MyFrame(7x) | AfterStep X11 window manager | MyFrame(7x) |
MyFrame - defines how AfterStep should construct window's frame
Denotes that beveled borders should be drawn around the window frame and titlebar. This is on by default, so this option is only useful in combination with inheriting previously defined window frames.
See Also: Inherit MyFrame for details.
Allows titlebars to be smaller then the size of the window. The parameter defines the Alignment of the whole titlebar.
See Also: Alignment flags for further details.
Specifies the corner of the window frame to be decorated and the pixmap to be used.
FIXME: add proper description here.
See Also: Alignment flags for further details.
Sets the default bevel of a window s frame corners.
If you need different bevels for the different window states, use CornerFocusedBevel, CornerUnfocusedBevel, CornerStickyBevel
See Also: Bevel flags for further details.
Alias for CornerFocusedBevel.
See Also: Bevel flags for further details.
Sets the bevel of the window s frame corners while window is in focused state.
If this is not used, values set with CornerBevel will be used.
See Also: Bevel flags for further details.
Alias for CornerStickyBevel.
See Also: Bevel flags for further details.
FIXME: add proper description here.
Sets the bevel of the window s frame corners while window is in sticky state. This overwrites any value set with CornerBevel.
If this is not used, values set with CornerBevel will be used.
See Also: Bevel flags for further details.
Alias for CornerUnfocusedBevel.
See Also: Bevel flags for further details.
Sets the bevel of the window s frame corners while window is in unfocused state.
If this is not used, values set with CornerBevel will be used.
See Also: Bevel flags for further details.
Specifies the pixmap to be displayed in the right border of the window frame, if DecorateFrames is set.
Alias for FrameFocusedStyle.
Defines the MyStyle to apply to the window frame if window is in focused state.
Alias for FrameStickyStyle.
Defines the MyStyle to apply to the window frame if window is in sticky state.
Alias for FrameUnfocusedStyle.
Defines the MyStyle to apply to the window frame if window is in unfocused state.
Specifies a MyFrame to inherit options from. Options from frame_name will override previously specified options for this frame. Inherit is a good way to save memory and network bandwidth if the same BackPixmap is used for several frames, as the pixmap will only be loaded for the inherited frame.
FIXME: add proper description here.
Defines the alignment of the left buttons in the titlebar.
See Also: Look Alignment flags for further details.
Defines the alignment of the background of the left buttons.
See Also: Alignment flags for further details.
Defines the background to be used for the left buttons.
Defines the alignment of the background of the (by default) leftmost spacer of the titlebar.
See Also: Alignment flags for further details.
Defines the background to be used for the (by default) leftmost spacer of the titlebar.
See Also: Titlebar Layout for further details.
Defines the alignment of the background of the (by default) inner spacer, left of the window title.
See Also: Alignment flags for further details.
Defines the background of the (by default) inner spacer, left of the window title.
Defines the order of the elements in the titlebar left of the window title, where default is Spacer - Buttons - TitleSpacer.
See Also: Titlebar Layout Flags for further details.
Specifies the beginning of a frame definition. The frame can be referred to later by frame_name . ~MyFrame ends a frame definition.
Denotes that beveled borders should not be drawn around the window frame and titlebar.
FIXME: add proper description here.
FIXME: add proper description here.
Specifies the pixmap to be displayed in the top border of the window frame, if DecorateFrames is set.
Specifies the pixmap to be displayed in the top right corner of the window frame, if DecorateFrames is set.
Specifies the pixmap to be displayed in the top left corner of the window frame, if DecorateFrames is set.
Defines the alignment of the right buttons in the titlebar.
See Also: Look Alignment flags for further details.
Defines the alignment of the background of the right buttons.
See Also: Alignment flags for further details.
Defines the background to be used for the right buttons.
Defines the alignment of the background of the (by default) rightmost spacer of the titlebar.
See Also: Alignment flags for further details.
Defines the background to be used for the (by default) rightmost spacer of the titlebar.
See Also: Titlebar Layout for further details.
Defines the alignment of the background of the (by default) inner spacer, right of the window title.
See Also: Alignment flags for further details.
Defines the background of the (by default) inner spacer, right of the window title.
Defines the order of the elements in the titlebar left of the window title, where default is TitleSpacer, Buttons, Spacer.
See Also: Titlebar Layout Flags for further details.
Specifies the side of the window frame to be decorated and the pixmap to be used.
FIXME: add proper description here.
See Also: Alignment flags for further details.
Sets the default bevel of a window s frame sides.
If you need different bevels for the different window states, use SideFocusedBevel, SideUnfocusedBevel, SideStickyBevel
See Also: Bevel flags for further details.
Alias for SideFocusedBevel.
See Also: Bevel flags for further details.
Sets the bevel of the window s frame sides while window is in focused state.
If this is not used, values set with SideBevel will be used.
See Also: Bevel flags for further details.
Alias for SideStickyBevel.
See Also: Bevel flags for further details.
FIXME: add proper description here.
FIXME: add proper description here.
Sets the bevel of the window s frame sides while window is in sticky state.
If this is not used, values set with SideBevel will be used.
See Also: Bevel flags for further details.
Alias for SideUnfocusedBevel.
See Also: Bevel flags for further details.
Sets the bevel of the window s frame sides while window is in unfocused state.
If this is not used, values set with SideBevel will be used.
See Also: Bevel flags for further details.
Specifies the pixmap to be displayed in the bottom border of the window frame, if DecorateFrames is set.
Specifies the pixmap to be displayed in the bottom right corner of the window frame, if DecorateFrames is set.
Specifies the pixmap to be displayed in the bottom left corner of the window frame, if DecorateFrames is set.
FIXME: add proper description here.
See Also: Alignment flags for further details.
Defines the background to be used for the window title.
Defines the alignment of the background of the window title.
See Also: Alignment flags for further details.
Determines the bevel to be drawn around the title bar. If you wish to have different bevels, depending on the window s state, use TitleFocusedBevel, TitleUnfocusedBevel or TitleStickyBevel.
See Also: Bevel flags for further details.
FIXME: add proper description here.
Alias for TitleFocusedBevel.
See Also: Bevel flags for further details.
Alias for TitleFocusedCompositionMethod.
Alias for TitleFocusedHue.
Alias for TitleFocusedSaturation.
Alias for TitleFocusedStyle.
Determines the bevel to be drawn around the title bar if window is in focused state.
See Also: Bevel flags for further details.
FIXME: add proper description here.
FIXME: add proper description here.
FIXME: add proper description here.
MyStyle to apply to titlebar if window is in focused state.
Defines the space in pixel to insert between window title and the buttons/spacers. Please note that CondenseTitlebar is influencing the behaviour of this option.
Alias for TitleStickyBevel.
See Also: Bevel flags for further details.
Alias for TitleStickyCompositionMethod.
Alias for TitleStickyHue.
Alias for TitleStickySaturation.
Alias for TitleStickyStyle.
Determines the bevel to be drawn around the title bar if window is in unfocused state.
See Also: Bevel flags for further details.
FIXME: add proper description here.
FIXME: add proper description here.
FIXME: add proper description here.
MyStyle to apply to titlebar if window is in sticky state.
Alias for TitleUnfocusedBevel.
See Also: Bevel flags for further details.
Alias for TitleUnfocusedCompositionMethod.
Alias for TitleUnfocusedHue.
Alias for TitleUnfocusedSaturation.
Alias for TitleUnfocusedStyle.
Determines the bevel to be drawn around the title bar if window is in unfocused state.
See Also: Bevel flags for further details.
FIXME: add proper description here.
FIXME: add proper description here.
FIXME: add proper description here.
MyStyle to apply to titlebar if window is in unfocused state.
Specifies the pixmap to be displayed in the left border of the window frame, if DecorateFrames is set.
Each window is surrounded by so-called frame decoration. each frame decoration could be built from 9 TBars:
1) Main Titlebar with icons on left, label in the middle and icons on right. Label may also have special underlying image - so called Title Background. Ordering of this elements is set by TitleButtonOrder setting ( see below ).
2) 4 frame sides. Each of this have fixed width that is determined by SideSize setting or image size if SideSize is omitted. Second dimension of the TBar changes to match the size of the window.
3) 4 frame corners. Each of this have both fixed width and height, as determined by CornerSize setting or image size.
Each of above elements is rendered by generating background using respective MyStyle, and then overlaying images/buttons and text on top of it. Default overlaying is done using composition method alpha-blend. In case of main Titlebar that could be changed. Bevel is then drawn on top of the image as specified in respective setting.
MyFrame allows different MyStyles to be used for titlebar and frame decorations. If any of those are omitted - default setting from FWindowStyle/UWindowStyle/SWindowStyle will be used.
Important: If you use semi-transparent images for frame sides - they will be overlayed on top of MyStyle generated background, so if you want it to be overlayed over root background - you should use MyStyle with BackPixmap set to 129 or 149.
Also note that unless you use MYStyle with BackPixmap 126 and 125 - frame decorations will not be shaped. Likewise if you want frame part to have only the shape of the image, you specified, with no background at all - use MyStyle with BackPixmap set like so :
BackPixmap 126 empty.xpm
Where empty.xpm is 1x1 completely transparent image (supplied as desktop/icons/common/empty.xpm ).
To identify side/corner it is possible to use abbreviations, such as: N, NW, SW, etc.
All the CompositionMethod settings must have one of the BackPixmap types from MyStyles ( ie 130-143 )
Align setting may have different meaning/capabilities for different items. When applied to text - it simply aligns text to sides mentioned. When applied to image - such as title background or frame side pixmap - it also specifies if image should be tiled, scaled or left same size. Make sure that you use HTiled,VTiled or HScaled,VScaled for frame sides - otherwise images on they will not be resized to match window size (this is also a feature :).
To center item specify Align to include both sides. For example :
Align Left,Right
will center item horizontally.
Note that TitleBackground option allows you to specify an image to be used under titlebar label in addition to the MyStyle. This was done for better shaped titlebars. You may have MyStyle to be completely transparent shape, while TitleBackground some non-transparent image, and that will provide better visibility for the titlebar text.
MyFrame "name"
Inherit "name"]
#traditional form :
[North ] [East ]
[South ] [West ]
[NorthEast ]
[NorthWest ]
[SouthEast ] [SouthWest ]
#alternative form : [Side North|South|East|West|Any []] if pixmap is
omitted - empty bevel will be drawn
[NoSide North|South|East|West|Any]
[Corner NorthEast|SouthEast|NorthWest|SouthWest|Any ] if pixmap is
omitted - empty bevel will be drawn
[NoCorner NorthEast|SouthEast|NorthWest|SouthWest|Any]
#new settings :
[TitleUnfocusedStyle ]
[TitleFocusedStyle ]
[TitleStickyStyle ]
[FrameUnfocusedStyle ]
[FrameFocusedStyle ]
[FrameStickyStyle ]
[TitleBackground ] gets overlayed over background and under the text
[LeftBtnBackground ] gets overlayed over background and under the left
block of buttons
[LeftSpacerBackground ] gets overlayed over background between left
block of buttons and text label
[RightSpacerBackground ] gets overlayed over background between right
block of buttons and text label
[RightBtnBackground ] gets overlayed over background and under the
right block of buttons
#additional attributes : [SideSize North|South|East|West|Any
AfterStep v.2.2.12 | 3rd Berkeley Distribution |