cdist-type__package_pkgng_freebsd - Manage FreeBSD packages with pkg-ng

This type is usually used on FreeBSD to manage packages.


If supplied, use the name and not the object id as the package name.
If supplied, use to avoid ambiguity.
If supplied, use to install a specific version of the package named.
If supplied, use to install the package named from a particular repo.
Either "present" or "absent", defaults to "present"

If supplied, allow upgrading to the latest version of a package.

This type requires that repository definitions already exist in /etc/pkg/*.conf. Ensure that they exist prior to use of this type with __file.

pkg-ng can't upgrade a package to a specific version. If this type needs to upgrade a package, it can only ugprade to the latest available version. If the "upgrade" parameter is not given and an upgrade needs to occur, an error will result.

The package was installed
The package was removed
The package was upgraded
The package was already present and thus not installed

# Ensure zsh is installed
__package_pkgng_freebsd zsh --state present
# Ensure vim is installed, use flavor no_x11
__package_pkgng_freebsd vim --state present --flavor no_x11
# If you don't want to follow pythonX packages, but always use python
__package_pkgng_freebsd python --state present --name python2
# Install a package from a particular repository when multiples exist
__package_pkgng_freebsd bash --state present --repo myrepo
# Remove obsolete package
__package_pkgng_freebsd puppet --state absent


Jake Guffey <>

Copyright (C) 2014 Jake Guffey. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

ungleich GmbH 2021

September 26, 2023 7.0.0