weatherrc(5) File Formats Manual weatherrc(5)

weatherrc - configuration file format for the weather(1) utility

The weatherrc file format is intended to specify a set of aliases by which to group URIs for METAR station conditions and alert/forecast zones, but other command-line options and flags for the weather utility can be specified as well. The file is organized as an INI-format config, with the alias name in [] brackets and the associated parameter/value pairs on following lines. Parameters and their values are separated by = or : characters. Multi-word values do not need quoting. These parameters are supported...

include local alert notices (possible values are False and True or 0 and 1)
list of alert notification types to display (ex: tornado_warning,urgent_weather_message)
control all caching (possible values are False and True or 0 and 1)
control retrieved data caching (possible values are False and True or 0 and 1)
control search result caching (possible values are False and True or 0 and 1)
duration in seconds to refresh cached data (ex: 900)
directory for storing cached searches and data (ex: ~/.weather)
output current conditions (possible values are False and True or 0 and 1)
list of default command-line arguments (ex: avl,rdu)
include a local forecast (possible values are False and True or 0 and 1)
list of conditions headers to display (ex: temperature,wind)
filter/convert conditions for US/UK units (possible values are False and True or 0 and 1)
filter/convert conditions for metric units (possible values are False and True or 0 and 1)
skip preambles and don't indent (possible values are False and True or 0 and 1)
directory search path for correlation sets (ex: .:~/.weather)
show full decoded feeds (possible values are False and True or 0 and 1)

The following is an example ~/.weather/weatherrc defining a couple aliases named home and work to be displayed when running the utility with no aliases specified...

defargs = home,work
description = Conditions and Forecast at Home
forecast = True
metar =
zone_forecast =
description = Conditions at Work
metar =

Now if weather is invoked by itself on the command line, it will output conditions for home and work, and also a forecast for home only.

Specification and manual written by Jeremy Stanley <>.


2020-08-23 2.4.1