yambar-particles(5) File Formats Manual yambar-particles(5)

yambar-particles - configuration file

Particles are what renders the tags provided by modules. Each particle defines its own set of configuration attributes. However, the following attributes are supported by all particles:

Name Type Req Description
left-margin int no Space, in pixels, on the left side of the particle
right-margin int no Space, in pixels, on the right side of the particle
margin int no Short-hand for setting both left-margin and right-margin
font font no Font to use. Note that this is an inherited attribute; i.e. you can set it on e.g. a list particle, and it will apply to all particles in the list.
font-shaping enum no font-shaping; one of full or none. When set to full (the default), strings will be "shaped" using HarfBuzz. Requires support in fcft.
foreground color no Foreground (text) color. Just like font, this is an inherited attribute.
on-click associative array/string no When set to a string, executes the string as a command when the particle is left-clicked. Tags can be used. Note that the string is not executed in a shell. Environment variables are not expanded. ~/ is expanded, but only in the first argument. The same applies to all attributes associated with it, below.
on-click.left string no Command to execute when the particle is left-clicked.
on-click.right string no Command to execute when the particle is right-clicked.
on-click.middle string no Command to execute when the particle is middle-clicked.
on-click.wheel-up string no Command to execute every time a 'wheel-up' event is triggered.
on-click.wheel-down string no Command to execute every time a 'wheel-down' event is triggered.
on-click.previous string no Command to execute when the particle is clicked with the 'previous' button.
on-click.next string no Command to execute when the particle is clicked with the 'next' button.
deco decoration no Decoration to apply to the particle. See yambar-decorations(5)

on-click as a string (handles left click):

    on-click: command args

on-click as an associative array (handles other buttons):

      left: command-1
      wheel-up: command-3
      wheel-down: command-4

This is the most basic particle. It takes a format string, consisting of free text mixed with tag specifiers.

Name Type Req Description
text string yes Format string. Tags are specified with {tag_name}. Some tag types have suffixes that can be appended (e.g. {tag_name:suffix}). See yambar-modules(5)).
max int no Sets the rendered string's maximum length. If the final string's length exceeds this, the rendered string will be truncated, and "…" will be appended. Note that the trailing "…" is included in the maximum length. I.e. if you set max to '5', you will only get 4 characters from the string.

    text: "hello, this is footag's value: {footag}"

This particle is a place-holder. While it does not render any tags, margins and decorations are rendered.


  empty: {}

This particle is a list (or sequence, if you like) of other particles. It can be used to render e.g. string particles with different font and/or color formatting. Or ay other particle combinations.

But note that this means you cannot set any attributes on the list particle itself.

Name Type Req Description
items list yes List of sub particles
left-spacing int no Space, in pixels, between the sub particles.
right-spacing int no Space, in pixels, between the sub particles. Note: default=2
spacing int no Short-hand for setting both left-spacing and right-spacing

    spacing: 5
      - string: {text: hello}
      - string: {text: world}

Many times, the only attribute you need to set is items. In this case, there is a shorter form. Instead of:

      - string: ...
      - string: ...

you can list the items directly:

  - string: ...
  - string: ...

This particle maps the values of a specific tag to different particles based on conditions. A condition takes either the form of:

<tag> <operation> <value>

Or, for boolean tags:


Where <tag> is the tag you would like to map, <operation> is one of:

== != >= > <= <

and <value> is the value you would like to compare it to. If the value contains any non-alphanumerical characters, you must surround it with ' " ' :

"hello world"

Negation is done with a preceding '~':


To match for empty strings, use ' "" ':

<tag> == ""

Furthermore, you may use the boolean operators:

&& ||

in order to create more complex conditions:

<condition1> && <condition2>

You may surround <condition> with parenthesis for clarity or specifying precedence:

<condition1> && (<condition2> || <condition3>)

In addition to explicit tag values, you can also specify a default/fallback particle.

Note that conditions are evaluated in the order they appear. If multiple conditions are true, the first one will be used. This means that in a configuration such as:

tx-bitrate > 1000:
tx-bitrate > 1000000:

the second condition would never run, since whenever the second condition is true, the first is also true. The correct way of doing this would be to invert the order of the conditions:

tx-bitrate > 1000000:
tx-bitrate > 1000:

Name Type Req Description
conditions associative array yes An associative array of conditions (see above) mapped to particles
default particle no Default particle to use, none of the conditions are true

        text: this is the default particle; the tag's value is now {tag_name}
      tag == one_value:
          text: tag's value is now one_value
      tag == another_value:
          text: tag's value is now another_value

For a boolean tag:

        text: tag is true
        text: tag is false

This particle uses a range tag to index into an array of particles. This can be used for example to map volume to a volume-level icon, or a battery's capacity level to a battery indicator.

Name Type Req Description
tag string yes The range tag (name of) to use as index
items list yes List of particles. Note that the tag value is not used as-is; its minimum and maximum values are used to map the tag's range to the particle list's range.
min int no If present this will be used as a lower bound instead of the tags minimum value. Tag values falling outside the defined range will get clamped to min/max.
max int no If present this will be used as an upper bound instead of the tags maximum value. Tag values falling outside the defined range will get clamped to min/max.

    tag: capacity
      - string: {text: }
      - string: {text: }
      - string: {text: }
      - string: {text: }
      - string: {text: }

This particle renders a range tag's value as a progress bar. You control the looks of it by defining the particles to use for the progress bar's start and end, it's size, which particles to use for the range that has been completed, the range that has yet to be completed, and the particle to use as the progress bar's current value indicator.

This particle also supports realtime tags, and will then auto-update itself when needed.

Name Type Req Description
tag string yes The range or realtime tag (name of) which value will be used as the progress bar's value.
length int yes The size/length of the progress bar, in characters. Note that the start, end and indicator particles are not included.
start particle yes The progress bar's starting character
end particle yes The progress bar's ending character
fill particle yes Particle to use in the completed range
empty particle yes Particle to use in the not-yet-completed range
indicator particle yes Particle representing the progress bar's current value

    tag: tag_name
    length: 20
    start: {string: {text: ├}}
    end: {string: {text: ┤}}
    fill: {string: {text: ─}}
    empty: {string: {text: ╌}}
    indicator: {string: {text: ┼}}

yambar-tags(5), yambar-decorations(5)
