zmk.Silent(5) File Formats Manual (prm) zmk.Silent(5)

Silentmodule for supporting silent rules

$(eval $(call ZMK.Import,Silent))

The Silent module, once , provides functions and variables for supporting . Silent rules are a configuration option, trading precision of the exact commands used by the build system, for better visibility of warnings and other output. When enabled, actual commands executed by Make are hidden and a symbolic representation replaced with a symbolic representation devoid of details.

Silent rules are usually a configuration option of a specific build workspace. To enable, execute the script with the option .

This module does not provide any targets.

This module provides the following variables.

The global silent mode toggle. Any non-empty value enables silent rules. This is automatically configured by the Configure module.

Expands to when silent rules are active. Can be placed in front of commands of a make rule to cause make not to echo the command itself. It should be paired with Silent.Say for the complete experience.

Function expanding to a shell command printing the 1st and 2nd argument. The first argument should be the symbolic name of the tool, such as CC or LD. The second argument should be the resulting file, i.e. $@.

A hypothetical rule for compiling .foo files to .fooobj files, supporting silent rules, might look like this.

$(eval $(call ZMK.Import,Silent))

    $(eval $(call Silent.Say,FOOCC,$@))
    $(Silent.Command)foocc -c $^ -o $@

The Silent module first appeared in zmk 0.4

Zygmunt Krynicki <>

October 21, 2020 zmk 0.5.1