smd-config(5) Sync Mail Dir (smd) documentation smd-config(5)

smd - configuration file for smd-pull and smd-push

To generate a template config file run smd-pull(1) with the -t option. If no endpoint is specified, the configuration file is named ~/.smd/config.default, otherwise it is named ~/.smd/config.endpoint. That file is composed by the following fields

name of the client host
name of the server host
list of directories, separated by space

The field SERVERNAME must be a valid name for ssh, thus can be an alias like smd-server-foo. The default configuration file contains an example of how to set up an alias for ssh.

The field CLIENTNAME is just an ID for the local host. If you plan to sync the same host with multiple remote hosts, you MUST use different values for CLIENTNAME for every configuration file.

The field MAILBOX is a space separated list or roots that will be scanned for maildirs. Typically it is just one directory name, Mail or Maildir. The roots must be paths relative to the home directory. In the simplest case, the roots are named the same on both the local and the remote hosts.

If the roots have different names on the local and remote hosts, but their internal structure is the same, the simplest solution is to just use a symlink on one of the two hosts so that a single name can be used to refer to both.

If the internal sub folder structure differ, for example because on the remote hosts sub folders names are prefixed with a dot but it is not the case on the local one, refer to the MAIL FOLDER RENAMING section of this document.

The configuration file is a regular shell script, refer to bash(1) for its syntax.

The content of the directories ~/.smd/hooks/{pre,post}-pull.d/ is executed respectively before and after smd-pull does it's job. They receive four arguments: "pre" or "post", "pull", the endpoint name and the status. The status is always 0 (meaning success) for pre hooks, while can be 1 (for failure) for post hooks. Hooks should not fail, if they do so then smd-pull will fail too.

The content of the directories ~/.smd/hooks/{pre,post}-push.d/ is executed respectively before and after smd-push does it's job. They receive four arguments: "pre" or "post", "push", the endpoint name and the status. The status is always 0 (meaning success) for pre hooks, while can be 1 (for failure) for post hooks. Hooks should not fail, if they do so then smd-push will fail too.

To make the transition from other synchronization tools smooth, the folders structure on the local and remote host are allowed to differ. For example, offlineimap usually removes trailing dots from the names of sub folders.

To take advantage of folder renaming, the configuration file can contain the following fields:

the local roots of maildirs
the remote roots of maildirs
a program to translate remote mailbox names to local ones
a program to translate local mailbox names to remote ones

The fields MAILBOX_LOCAL and MAILBOX_REMOTE must substitute the MAILBOX fields explained above.

The fields TRANSLATOR_RL and TRANSLATOR_LR must define two translator programs that will be run to translate remote mailbox names to local ones (TRANSLATOR_RL) and vice versa (TRANSLATOR_LR). A translator program must fulfil the following requirements:

In case some paths need to be skipped, they can be specified as space separated glob(7) expressions in the variable:

glob expressions identifying paths to be excluded

Note that these expressions must match real paths, no translation operation is applied to them, so it may be necessary to specify different expressions for the local and remote endpoint. In that case the following variables can be set:

glob expressions identifying local paths to be excluded
glob expressions identifying remote paths to be excluded

Matching is performed using fnmatch(3) with no special flags, thus `*' and `?' match any character including `/'. Last, note that spaces in glob expressions must be replaced by %20. For example, to exclude all paths matching the expression `Mail/delayed [1-5] days/*' the variable EXCLUDE must be set to `Mail/delayed%20[1-5]%20days/*'

Last, matching is performed every time a directory is entered, and if the matching succeeds the directory and all its subdirectories are skipped. Thus there is no need to specify a trailing '/*' in every expression.

If the local and remote mailboxes are on the same host the following option must be added to the configuration file:


Note that this options has also the effect that ssh is not used. A a simple pair of pipes is used instead.

In some cases, usually unidirectional synchronizations, one may want to not propagate deletions. E.g. one keeps a slim working mailbox but pushes to a backup mailbox to save every email. For that scenario smd-pull and smd-push accept a -n, --no-delete, option. To avoid specifying this option every time one can put it in the configuration file:


~/.smd/config.* ~/.smd/hooks/pre-pull.d/ ~/.smd/hooks/post-pull.d/ ~/.smd/hooks/pre-push.d/ ~/.smd/hooks/post-push.d/

mddiff(1), smd-server(1), smd-client(1), smd-push(1), smd-loop(1), smd-translate(1)

Enrico Tassi <>

01 April 2024