zmk.OS(5) File Formats Manual (prm) zmk.OS(5)

OSmodule providing operating system information


$(eval $(call ZMK.Import,OS))

The module OS provides information about the operating system executing zmk. It can be used to provide tailored behavior and account for differences between UNIX flavours.

This module does not provide any targets.

This module provides the following variables.

Identifier of the operating system kernel.

Known values are listed in the following table.

Value Description

Darwin The MacOS kernel
FreeBSD The FreeBSD kernel
GNU/kFreeBSD The FreeBSD kernel with GNU userspace
GNU The Hurd kernel
Linux All Linux kernel
NetBSD The NetBSD kernel
OpenBSD The OpenBSD kernel
SunOS The Solaris kernel
Windows_NT The Windows kernel
Haiku The Haiku kernel

Identifier or the application image format used.

Value Description

ELF Used by most UNIX-like systems, except Darwin
Mach-O Used by MacOS
PE Used by Windows
MZ Used by DOS

Due to it is more useful to look at Toolchain.ImageFormat instead.

Windows is detected by the presence and specific value of the OS environment variable. All other kernels are identified by invoking .

The OS module first appeared in zmk 0.1

Zygmunt Krynicki <>

May 3, 2020 zmk 0.5.1