zplug-depth - The number of commits to include in the cloned repository

zplug "username/reponame", depth:10

The word ´package´ refers to the string in the format: "username/reponame".

By using depth tag, you can create a shallow clone with a history truncated to the specified number of commits. Depth 0 means the whole history.

Table 1. zplug detph tag

Possive Values Default value
(non-negative number) 0

Besides, by using zstyle command, you can change default value:

$ zstyle ":zplug:tag" depth 10

Shallow clone:

$ zplug "b4b4r07/enhancd", \
    as:plugin, \
    use:enhancd.sh \


See the references in official wiki page to get started using zplug. The wiki may perhaps be overwhelming for first-time users.

zplug was originally written by Masaki Ishiyama (a.k.a @b4b4r07). Many people have contributed to it.

Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Masaki Ishiyama

MIT License

Report bugs to the zplug issues

11/21/2016 ZPLUG Manual