fs2_open - manual page for FreeSpace 2 Open
FreeSpace 2 Open Website: Mantis (bug reporting):
Usage: fs2_open [options]
FS2 Open, 3.6.15: This feature is on by default, use launcher option Disable Specular or if necessary to manually disable enter the flag -nospec
FS2 Open, 3.6.15: This feature is on by default, use launcher option Disable Glow Maps or if necessary to manually disable enter the flag -noglow
FS2 Open, 3.6.15: This feature is on by default, use launcher option Disable Environment Maps or if necessary to manually disable enter the flag -noenv
FS2 Open, 3.6.15: This feature is on by default, use launcher option Disable Normal Maps or if necessary to manually disable enter the flag -nonormal
This flag allows installing several different mods that modify retail behavior, and switching between them without needing to erase files or having undesired cross effects. Each mod should be installed in its own folder.
It takes one argument string: the chain of names of the used directories. Comma (,) must be used as separator. In this way, -mod dir1,dir2,dir3,...,dirx causes the game to use the following directory precedence:
... (the rest of the typed directories) ...
This flag can be indirectly set, (and it is normally set), through Launcher MOD tab and mod.ini file.
Within the Launcher's MOD tab you can select one directory, (let's call it moddir), so the flag is at least set to -mod moddir. If Freespace2/moddir/mod.ini exists it will be used to modify the -mod flag, too.
See related: -closed -restricted -password -gamename -allowabove -allowbelow
See related: -startgame -restricted -password
See related: -startgame -closed -password
The meaning of the info displayed in the upper right corner of the HUD is:
DYN = dynamic memory, basically anything that's been allocated by the vm_* memory functions. This does NOT indicate total memory usage but does account for most of it.
POF = model memory, how much memory is being used by models (does not include textures)
C-BMP, BMP = bmpman memory, how much is used by the textures/images that are loaded. C-BMP means that you are using -cache_bitmaps and it will try to keep textures in memory between level loads and as the new level is loading it will keep what it needs and unload what it doesn't. Can greatly increase level loading speed, but does so at the cost of memory between level loads. This does not increase overall memory usage though, only during the loading screen. BMP means that it is not cached and all textures are unloaded from memory at the start of level load and all needed textures are then loaded from the disk again.
S-RAM = sound memory, how much is used by the sounds loaded in memory at the time. This counts static sounds only (from sounds.tbl, etc.) and not streaming sounds (music, voices, briefing stuff, etc).
V-RAM = approximate memory usage of video textures. This does not mean that your card has this much memory, and can report higher numbers that your card actually has memory. For OpenGL it also includes some of the geometry data, but this number does not reflect the total memory that your video card is using. It only reports how much data the game has purposefully loaded into API memory (meaning it could be in system memory, video card memory, or AGP memory).
(It only works with debug builds, not with release builds).
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Command-Line Reference
December 2012 | FreeSpace 2 Open |