER, ESCAPED_STRING, WS) %ignore WS """ parser = Lark(grammar) print(parser.parse('[1, "a", 2]')) print(parser.parse('{"a": 2, "b": 6}'))
Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds)
Demonstrates the power of Earley’s dynamic lexer on a toy configuration language
Using a lexer for configuration files is tricky, because values don't have to be surrounded by delimiters. Using a basic lexer for this just won't work.
In this example we use a dynamic lexer and let the Earley parser resolve the ambiguity.
Another approach is to use the contextual lexer with LALR. It is less powerful than Earley, but it can handle some ambiguity when lexing and it's much faster. See examples/ for an example of that approach.
from lark import Lark parser = Lark(r""" start: _NL? section+ section: "[" NAME "]" _NL item+ item: NAME "=" VALUE? _NL NAME: /\w/+ VALUE: /./+ %import common.NEWLINE -> _NL %import common.WS_INLINE %ignore WS_INLINE """, parser="earley") def test(): sample_conf = """ [bla] a=Hello this="that",4 empty= """ r = parser.parse(sample_conf) print (r.pretty()) if __name__ == '__main__': test()
Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds)
This example demonstrates error handling using an interactive parser in LALR
When the parser encounters an UnexpectedToken exception, it creates a an interactive parser with the current parse-state, and lets you control how to proceed step-by-step. When you've achieved the correct parse-state, you can resume the run by returning True.
from lark import Token from _json_parser import json_parser def ignore_errors(e): if e.token.type == 'COMMA': # Skip comma return True elif e.token.type == 'SIGNED_NUMBER': # Try to feed a comma and retry the number e.interactive_parser.feed_token(Token('COMMA', ',')) e.interactive_parser.feed_token(e.token) return True # Unhandled error. Will stop parse and raise exception return False def main(): s = "[0 1, 2,, 3,,, 4, 5 6 ]" res = json_parser.parse(s, on_error=ignore_errors) print(res) # prints [0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0] main()
Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds)
Demonstrates the experimental text-reconstruction feature
The Reconstructor takes a parse tree (already filtered from punctuation, of course), and reconstructs it into correct text, that can be parsed correctly. It can be useful for creating "hooks" to alter data before handing it to other parsers. You can also use it to generate samples from scratch.
import json from lark import Lark from lark.reconstruct import Reconstructor from _json_parser import json_grammar test_json = ''' { "empty_object" : {}, "empty_array" : [], "booleans" : { "YES" : true, "NO" : false }, "numbers" : [ 0, 1, -2, 3.3, 4.4e5, 6.6e-7 ], "strings" : [ "This", [ "And" , "That", "And a \\"b" ] ], "nothing" : null } ''' def test_earley(): json_parser = Lark(json_grammar, maybe_placeholders=False) tree = json_parser.parse(test_json) new_json = Reconstructor(json_parser).reconstruct(tree) print (new_json) print (json.loads(new_json) == json.loads(test_json)) def test_lalr(): json_parser = Lark(json_grammar, parser='lalr', maybe_placeholders=False) tree = json_parser.parse(test_json) new_json = Reconstructor(json_parser).reconstruct(tree) print (new_json) print (json.loads(new_json) == json.loads(test_json)) test_earley() test_lalr()
Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds)
Demonstrates using a custom lexer to parse a non-textual stream of data
You can use a custom lexer to tokenize text when the lexers offered by Lark are too slow, or not flexible enough.
You can also use it (as shown in this example) to tokenize streams of objects.
from lark import Lark, Transformer, v_args from lark.lexer import Lexer, Token class TypeLexer(Lexer): def __init__(self, lexer_conf): pass def lex(self, data): for obj in data: if isinstance(obj, int): yield Token('INT', obj) elif isinstance(obj, (type(''), type(u''))): yield Token('STR', obj) else: raise TypeError(obj) parser = Lark(""" start: data_item+ data_item: STR INT* %declare STR INT """, parser='lalr', lexer=TypeLexer) class ParseToDict(Transformer): @v_args(inline=True) def data_item(self, name, *numbers): return name.value, [n.value for n in numbers] start = dict def test(): data = ['alice', 1, 27, 3, 'bob', 4, 'carrie', 'dan', 8, 6] print(data) tree = parser.parse(data) res = ParseToDict().transform(tree) print('-->') print(res) # prints {'alice': [1, 27, 3], 'bob': [4], 'carrie': [], 'dan': [8, 6]} if __name__ == '__main__': test()
Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds)
This example demonstrates how to subclass TreeForestTransformer to directly transform a SPPF.
from lark import Lark from lark.parsers.earley_forest import TreeForestTransformer, handles_ambiguity, Discard class CustomTransformer(TreeForestTransformer): @handles_ambiguity def sentence(self, trees): return next(tree for tree in trees if == 'simple') def simple(self, children): children.append('.') return self.tree_class('simple', children) def adj(self, children): return Discard def __default_token__(self, token): return token.capitalize() grammar = """ sentence: noun verb noun -> simple | noun verb "like" noun -> comparative noun: adj? NOUN verb: VERB adj: ADJ NOUN: "flies" | "bananas" | "fruit" VERB: "like" | "flies" ADJ: "fruit" %import common.WS %ignore WS """ parser = Lark(grammar, start='sentence', ambiguity='forest') sentence = 'fruit flies like bananas' forest = parser.parse(sentence) tree = CustomTransformer(resolve_ambiguity=False).transform(forest) print(tree.pretty()) # Output: # # simple # noun Flies # verb Like # noun Bananas # . #
Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds)
The code is short and clear, and outperforms every other parser (that's written in Python). For an explanation, check out the JSON parser tutorial at /docs/
(this is here for use by the other examples)
from lark import Lark, Transformer, v_args json_grammar = r""" ?start: value ?value: object | array | string | SIGNED_NUMBER -> number | "true" -> true | "false" -> false | "null" -> null array : "[" [value ("," value)*] "]" object : "{" [pair ("," pair)*] "}" pair : string ":" value string : ESCAPED_STRING %import common.ESCAPED_STRING %import common.SIGNED_NUMBER %import common.WS %ignore WS """ class TreeToJson(Transformer): @v_args(inline=True) def string(self, s): return s[1:-1].replace('\\"', '"') array = list pair = tuple object = dict number = v_args(inline=True)(float) null = lambda self, _: None true = lambda self, _: True false = lambda self, _: False ### Create the JSON parser with Lark, using the LALR algorithm json_parser = Lark(json_grammar, parser='lalr', # Using the basic lexer isn't required, and isn't usually recommended. # But, it's good enough for JSON, and it's slightly faster. lexer='basic', # Disabling propagate_positions and placeholders slightly improves speed propagate_positions=False, maybe_placeholders=False, # Using an internal transformer is faster and more memory efficient transformer=TreeToJson())
Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds)
This example demonstrates how to subclass ForestVisitor to make a custom SPPF node prioritizer to be used in conjunction with TreeForestTransformer.
Our prioritizer will count the number of descendants of a node that are tokens. By negating this count, our prioritizer will prefer nodes with fewer token descendants. Thus, we choose the more specific parse.
from lark import Lark from lark.parsers.earley_forest import ForestVisitor, TreeForestTransformer class TokenPrioritizer(ForestVisitor): def visit_symbol_node_in(self, node): # visit the entire forest by returning node.children return node.children def visit_packed_node_in(self, node): return node.children def visit_symbol_node_out(self, node): priority = 0 for child in node.children: # Tokens do not have a priority attribute # count them as -1 priority += getattr(child, 'priority', -1) node.priority = priority def visit_packed_node_out(self, node): priority = 0 for child in node.children: priority += getattr(child, 'priority', -1) node.priority = priority def on_cycle(self, node, path): raise Exception("Oops, we encountered a cycle.") grammar = """ start: hello " " world | hello_world hello: "Hello" world: "World" hello_world: "Hello World" """ parser = Lark(grammar, parser='earley', ambiguity='forest') forest = parser.parse("Hello World") print("Default prioritizer:") tree = TreeForestTransformer(resolve_ambiguity=True).transform(forest) print(tree.pretty()) forest = parser.parse("Hello World") print("Custom prioritizer:") tree = TreeForestTransformer(resolve_ambiguity=True, prioritizer=TokenPrioritizer()).transform(forest) print(tree.pretty()) # Output: # # Default prioritizer: # start # hello Hello # # world World # # Custom prioritizer: # start # hello_world Hello World
Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds)
This example demonstrates how to translate between two trees using tree templates. It parses Python 3, translates it to a Python 2 AST, and then outputs the result as Python 2 code.
Uses for generating the final Python 2 code.
from lark import Lark from lark.tree_templates import TemplateConf, TemplateTranslator from lark.indenter import PythonIndenter from reconstruct_python import PythonReconstructor # # 1. Define a Python parser that also accepts template vars in the code (in the form of $var) # TEMPLATED_PYTHON = r""" %import python (single_input, file_input, eval_input, atom, var, stmt, expr, testlist_star_expr, _NEWLINE, _INDENT, _DEDENT, COMMENT, NAME) %extend atom: TEMPLATE_NAME -> var TEMPLATE_NAME: "$" NAME ?template_start: (stmt | testlist_star_expr _NEWLINE) %ignore /[\t \f]+/ // WS %ignore /\\[\t \f]*\r?\n/ // LINE_CONT %ignore COMMENT """ parser = Lark(TEMPLATED_PYTHON, parser='lalr', start=['single_input', 'file_input', 'eval_input', 'template_start'], postlex=PythonIndenter(), maybe_placeholders=False) def parse_template(s): return parser.parse(s + '\n', start='template_start') def parse_code(s): return parser.parse(s + '\n', start='file_input') # # 2. Define translations using templates (each template code is parsed to a template tree) # pytemplate = TemplateConf(parse=parse_template) translations_3to2 = { 'yield from $a': 'for _tmp in $a: yield _tmp', 'raise $e from $x': 'raise $e', '$a / $b': 'float($a) / $b', } translations_3to2 = {pytemplate(k): pytemplate(v) for k, v in translations_3to2.items()} # # 3. Translate and reconstruct Python 3 code into valid Python 2 code # python_reconstruct = PythonReconstructor(parser) def translate_py3to2(code): tree = parse_code(code) tree = TemplateTranslator(translations_3to2).translate(tree) return python_reconstruct.reconstruct(tree) # # Test Code # _TEST_CODE = ''' if a / 2 > 1: yield from [1,2,3] else: raise ValueError(a) from e ''' def test(): print(_TEST_CODE) print(' -----> ') print(translate_py3to2(_TEST_CODE)) if __name__ == '__main__': test()
Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds)
A fully-working Python 2 & 3 parser (but not production ready yet!)
This example demonstrates usage of the included Python grammars
import sys import os, os.path from io import open import glob, time from lark import Lark from lark.indenter import PythonIndenter kwargs = dict(postlex=PythonIndenter(), start='file_input') # Official Python grammar by Lark python_parser3 = Lark.open_from_package('lark', 'python.lark', ['grammars'], parser='lalr', **kwargs) # Local Python2 grammar python_parser2 ='python2.lark', rel_to=__file__, parser='lalr', **kwargs) python_parser2_earley ='python2.lark', rel_to=__file__, parser='earley', lexer='basic', **kwargs) try: xrange except NameError: chosen_parser = python_parser3 else: chosen_parser = python_parser2 def _read(fn, *args): kwargs = {'encoding': 'iso-8859-1'} with open(fn, *args, **kwargs) as f: return def _get_lib_path(): if == 'nt': if 'PyPy' in sys.version: return os.path.join(sys.base_prefix, 'lib-python', sys.winver) else: return os.path.join(sys.base_prefix, 'Lib') else: return [x for x in sys.path if x.endswith('%s.%s' % sys.version_info[:2])][0] def test_python_lib(): path = _get_lib_path() start = time.time() files = glob.glob(path+'/*.py') total_kb = 0 for f in files: r = _read(os.path.join(path, f)) kb = len(r) / 1024 print( '%s -\t%.1f kb' % (f, kb)) chosen_parser.parse(r + '\n') total_kb += kb end = time.time() print( "test_python_lib (%d files, %.1f kb), time: %.2f secs"%(len(files), total_kb, end-start) ) def test_earley_equals_lalr(): path = _get_lib_path() files = glob.glob(path+'/*.py') for f in files: print( f ) tree1 = python_parser2.parse(_read(os.path.join(path, f)) + '\n') tree2 = python_parser2_earley.parse(_read(os.path.join(path, f)) + '\n') assert tree1 == tree2 if __name__ == '__main__': test_python_lib() # test_earley_equals_lalr() # python_parser3.parse(_read(sys.argv[1]) + '\n')
Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds)
create_transformer() collects every subclass of Ast subclass from the module, and creates a Lark transformer that builds the AST with no extra code.
This example only works with Python 3.
import sys from typing import List from dataclasses import dataclass from lark import Lark, ast_utils, Transformer, v_args from lark.tree import Meta this_module = sys.modules[__name__] # # Define AST # class _Ast(ast_utils.Ast): # This will be skipped by create_transformer(), because it starts with an underscore pass class _Statement(_Ast): # This will be skipped by create_transformer(), because it starts with an underscore pass @dataclass class Value(_Ast, ast_utils.WithMeta): "Uses WithMeta to include line-number metadata in the meta attribute" meta: Meta value: object @dataclass class Name(_Ast): name: str @dataclass class CodeBlock(_Ast, ast_utils.AsList): # Corresponds to code_block in the grammar statements: List[_Statement] @dataclass class If(_Statement): cond: Value then: CodeBlock @dataclass class SetVar(_Statement): # Corresponds to set_var in the grammar name: str value: Value @dataclass class Print(_Statement): value: Value class ToAst(Transformer): # Define extra transformation functions, for rules that don't correspond to an AST class. def STRING(self, s): # Remove quotation marks return s[1:-1] def DEC_NUMBER(self, n): return int(n) @v_args(inline=True) def start(self, x): return x # # Define Parser # parser = Lark(""" start: code_block code_block: statement+ ?statement: if | set_var | print if: "if" value "{" code_block "}" set_var: NAME "=" value ";" print: "print" value ";" value: name | STRING | DEC_NUMBER name: NAME %import python (NAME, STRING, DEC_NUMBER) %import common.WS %ignore WS """, parser="lalr", ) transformer = ast_utils.create_transformer(this_module, ToAst()) def parse(text): tree = parser.parse(text) return transformer.transform(tree) # # Test # if __name__ == '__main__': print(parse(""" a = 1; if a { print "a is 1"; a = 2; } """))
Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds)
A demonstration of example-driven error reporting with the Earley parser (See also:
from lark import Lark, UnexpectedInput from _json_parser import json_grammar # Using the grammar from the json_parser example json_parser = Lark(json_grammar) class JsonSyntaxError(SyntaxError): def __str__(self): context, line, column = self.args return '%s at line %s, column %s.\n\n%s' % (self.label, line, column, context) class JsonMissingValue(JsonSyntaxError): label = 'Missing Value' class JsonMissingOpening(JsonSyntaxError): label = 'Missing Opening' class JsonMissingClosing(JsonSyntaxError): label = 'Missing Closing' class JsonMissingComma(JsonSyntaxError): label = 'Missing Comma' class JsonTrailingComma(JsonSyntaxError): label = 'Trailing Comma' def parse(json_text): try: j = json_parser.parse(json_text) except UnexpectedInput as u: exc_class = u.match_examples(json_parser.parse, { JsonMissingOpening: ['{"foo": ]}', '{"foor": }}', '{"foo": }'], JsonMissingClosing: ['{"foo": [}', '{', '{"a": 1', '[1'], JsonMissingComma: ['[1 2]', '[false 1]', '["b" 1]', '{"a":true 1:4}', '{"a":1 1:4}', '{"a":"b" 1:4}'], JsonTrailingComma: ['[,]', '[1,]', '[1,2,]', '{"foo":1,}', '{"foo":false,"bar":true,}'] }, use_accepts=True) if not exc_class: raise raise exc_class(u.get_context(json_text), u.line, u.column) def test(): try: parse('{"example1": "value"') except JsonMissingClosing as e: print(e) try: parse('{"example2": ] ') except JsonMissingOpening as e: print(e) if __name__ == '__main__': test()
Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds)
A demonstration of example-driven error reporting with the LALR parser (See also:
from lark import Lark, UnexpectedInput from _json_parser import json_grammar # Using the grammar from the json_parser example json_parser = Lark(json_grammar, parser='lalr') class JsonSyntaxError(SyntaxError): def __str__(self): context, line, column = self.args return '%s at line %s, column %s.\n\n%s' % (self.label, line, column, context) class JsonMissingValue(JsonSyntaxError): label = 'Missing Value' class JsonMissingOpening(JsonSyntaxError): label = 'Missing Opening' class JsonMissingClosing(JsonSyntaxError): label = 'Missing Closing' class JsonMissingComma(JsonSyntaxError): label = 'Missing Comma' class JsonTrailingComma(JsonSyntaxError): label = 'Trailing Comma' def parse(json_text): try: j = json_parser.parse(json_text) except UnexpectedInput as u: exc_class = u.match_examples(json_parser.parse, { JsonMissingOpening: ['{"foo": ]}', '{"foor": }}', '{"foo": }'], JsonMissingClosing: ['{"foo": [}', '{', '{"a": 1', '[1'], JsonMissingComma: ['[1 2]', '[false 1]', '["b" 1]', '{"a":true 1:4}', '{"a":1 1:4}', '{"a":"b" 1:4}'], JsonTrailingComma: ['[,]', '[1,]', '[1,2,]', '{"foo":1,}', '{"foo":false,"bar":true,}'] }, use_accepts=True) if not exc_class: raise raise exc_class(u.get_context(json_text), u.line, u.column) def test(): try: parse('{"example1": "value"') except JsonMissingClosing as e: print(e) try: parse('{"example2": ] ') except JsonMissingOpening as e: print(e) if __name__ == '__main__': test()
Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds)
Demonstrates how Lark's experimental text-reconstruction feature can recreate functional Python code from its parse-tree, using just the correct grammar and a small formatter.
from lark import Token, Lark from lark.reconstruct import Reconstructor from lark.indenter import PythonIndenter # Official Python grammar by Lark python_parser3 = Lark.open_from_package('lark', 'python.lark', ['grammars'], parser='lalr', postlex=PythonIndenter(), start='file_input', maybe_placeholders=False # Necessary for reconstructor ) SPACE_AFTER = set(',+-*/~@<>="|:') SPACE_BEFORE = (SPACE_AFTER - set(',:')) | set('\'') def special(sym): return Token('SPECIAL', def postproc(items): stack = ['\n'] actions = [] last_was_whitespace = True for item in items: if isinstance(item, Token) and item.type == 'SPECIAL': actions.append(item.value) else: if actions: assert actions[0] == '_NEWLINE' and '_NEWLINE' not in actions[1:], actions for a in actions[1:]: if a == '_INDENT': stack.append(stack[-1] + ' ' * 4) else: assert a == '_DEDENT' stack.pop() actions.clear() yield stack[-1] last_was_whitespace = True if not last_was_whitespace: if item[0] in SPACE_BEFORE: yield ' ' yield item last_was_whitespace = item[-1].isspace() if not last_was_whitespace: if item[-1] in SPACE_AFTER: yield ' ' last_was_whitespace = True yield "\n" class PythonReconstructor: def __init__(self, parser): self._recons = Reconstructor(parser, {'_NEWLINE': special, '_DEDENT': special, '_INDENT': special}) def reconstruct(self, tree): return self._recons.reconstruct(tree, postproc) def test(): python_reconstructor = PythonReconstructor(python_parser3) self_contents = open(__file__).read() tree = python_parser3.parse(self_contents+'\n') output = python_reconstructor.reconstruct(tree) tree_new = python_parser3.parse(output) print(tree.pretty()) print(tree_new.pretty()) # assert tree.pretty() == tree_new.pretty() assert tree == tree_new print(output) if __name__ == '__main__': test()
Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds)
Demonstrates how to use lexer='dynamic_complete' and ambiguity='explicit'
Sometimes you have data that is highly ambiguous or 'broken' in some sense. When using parser='earley' and lexer='dynamic_complete', Lark will be able parse just about anything as long as there is a valid way to generate it from the Grammar, including looking 'into' the Regexes.
This examples shows how to parse a json input where the quotes have been replaced by underscores: {_foo_:{}, _bar_: [], _baz_: __} Notice that underscores might still appear inside strings, so a potentially valid reading of the above is: {"foo_:{}, _bar": [], "baz": ""}
from pprint import pprint from lark import Lark, Tree, Transformer, v_args from lark.visitors import Transformer_InPlace GRAMMAR = r""" %import common.SIGNED_NUMBER %import common.WS_INLINE %import common.NEWLINE %ignore WS_INLINE ?start: value ?value: object | array | string | SIGNED_NUMBER -> number | "true" -> true | "false" -> false | "null" -> null array : "[" (value ("," value)*)? "]" object : "{" (pair ("," pair)*)? "}" pair : string ":" value string: STRING STRING : ESCAPED_STRING ESCAPED_STRING: QUOTE_CHAR _STRING_ESC_INNER QUOTE_CHAR QUOTE_CHAR: "_" _STRING_INNER: /.*/ _STRING_ESC_INNER: _STRING_INNER /(?<!\\)(\\\\)*?/ """ def score(tree: Tree): """ Scores an option by how many children (and grand-children, and grand-grand-children, ...) it has. This means that the option with fewer large terminals gets selected Between object pair string _foo_ object pair string _bar_: [], _baz_ string __ and object pair string _foo_ object pair string _bar_ array pair string _baz_ string __ this will give the second a higher score. (9 vs 13) """ return sum(len(t.children) for t in tree.iter_subtrees()) class RemoveAmbiguities(Transformer_InPlace): """ Selects an option to resolve an ambiguity using the score function above. Scores each option and selects the one with the higher score, e.g. the one with more nodes. If there is a performance problem with the Tree having to many _ambig and being slow and to large, this can instead be written as a ForestVisitor. Look at the 'Custom SPPF Prioritizer' example. """ def _ambig(self, options): return max(options, key=score) class TreeToJson(Transformer): """ This is the same Transformer as the json_parser example. """ @v_args(inline=True) def string(self, s): return s[1:-1].replace('\\"', '"') array = list pair = tuple object = dict number = v_args(inline=True)(float) null = lambda self, _: None true = lambda self, _: True false = lambda self, _: False parser = Lark(GRAMMAR, parser='earley', ambiguity="explicit", lexer='dynamic_complete') EXAMPLES = [ r'{_array_:[1,2,3]}', r'{_abc_: _array must be of the following format [_1_, _2_, _3_]_}', r'{_foo_:{}, _bar_: [], _baz_: __}', r'{_error_:_invalid_client_, _error_description_:_AADSTS7000215: Invalid ' r'client secret is provided.\r\nTrace ID: ' r'a0a0aaaa-a0a0-0a00-000a-00a00aaa0a00\r\nCorrelation ID: ' r'aa0aaa00-0aaa-0000-00a0-00000aaaa0aa\r\nTimestamp: 1997-10-10 00:00:00Z_, ' r'_error_codes_:[7000215], _timestamp_:_1997-10-10 00:00:00Z_, ' r'_trace_id_:_a0a0aaaa-a0a0-0a00-000a-00a00aaa0a00_, ' r'_correlation_id_:_aa0aaa00-0aaa-0000-00a0-00000aaaa0aa_, ' r'_error_uri_:_https://example.com_}', ] for example in EXAMPLES: tree = parser.parse(example) tree = RemoveAmbiguities().transform(tree) result = TreeToJson().transform(tree) pprint(result)
Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds)
This example shows how to write a syntax-highlighted editor with Qt and Lark
import sys import textwrap from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication from PyQt5.QtGui import QColor, QFont, QFontMetrics from PyQt5.Qsci import QsciScintilla from PyQt5.Qsci import QsciLexerCustom from lark import Lark class LexerJson(QsciLexerCustom): def __init__(self, parent=None): super().__init__(parent) self.create_parser() self.create_styles() def create_styles(self): deeppink = QColor(249, 38, 114) khaki = QColor(230, 219, 116) mediumpurple = QColor(174, 129, 255) mediumturquoise = QColor(81, 217, 205) yellowgreen = QColor(166, 226, 46) lightcyan = QColor(213, 248, 232) darkslategrey = QColor(39, 40, 34) styles = { 0: mediumturquoise, 1: mediumpurple, 2: yellowgreen, 3: deeppink, 4: khaki, 5: lightcyan } for style, color in styles.items(): self.setColor(color, style) self.setPaper(darkslategrey, style) self.setFont(self.parent().font(), style) self.token_styles = { "COLON": 5, "COMMA": 5, "LBRACE": 5, "LSQB": 5, "RBRACE": 5, "RSQB": 5, "FALSE": 0, "NULL": 0, "TRUE": 0, "STRING": 4, "NUMBER": 1, } def create_parser(self): grammar = ''' anons: ":" "{" "}" "," "[" "]" TRUE: "true" FALSE: "false" NULL: "NULL" %import common.ESCAPED_STRING -> STRING %import common.SIGNED_NUMBER -> NUMBER %import common.WS %ignore WS ''' self.lark = Lark(grammar, parser=None, lexer='basic') # All tokens: print([ for t in self.lark.parser.lexer.tokens]) def defaultPaper(self, style): return QColor(39, 40, 34) def language(self): return "Json" def description(self, style): return {v: k for k, v in self.token_styles.items()}.get(style, "") def styleText(self, start, end): self.startStyling(start) text = self.parent().text()[start:end] last_pos = 0 try: for token in self.lark.lex(text): ws_len = token.start_pos - last_pos if ws_len: self.setStyling(ws_len, 0) # whitespace token_len = len(bytearray(token, "utf-8")) self.setStyling( token_len, self.token_styles.get(token.type, 0)) last_pos = token.start_pos + token_len except Exception as e: print(e) class EditorAll(QsciScintilla): def __init__(self, parent=None): super().__init__(parent) # Set font defaults font = QFont() font.setFamily('Consolas') font.setFixedPitch(True) font.setPointSize(8) font.setBold(True) self.setFont(font) # Set margin defaults fontmetrics = QFontMetrics(font) self.setMarginsFont(font) self.setMarginWidth(0, fontmetrics.width("000") + 6) self.setMarginLineNumbers(0, True) self.setMarginsForegroundColor(QColor(128, 128, 128)) self.setMarginsBackgroundColor(QColor(39, 40, 34)) self.setMarginType(1, self.SymbolMargin) self.setMarginWidth(1, 12) # Set indentation defaults self.setIndentationsUseTabs(False) self.setIndentationWidth(4) self.setBackspaceUnindents(True) self.setIndentationGuides(True) # self.setFolding(QsciScintilla.CircledFoldStyle) # Set caret defaults self.setCaretForegroundColor(QColor(247, 247, 241)) self.setCaretWidth(2) # Set selection color defaults self.setSelectionBackgroundColor(QColor(61, 61, 52)) self.resetSelectionForegroundColor() # Set multiselection defaults self.SendScintilla(QsciScintilla.SCI_SETMULTIPLESELECTION, True) self.SendScintilla(QsciScintilla.SCI_SETMULTIPASTE, 1) self.SendScintilla( QsciScintilla.SCI_SETADDITIONALSELECTIONTYPING, True) lexer = LexerJson(self) self.setLexer(lexer) EXAMPLE_TEXT = textwrap.dedent("""\ { "_id": "5b05ffcbcf8e597939b3f5ca", "about": "Excepteur consequat commodo esse voluptate aute aliquip ad sint deserunt commodo eiusmod irure. Sint aliquip sit magna duis eu est culpa aliqua excepteur ut tempor nulla. Aliqua ex pariatur id labore sit. Quis sit ex aliqua veniam exercitation laboris anim adipisicing. Lorem nisi reprehenderit ullamco labore qui sit ut aliqua tempor consequat pariatur proident.", "address": "665 Malbone Street, Thornport, Louisiana, 243", "age": 23, "balance": "$3,216.91", "company": "BULLJUICE", "email": "", "eyeColor": "brown", "gender": "female", "guid": "d3a6d865-0f64-4042-8a78-4f53de9b0707", "index": 0, "isActive": false, "isActive2": true, "latitude": -18.660714, "longitude": -85.378048, "name": "Elise Kelley", "phone": "+1 (808) 543-3966", "picture": "", "registered": "2017-09-30T03:47:40 -02:00", "tags": [ "et", "nostrud", "in", "fugiat", "incididunt", "labore", "nostrud" ] }\ """) def main(): app = QApplication(sys.argv) ex = EditorAll() ex.setWindowTitle(__file__) ex.setText(EXAMPLE_TEXT) ex.resize(800, 600) sys.exit(app.exec_()) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds)
This example shows how to do grammar composition in Lark, by creating a new file format that allows both CSV and JSON to co-exist.
We show how, by using namespaces, Lark grammars and their transformers can be fully reused - they don't need to care if their grammar is used directly, or being imported, or who is doing the importing.
See for more details. Transformer for evaluating json.lark
from lark import Transformer, v_args class JsonTreeToJson(Transformer): @v_args(inline=True) def string(self, s): return s[1:-1].replace('\\"', '"') array = list pair = tuple object = dict number = v_args(inline=True)(float) null = lambda self, _: None true = lambda self, _: True false = lambda self, _: False
Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds) Transformer for evaluating csv.lark
from lark import Transformer class CsvTreeToPandasDict(Transformer): INT = int FLOAT = float SIGNED_FLOAT = float WORD = str NON_SEPARATOR_STRING = str def row(self, children): return children def start(self, children): data = {} header = children[0].children for heading in header: data[heading] = [] for row in children[1:]: for i, element in enumerate(row): data[header[i]].append(element) return data
Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds)
This example shows how to do grammar composition in Lark, by creating a new file format that allows both CSV and JSON to co-exist.
In the generated tree, each imported rule/terminal is automatically prefixed (with json__ or
csv__), which creates an implicit namespace and allows them to coexist without collisions.
from pathlib import Path from lark import Lark from json import dumps from lark.visitors import Transformer, merge_transformers from eval_csv import CsvTreeToPandasDict from eval_json import JsonTreeToJson __dir__ = Path(__file__).parent class Storage(Transformer): def start(self, children): return children storage_transformer = merge_transformers(Storage(), csv=CsvTreeToPandasDict(), json=JsonTreeToJson()) parser ="storage.lark", rel_to=__file__) def main(): json_tree = parser.parse(dumps({"test": "a", "dict": { "list": [1, 1.2] }})) res = storage_transformer.transform(json_tree) print("Just JSON: ", res) csv_json_tree = parser.parse(open(__dir__ / 'combined_csv_and_json.txt').read()) res = storage_transformer.transform(csv_json_tree) print("JSON + CSV: ", dumps(res, indent=2)) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds)
This directory is a collection of lark grammars, taken from real world projects.
To initialize, cd to this folder, and run:
python -m json.lark >
Then run using:
python <path-to.json>
See for more details.
import sys from json_parser import Lark_StandAlone, Transformer, v_args inline_args = v_args(inline=True) class TreeToJson(Transformer): @inline_args def string(self, s): return s[1:-1].replace('\\"', '"') array = list pair = tuple object = dict number = inline_args(float) null = lambda self, _: None true = lambda self, _: True false = lambda self, _: False parser = Lark_StandAlone(transformer=TreeToJson()) if __name__ == '__main__': with open(sys.argv[1]) as f: print(parser.parse(
Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds)
A grammar is a list of rules and terminals, that together define a language.
Terminals define the alphabet of the language, while rules define its structure.
In Lark, a terminal may be a string, a regular expression, or a concatenation of these and other terminals.
Each rule is a list of terminals and rules, whose location and nesting define the structure of the resulting parse-tree.
A parsing algorithm is an algorithm that takes a grammar definition and a sequence of symbols (members of the alphabet), and matches the entirety of the sequence by searching for a structure that is allowed by the grammar.
Grammars in Lark are based on EBNF syntax, with several enhancements.
EBNF is basically a short-hand for common BNF patterns.
Optionals are expanded:
a b? c -> (a c | a b c)
Repetition is extracted into a recursion:
a: b* -> a: _b_tag _b_tag: (_b_tag b)?
And so on.
Lark grammars are composed of a list of definitions and directives, each on its own line. A definition is either a named rule, or a named terminal, with the following syntax, respectively:
rule: <EBNF EXPRESSION> | etc. TERM: <EBNF EXPRESSION> // Rules aren't allowed
Comments start with either // (C++ style) or # (Python style, since version 1.1.6) and last to the end of the line.
Lark begins the parse with the rule 'start', unless specified otherwise in the options.
Names of rules are always in lowercase, while names of terminals are always in uppercase. This distinction has practical effects, for the shape of the generated parse-tree, and the automatic construction of the lexer (aka tokenizer, or scanner).
Terminals are used to match text into symbols. They can be defined as a combination of literals and other terminals.
<NAME> [. <priority>] : <literals-and-or-terminals>
Terminal names must be uppercase.
Literals can be one of:
Terminals also support grammar operators, such as |, +, * and ?.
Terminals are a linear construct, and therefore may not contain themselves (recursion isn't allowed).
Templates are expanded when preprocessing the grammar.
Definition syntax:
my_template{param1, param2, ...}: <EBNF EXPRESSION>
Use syntax:
some_rule: my_template{arg1, arg2, ...}
_separated{x, sep}: x (sep x)* // Define a sequence of 'x sep x sep x ...' num_list: "[" _separated{NUMBER, ","} "]" // Will match "[1, 2, 3]" etc.
Terminals can be assigned a priority to influence lexing. Terminal priorities are signed integers with a default value of 0.
When using a lexer, the highest priority terminals are always matched first.
When using Earley's dynamic lexing, terminal priorities are used to prefer certain lexings and resolve ambiguity.
You can use flags on regexps and strings. For example:
SELECT: "select"i //# Will ignore case, and match SELECT or Select, etc. MULTILINE_TEXT: /.+/s SIGNED_INTEGER: / [+-]? # the sign (0|[1-9][0-9]*) # the digits /x
Supported flags are one of: imslux. See Python's regex documentation for more details on each one.
Regexps/strings of different flags can only be concatenated in Python 3.6+
When using a lexer (basic or contextual), it is the grammar-author's responsibility to make sure the literals don't collide, or that if they do, they are matched in the desired order. Literals are matched according to the following precedence:
IF: "if" INTEGER : /[0-9]+/ INTEGER2 : ("0".."9")+ //# Same as INTEGER DECIMAL.2: INTEGER? "." INTEGER //# Will be matched before INTEGER WHITESPACE: (" " | /\t/ )+ SQL_SELECT: "select"i
Each terminal is eventually compiled to a regular expression. All the operators and references inside it are mapped to their respective expressions.
For example, in the following grammar, A1 and A2, are equivalent:
A1: "a" | "b" A2: /a|b/
This means that inside terminals, Lark cannot detect or resolve ambiguity, even when using Earley.
For example, for this grammar:
start : (A | B)+ A : "a" | "ab" B : "b"
We get only one possible derivation, instead of two:
>>> p = Lark(g, ambiguity="explicit") >>> p.parse("ab") Tree('start', [Token('A', 'ab')])
This is happening because Python's regex engine always returns the best matching option. There is no way to access the alternatives.
If you find yourself in this situation, the recommended solution is to use rules instead.
>>> p = Lark("""start: (a | b)+ ... !a: "a" | "ab" ... !b: "b" ... """, ambiguity="explicit") >>> print(p.parse("ab").pretty()) _ambig start a ab start a a b b
<name> : <items-to-match> [-> <alias> ] | ...
Names of rules and aliases are always in lowercase.
Rule definitions can be extended to the next line by using the OR operator (signified by a pipe: | ).
An alias is a name for the specific rule alternative. It affects tree construction.
Each item is one of:
hello_world: "hello" "world" mul: (mul "*")? number //# Left-recursion is allowed and encouraged! expr: expr operator expr | value //# Multi-line, belongs to expr four_words: word ~ 4
Like terminals, rules can be assigned a priority. Rule priorities are signed integers with a default value of 0.
When using LALR, the highest priority rules are used to resolve collision errors.
When using Earley, rule priorities are used to resolve ambiguity.
All occurrences of the terminal will be ignored, and won't be part of the parse.
Using the %ignore directive results in a cleaner grammar.
It's especially important for the LALR(1) algorithm, because adding whitespace (or comments, or other extraneous elements) explicitly in the grammar, harms its predictive abilities, which are based on a lookahead of 1.
%ignore <TERMINAL>
%ignore " " COMMENT: "#" /[^\n]/* %ignore COMMENT
Allows one to import terminals and rules from lark grammars.
When importing rules, all their dependencies will be imported into a namespace, to avoid collisions. It's not possible to override their dependencies (e.g. like you would when inheriting a class).
%import <module>.<TERMINAL> %import <module>.<rule> %import <module>.<TERMINAL> -> <NEWTERMINAL> %import <module>.<rule> -> <newrule> %import <module> (<TERM1>, <TERM2>, <rule1>, <rule2>)
If the module path is absolute, Lark will attempt to load it from the built-in directory (which currently contains common.lark, python.lark, and unicode.lark).
If the module path is relative, such as, Lark will attempt to load it from the current working directory. Grammars must have the .lark extension.
The rule or terminal can be imported under another name with the -> syntax.
%import common.NUMBER %import .terminals_file (A, B, C) %import .rules_file.rulea -> ruleb
Note that %ignore directives cannot be imported. Imported rules will abide by the %ignore directives declared in the main grammar.
Declare a terminal without defining it. Useful for plugins.
Override a rule or terminals, affecting all references to it, even in imported grammars.
Useful for implementing an inheritance pattern when importing grammars.
%import my_grammar (start, number, NUMBER) // Add hex support to my_grammar %override number: NUMBER | /0x\w+/
Extend the definition of a rule or terminal, e.g. add a new option on what it can match, like when separated with |.
Useful for splitting up a definition of a complex rule with many different options over multiple files.
Can also be used to implement a plugin system where a core grammar is extended by others.
%import my_grammar (start, NUMBER) // Add hex support to my_grammar %extend NUMBER: /0x\w+/
For both %extend and %override, there is not requirement for a rule/terminal to come from another file, but that is probably the most common usecase
Lark builds a tree automatically based on the structure of the grammar, where each rule that is matched becomes a branch (node) in the tree, and its children are its matches, in the order of matching.
For example, the rule node: child1 child2 will create a tree node with two children. If it is matched as part of another rule (i.e. if it isn't the root), the new rule's tree node will become its parent.
Using item+ or item* will result in a list of items, equivalent to writing item item item ...
Using item? will return the item if it matched, or nothing.
If maybe_placeholders=True (the default), then using [item] will return the item if it matched, or the value None, if it didn't.
If maybe_placeholders=False, then [] behaves like ()?.
Terminals are always values in the tree, never branches.
Lark filters out certain types of terminals by default, considering them punctuation:
Note: Terminals composed of literals and other terminals always include the entire match without filtering any part.
start: PNAME pname PNAME: "(" NAME ")" pname: "(" NAME ")" NAME: /\w+/ %ignore /\s+/
Lark will parse "(Hello) (World)" as:
start (Hello) pname World
Rules prefixed with ! will retain all their literals regardless.
expr: "(" expr ")" | NAME+ NAME: /\w+/ %ignore " "
Lark will parse "((hello world))" as:
expr expr expr "hello" "world"
The brackets do not appear in the tree by design. The words appear because they are matched by a named terminal.
Users can alter the automatic construction of the tree using a collection of grammar features.
start: "(" _greet ")" _greet: /\w+/ /\w+/
Lark will parse "(hello world)" as:
start "hello" "world"
start: greet greet ?greet: "(" /\w+/ ")" | /\w+/ /\w+/
Lark will parse "hello world (planet)" as:
start greet "hello" "world" "planet"
!expr: "(" expr ")" | NAME+ NAME: /\w+/ %ignore " "
Will parse "((hello world))" as:
expr ( expr ( expr hello world ) )
Using the ! prefix is usually a "code smell", and may point to a flaw in your grammar design.
start: greet greet greet: "hello" | "world" -> planet
Lark will parse "hello world" as:
start greet planet
It's mostly a thin wrapper for the many different parsers, and for the tree constructor.
>>> Lark(r'''start: "foo" ''') Lark(...)
=== General Options ===
Accepts False, True, or a callable, which will filter which nodes to ignore when propagating.
=== Algorithm Options ===
=== Misc. / Domain Specific Options ===
=== End of Options ===
Useful for caching and multiprocessing.
Useful for caching and multiprocessing.
If rel_to is provided, the function will find the grammar filename in relation to it.
>>>"grammar_file.lark", rel_to=__file__, parser="lalr") Lark(...)
Imports in the grammar will use the package and search_paths provided, through FromPackageLoader
Lark.open_from_package(__name__, "example.lark", ("grammars",), parser=...)
When dont_ignore=True, the lexer will return all tokens, even those marked for %ignore.
See Also: Lark.parse()
Python's builtin re module has a few persistent known bugs and also won't parse advanced regex features such as character classes. With pip install lark[regex], the regex module will be installed alongside lark and can act as a drop-in replacement to re.
Any instance of Lark instantiated with regex=True will use the regex module instead of re.
For example, we can use character classes to match PEP-3131 compliant Python identifiers:
from lark import Lark >>> g = Lark(r""" ?start: NAME NAME: ID_START ID_CONTINUE* ID_START: /[\p{Lu}\p{Ll}\p{Lt}\p{Lm}\p{Lo}\p{Nl}_]+/ ID_CONTINUE: ID_START | /[\p{Mn}\p{Mc}\p{Nd}\p{Pc}·]+/ """, regex=True) >>> g.parse('வணக்கம்') 'வணக்கம்'
Creates a new tree, and stores "data" and "children" in attributes of the same name. Trees can be hashed and compared.
Line & Column numbers (if propagate_positions is enabled). meta attributes: (line, column, end_line, end_column, start_pos, end_pos,
container_* attributes consider all symbols, including those that have been inlined in the tree. For example, in the rule 'a: _A B _C', the regular attributes will mark the start and end of B, but the container_* attributes will also include _A and _C in the range. However, rules that contain 'a' will consider it in full, including _A and _C for all attributes.
Great for debugging.
tree = Tree('root', ['node1', 'node2']) print(tree)
Iterates over all the subtrees, never returning to the same node twice (Lark's parse-tree is actually a DAG).
Iterates over all the subtrees, return nodes in order like pretty() does.
This can be used to find all the tokens in the tree.
>>> all_tokens = tree.scan_values(lambda v: isinstance(v, Token))
When parsing text, the resulting chunks of the input that haven't been discarded, will end up in the tree as Token instances. The Token class inherits from Python's str, so normal string comparisons and operations will work as expected.
See Transformers & Visitors.
See Working with the SPPF.
Used as a base class for the following exceptions:
After catching one of these exceptions, you may call the following helper methods to create a nicer error message.
Given a parser instance and a dictionary mapping some label with some malformed syntax examples, it'll return the label for the example that bests matches the current error. The function will iterate the dictionary until it finds a matching error, and return the corresponding value.
For an example usage, see examples/
Note: These parameters are available as attributes of the instance.
For a simpler interface, see the on_error argument to Lark.parse().
Note that token has to be an instance of Token.
Note that this modifies the instance in place and does not feed an '$END' Token
Only returns token types that are accepted by the current state.
Updated by feed_token().
Note that token has to be an instance of Token.
Note that this returns a new ImmutableInteractiveParser and does not feed an '$END' Token
Only returns token types that are accepted by the current state.
Updated by feed_token().
For an example of using ast_utils, see /examples/advanced/
Subclasses will be collected by create_transformer()
Subclasses will be instantiated with the parse results as a single list, instead of as arguments.
For each class, we create a corresponding rule in the transformer, with a matching name. CamelCase names will be converted into snake_case. Example: "CodeBlock" -> "code_block".
Classes starting with an underscore (_) will be skipped.
Transformers & Visitors provide a convenient interface to process the parse-trees that Lark returns.
They are used by inheriting from the correct class (visitor or transformer), and implementing methods corresponding to the rule you wish to process. Each method accepts the children as an argument. That can be modified using the v_args decorator, which allows one to inline the arguments (akin to *args), or add the tree meta property as an argument.
Visitors visit each node of the tree, and run the appropriate method on it according to the node's data.
They work bottom-up, starting with the leaves and ending at the root of the tree.
There are two classes that implement the visitor interface:
class IncreaseAllNumbers(Visitor): def number(self, tree): assert == "number" tree.children[0] += 1 IncreaseAllNumbers().visit(parse_tree)
Visiting a node calls its methods (provided by the user via inheritance) according to
Can be overridden. Defaults to doing nothing.
Visiting a node calls its methods (provided by the user via inheritance) according to
Slightly faster than the non-recursive version.
Can be overridden. Defaults to doing nothing.
Visits the tree, starting with the root and finally the leaves (top-down)
For each tree node, it calls its methods (provided by user via inheritance) according to
Unlike Transformer and Visitor, the Interpreter doesn't automatically visit its sub-branches. The user has to explicitly call visit, visit_children, or use the @visit_children_decor. This allows the user to implement branching and loops.
class IncreaseSomeOfTheNumbers(Interpreter): def number(self, tree): tree.children[0] += 1 def skip(self, tree): # skip this subtree. don't change any number node inside it. pass IncreaseSomeOfTheNumbers().visit(parse_tree)
For each node visited, the transformer will call the appropriate method (callbacks), according to the node's data, and use the returned value to replace the node, thereby creating a new tree structure.
Transformers can be used to implement map & reduce patterns. Because nodes are reduced from leaf to root, at any point the callbacks may assume the children have already been transformed (if applicable).
If the transformer cannot find a method with the right name, it will instead call __default__, which by default creates a copy of the node.
To discard a node, return Discard (lark.visitors.Discard).
Transformer can do anything Visitor can do, but because it reconstructs the tree, it is slightly less efficient.
A transformer without methods essentially performs a non-memoized partial deepcopy.
All these classes implement the transformer interface:
Can be overridden. Defaults to creating a new copy of the tree node (i.e. return Tree(data, children, meta))
Can be overridden. Defaults to returning the token as-is.
from lark import Tree, Transformer class EvalExpressions(Transformer): def expr(self, args): return eval(args[0]) t = Tree('a', [Tree('expr', ['1+2'])]) print(EvalExpressions().transform( t )) # Prints: Tree(a, [3])
class T(Transformer): INT = int NUMBER = float def NAME(self, name): return lookup_dict.get(name, name) T(visit_tokens=True).transform(tree)
Like Transformer, it doesn't change the original tree.
Useful for huge trees.
Useful for huge trees. Conservative in memory.
By default, callback methods of transformers/visitors accept one argument - a list of the node's children.
v_args can modify this behavior. When used on a transformer/visitor class definition, it applies to all the callback methods inside it.
v_args can be applied to a single method, or to an entire class. When applied to both, the options given to the method take precedence.
@v_args(inline=True) class SolveArith(Transformer): def add(self, left, right): return left + right @v_args(meta=True) def mul(self, meta, children):'mul at line {meta.line}') left, right = children return left * right class ReverseNotation(Transformer_InPlace): @v_args(tree=True) def tree_node(self, tree): tree.children = tree.children[::-1]
When called, it will collect the methods from each transformer, and assign them to base_transformer, with their name prefixed with the given keyword, as prefix__methodname.
This function is especially useful for processing grammars that import other grammars, thereby creating some of their rules in a 'namespace'. (i.e with a consistent name prefix). In this case, the key for the transformer should match the name of the imported grammar.
class TBase(Transformer): def start(self, children): return children[0] + 'bar' class TImportedGrammar(Transformer): def foo(self, children): return "foo" composed_transformer = merge_transformers(TBase(), imported=TImportedGrammar()) t = Tree('start', [ Tree('imported__foo', []) ]) assert composed_transformer.transform(t) == 'foobar'
Discard is the singleton instance of _DiscardType.
class T(Transformer): def ignore_tree(self, children): return Discard def IGNORE_TOKEN(self, token): return Discard
It provides the following attributes for inspection:
Note: These parameters are available as attributes
When parsing with Earley, Lark provides the ambiguity='forest' option to obtain the shared packed parse forest (SPPF) produced by the parser as an alternative to it being automatically converted to a tree.
Lark provides a few tools to facilitate working with the SPPF. Here are some things to consider when deciding whether or not to use the SPPF.
Symbol nodes are keyed by the symbol (s). For intermediate nodes s will be an LR0, stored as a tuple of (rule, ptr). For completed symbol nodes, s will be a string representing the non-terminal origin (i.e. the left hand side of the rule).
The children of a Symbol or Intermediate Node will always be Packed Nodes; with each Packed Node child representing a single derivation of a production.
Hence a Symbol Node with a single child is unambiguous.
This class performs a controllable depth-first walk of an SPPF. The visitor will not enter cycles and will backtrack if one is encountered. Subclasses are notified of cycles through the on_cycle method.
Behavior for visit events is defined by overriding the visit*node* functions.
The walk is controlled by the return values of the visit*node_in methods. Returning a node(s) will schedule them to be visited. The visitor will begin to backtrack if no nodes are returned.
Transformations are applied via inheritance and overriding of the transform*node methods.
transform_token_node receives a Token as an argument. All other methods receive the node that is being transformed and a list of the results of the transformations of that node's children. The return value of these methods are the resulting transformations.
If Discard is raised in a node's transformation, no data from that node will be passed to its parent's transformation.
Methods provided via inheritance are called based on the rule/symbol names of nodes in the forest.
Methods that act on rules will receive a list of the results of the transformations of the rule's children. By default, trees and tokens.
Methods that act on tokens will receive a token.
Alternatively, methods that act on rules may be annotated with handles_ambiguity. In this case, the function will receive a list of all the transformations of all the derivations of the rule. By default, a list of trees where each is equal to the rule name or one of its aliases.
Non-tree transformations are made possible by override of __default__, __default_token__, and __default_ambig__.
Returns a tree with name with data as children.
Wraps data in an '_ambig_' node if it contains more than one element.
Returns node.
Lark can generate a stand-alone LALR(1) parser from a grammar.
The resulting module provides the same interface as Lark, but with a fixed grammar, and reduced functionality.
Run using:
python -m
For a play-by-play, read the tutorial
Lark comes with a tool to convert grammars from Nearley, a popular Earley library for Javascript. It uses Js2Py to convert and run the Javascript postprocessing code segments.
pip install lark[nearley]
git clone
The tool can be run using:
python -m <> <start_rule> <path_to_nearley_repo>
Here's an example of how to import nearley's calculator example into Lark:
git clone python -m nearley/examples/calculator/ main ./nearley >
You can use the output as a regular python module:
>>> import ncalc >>> ncalc.parse('sin(pi/4) ^ e') 0.38981434460254655
The Nearley converter also supports an experimental converter for newer JavaScript (ES6+), using the --es6 flag:
git clone python -m nearley/examples/calculator/ main nearley --es6 >
These might get added in the future, if enough users ask for them.
Lark is a modern parsing library for Python. Lark can parse any context-free grammar.
Lark provides:
$ pip install lark
Erez Shinan
2024, Erez Shinan
January 12, 2024 |