cdist-type__apt_key - Manage the list of keys used by apt

Manages the list of keys used by apt to authenticate packages.

This is done by placing the requested key in a file named $__object_id.gpg in the keydir directory.

This is supported by modern releases of Debian-based distributions.

In order of preference, exactly one of: source, uri or keyid must be specified.


keyring directory, defaults to /etc/apt/trusted.pgp.d, which is enabled system-wide by default.
path to a file containing the GPG key of the repository. Using this is recommended as it ensures that the manifest/type manintainer has validated the key. If -, the GPG key is read from the type's stdin.
'present' or 'absent'. Defaults to 'present'
the URI from which to download the key. It is highly recommended that you only use protocols with TLS like HTTPS. This uses __download but does not use checksums, if you want to ensure that the key doesn't change, you are better off downloading it and using --source.

the id of the key to download from the keyserver. This is to be used in absence of --source and --uri or together with --use-deprecated-apt-key for key removal. Defaults to $__object_id.
the keyserver from which to fetch the key. Defaults to

apt-key(8) will last be available in Debian 11 and Ubuntu 22.04. You can use this parameter to force usage of apt-key(8). Please only use this parameter to remove keys from the keyring, in order to prepare for removal of apt-key. Adding keys should be done without this parameter. This parameter will be removed when Debian 11 stops being supported.

# add a key that has been verified by a type maintainer
__apt_key jitsi_meet_2021 \
   --source cdist-contrib/type/__jitsi_meet/files/apt_2021.gpg
# remove an old, deprecated or expired key
__apt_key jitsi_meet_2016 --state absent
# Get rid of a key that might have been added to
# /etc/apt/trusted.gpg with apt-key
__apt_key 0x40976EAF437D05B5 --use-deprecated-apt-key --state absent
# add a key that we define in-line
__apt_key jitsi_meet_2021 --source '-' <<EOF
# download or update key from the internet
__apt_key rabbitmq_2007 \

Steven Armstrong <> Ander Punnar <ander-at-kvlt-dot-ee> Evilham <>

Copyright (C) 2011-2021 Steven Armstrong, Ander Punnar and Evilham. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

ungleich GmbH 2021

September 26, 2023 7.0.0